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No matter how brave you are sometimes weather conditions keep you from conquering those trails. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to have fun with indoor biking.

Indoor biking is fun and effective training through the winter

by John Brown

No matter how brave you are sometimes weather conditions keep you from conquering those trails with indoor biking. This is especially true as the mercury drops and turns our beloved Earth into something reminiscent of the Russian front. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to have fun with indoor biking.

Indoor Biking with a Spin Class

Most gyms offer spin classes. These classes use a stationary bicycle, music, and instructors to guide a class through about a 1-hour workout. Spin classes are a source of indoor biking, and it gets you out of the house.

There are, however, a few downsides with spin classes to keep in mind. One issue is that a spin bike won’t fit the same as your bike. To fix this, many riders will install their own saddle and pedals on a spin bike before each class. The other potential problem is that the classes are not tailored to your personal goals. The classes are usually high-tempo, high-effort workouts that might not fit with your training plan. Some riders find they like the community of spin class but not the specific ride, so they opt in or out of certain portions of the workout.

Riding your bike indoors spin class

Indoor biking with a spin class

Using an Indoor Trainer

Riding an indoor trainer has gotten much more popular for riders of all ability levels, and it’s the kind of indoor biking where you can use your bike. A trainer is a device that holds your bicycle upright, creates resistance when pedaling, and simulates an outdoor ride while riding your bike indoors. Using an Indoor trainer, you can ride from the comfort of your home or in a group setting (most bike shops have trainer nights through the winter).

Riding you bike indoors trainer class

Indoor Trainer Group Ride

There is usually a leader when riding with a group, but if riding alone, you can still have fun. It’s best to start with a plan. If you intend to get on the trainer and ride for 60 minutes while watching TV, I hate to break it to you, but that quickly gets boring. So, how do you keep the ride fun? First, you must create intrigue because you cannot rely on terrain to supply stimulus. There are no hills, descents, turns, or beautiful vistas to keep you interested. But you can use your trainer to mimic the efforts of a great outdoor ride.

How to Build a Ride

For example, let’s describe a normal outdoor ride, then create a workout to mimic that ride on the trainer. The ride starts by carving through a neighborhood on our way to open roads. Snaking through our neighborhood would require some turning, braking, and acceleration (a great natural warm-up), so on the trainer, you would do something like:

  • Pedal in an easy gear for one minute
  • Then, for the two subsequent minutes, increase your pedaling speed (called Cadence)
  • Follow that by slowing that cadence down over the next two minutes.
  • Repeating that two or three times is a great way to get your legs moving

The next obstacle on our imaginary ride is a hilly section of the road. To mimic hilly terrain when riding your bike indoors, try the following:

  • Shift into a harder gear and pedal at 80% of your maximum effort for 2 or three minutes
  • Followed by one or two minutes of soft pedaling (hard effort for the climb, followed by no effort on the descent).
  • Repeat this type of interval in groups of three.

Finally, our ride concludes with city line sprints (earn bragging rights over your friends). To simulate this action, try the following:

  • Shift your bicycle into a difficult gear
  • Ride at 80% effort for one minute
  • Then, sprint all out (max effort) for fifteen to twenty seconds.
  • Follow each effort with some soft-pedaling.

Workout Example

A written cue sheet of this ride would look like the following:

5-Min. warm-up

1-Min. 50% effort low cadence                                                                                                                       1-Min. 50% effort medium cadence                                                                                                           1-1-Min. 50% effort High cadence                                                                                                                 1-1-Min. 50% effort Medium cadence                                                                                                               1-Min. 50% effort low cadence                                                                                                                                     Repeat 3x

4-Min, soft pedal

3-Min. 80% effort                                                                                                                                             2-Min. soft-pedal                                                                                                                                                          Repeat 3x                          

4-Min. soft-pedal

1-Min. 80 effort                                                                                                                                               15-Second sprint                                                                                                                                             45-Second soft-pedal                                                                                                                                                  Repeat 4x                           

9-min. cool down with drills

A ride like the one above takes one hour, keeps you moving and only involves hard effort for ¼ of the ride. By switching up different intervals of effort and rest, indoor biking can be beneficial and fun.

Trainer Pitfalls

Time on the trainer can be very beneficial to your riding. However, it can also be very hard on you if done improperly. When riding outdoors, you have natural portions of rest while coasting or descending, but on an indoor trainer, you cannot coast. People tend to pedal with effort on a trainer throughout the ride and overdo it. A good rule of thumb is to balance high effort with rest at a three-to-one ratio. If a ride calls for ten minutes at 80% effort, include 30 minutes of low-effort work.

riding your bike indoors tired

Too Tired!

Low Effort, High Benefit Drills

How do you keep the ride interesting without effort? Try including drills like one-leg drills, high cadence drills, spin-up drills, top-only drills, and toe touch drills. These require very little effort but build new skills.

bike indoors

One leg Drill

  • One-leg drills – As they sound, these drills are done with one leg (see above). Clip your right leg out of your pedal, hang it away from the bike, and pedal with only your left leg. Try to get the pedal stroke smooth as possible without any noise or bumps.
  • Spin-up drill – With your bike in an easy gear, spin the pedals as quickly as possible. Keep increasing your cadence until your upper body bounces, then taper back to a normal speed. Repeat, each time, trying to get faster while keeping your upper body still (this whole drill takes about 30 seconds per spin-up).
  • High-cadence drill – With your bike in an easy gear, spin at the fastest cadence you can without your upper body bouncing. Hold that cadence for one or two minutes.
  • Top-only drills – Try to pedal using light effort and attempt to keep the top of your foot in contact with the top of your shoe throughout the pedal rotation. You won’t actually be pressing down on the pedal during this drill, but instead pulling up.
  • Toe touch drills – While pedaling, attempt to touch your toe to the front of your shoe at the top of each pedal stroke. While this isn’t possible, it will help teach your body to begin the pedal stroke earlier in its rotation.

With some research and experimentation, indoor biking can keep you satisfied while you wait for the weather to get better.

About John Brown, the author

John operates Browns Bicycle in Richfield, MN, as a lifelong cyclist and consummate tinkerer. It all started for him in grade school when the bike bug bit and that particular fever is still there. Now, and over the past thirty years, he has worked at every level in the bike industry. Started, like most, sweeping floors and learning anything he could about bikes. He eventually graduated as a service manager and then a store manager. Through the years, he has spent extensive time designing and sourcing bicycles and parts for some of the largest bike companies in the world. All the while focusing on helping as many people as possible enjoy the love of riding a bike. In that pursuit, he has taught classes (both scheduled and impromptu) on all things bikes. John also believes in helping every rider attain their optimal fit on the bike of their dreams. Please feel free to stop in any time and talk about bikes, fit, and parts or share your latest ride. You can also see more of John’s tricks and tips on the Brown Bicycle Facebook Page.
Road Biking Minnesota with a rest stop at the Pickwick Mill, just south of Winona, along the Mississippi River Trail.

Bike Pic Nov 09, a memorable Mississippi River Trail rest stop

Riding along the Mississippi River Trail, and stopping at the Historic Pickwick Mill near Winona, is a fun way to see Minnesota.

So, adjust to the cold and get into the zone when continuing your time outdoors and your #NextBikeAdventure. View all the great ideas and bike destinations in the latest Iowa or Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide. Then plan your next outing with family and friends, and check out more stories at Let’s Do MN.

Thanks for viewing a Mississippi River Trail experience

Now rolling through our 19th year as a bike tourism media, enjoy! As we pedal forward, we aim to encourage more people to bike and have fun while highlighting all the unforgettable places you can ride. As we continue to showcase more places to have fun, we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. Enjoy the information and stories we have posted as you scroll through.

Do you have a fun bicycle-related photo of yourself or someone you may know we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to [email protected]. Please Include a brief caption for the image, who shot it, and where. Photo(s) sent to us should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide to be considered. You will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram if we use your photo.

As we continue encouraging more people to bike, please view our Destination section at for your #NextBikeAdventure. Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile-friendly in our 14th year of producing this handy information booklet full of maps.

Bookmark on your cell phone and find your next adventure at your fingertips! Please share our pics with your friends, and don’t forget to smile. With one of our cameras ready to document your next cameo appearance while you are riding and having fun, we may be around the corner. You could be in one of our next Pic of the Day.

Have a great day with a safe and memorable fall!

Preparing your bike for storage, a check list to protect your gear

by Bill Anderson

Bike- main-1a

Cyclists enjoy a beautiful day riding with a flower garden in the background.

Having enjoyed another summer season of cycling with many great memories, it’s time to think about preparing your bike for winter storage. Unless you plan to pedal your two-wheel steed throughout the winter. If not, wouldn’t it be nice when the temperature warms next spring, you are ready to ride? And you are not cleaning and tuning up your bike when you should be riding next spring. Or even worse, waiting two to three weeks or more for your bike shop to get it ready for you.

Preparing your bike for storage

When putting your bike away for the winter, there are several things you will want to do to store it properly. Following the helpful tips listed below or taking it to your favorite bike shop will help you avoid future problems and ensure that it will be ready to ride next spring when the weather breaks.

These tips apply whether you’re putting your bike in your basement, garage, or storage unit. Many bike shops now offer winter storage if you don’t have a storage place at home and don’t want to rent an entire storage unit. Just don’t let your bike sit outside.


Bikes left outside over the winter

You would think this wouldn’t need to be mentioned, but visit any college campus in the upper Midwest in February and see dozens of beautiful high-end bikes out suffering in the cold and snow.

In any case, follow these pointers so you are ready to go when the weather warms up next spring:

1. Wipe down the frame and inspect it


Inspecting the frame is important

Use a dry rag and a spritzer bottle, with water or a lite detergent mix, to wipe it down while inspecting it. While I’m not a fan of wet washing a bike with a water hose. Which can create problems if water gets down into your components. Be sure to wipe the bike dry to ensure all metal parts don’t rust.

The best way to do this is to take a brush to knock away any chunks of dried-on mud on your frame or wheels. Then, take a damp rag to your bike, wiping it all over to remove any remaining dust or dirt. Also, remove any grease or grime accumulated around your drive train or other areas where lubrication can attract dirt.

2. Inspect your frame


Look for cracks, signs of fatigue

Here’s a bonus hint. Wiping down your bike offers you a chance to inspect the frame thoroughly. While cleaning, look for cracks or metal fatigue, particularly near welded spots and on the bottom bracket, which supports much of your weight.

3. Cleaning your drivetrain


Wiping the chain is important

Now is an ideal time to clean and lube the cassette, chain, and crank to eliminate all the crud that may have accumulated over the riding season. Plus, a fresh coat of lubricant will help protect against rust. If you have several thousand miles on the chain or a lot of wear, this is the time to consider replacing it.

4. Lubricate the cables


Apply oil near cable housing and work in

To avoid problems that may pop up in the spring, with rusting or poor cable performance, take a few minutes to lubricate the cables that control your brakes and derailers. Apply a few drops of light lubricant on a rag and rub it on the exposed cable – lightly work through the cable housing. This will help keep your shifting mechanism in shape while eliminating stress on your cables.

5. Inspect tires, wheels, and brake pads


Tires should be free of cracks

While wiping down your tires, check your wheels for loose or broken spokes by spinning them and looking that they still spin true. Ensure your wheels spin straight, with no wobbling from side to side and no rubbing against the brake pads. If your wheels don’t spin straight, it’s probably time to take your bike in for wheel truing.

At the same time, inspect your brake pads for proper alignment and any excessive wear in the pads.

6. Then inflate the tires

Before putting your bike away, be sure to inflate your tires fully, especially if you store your bike on its wheels. If your tires are flat, the bike’s weight presses down through the rims on one spot on the rubber. Over several months, that can cause deterioration of your tire as the rubber can end up distorted and/or the tire can develop a weak spot in the sidewall. If you hang your bike from the ceiling by its wheels, having the recommended pressure in the tires is still good.

7. Wipe-down the tires, saddle, and handgrips


A conditioner will keep it soft

Now that you have cleaned and lubed your bike wipe down all the remaining components for any wear or misalignment. Take an optional step that mainly affects the appearance of the bike. Armor-All works well for your tires, rubber handgrips, and seat – if it has a leather, vinyl cover, or another smooth synthetic surface. Products like this are both a beautifier and protectant and will give a nice, clean, and shiny appearance while keeping the material soft. This only takes a few extra minutes and will be something you’ll be glad you did in the spring, as your bike will look sharp and ready to go.

8. Remove any batteries or charge to the recommended capacities

Remove any accessories with lead batteries, like front and rear lights, to avoid corrosion from battery acid leaking onto your bike while in storage. If the battery is hard to remove, as in the case of some Lithium Ion batteries on electric-assist bikes, charge it to the recommended capacity, normally around 85%. See “How to maintain an E-bike” for more information.

9. Clean out your panniers and trunk bags

If you choose to leave your bike bags on in storage, clean them and wipe them out. Ensure no food items are left inside, as you may find a family of rodents nesting there next spring.

 10. Empty water bottles and Camelbaks


Clean and dry the insides of your bottles if you plan to store them on the bike

Take all your water bottles off your bike, or drain and give them with a light bleach rinse. Dumping out whatever is left in them since the last time you rode and running them through the dishwasher to get them nice and clean is best. When finished, leave the lids off to allow them to dry entirely inside.

If you have a Camelback or backpack canteen water carrier, flush the bladder with a very mild solution of vinegar and water, and then follow that up with several rinses of plain hot water, then leave the lid off to dry.

Now, as you sit in front of the window watching the snow fly, recalling all the memorable rides you had this year, you can rest assured that when the first opportunity to ride next spring comes, you are ready.

The 2023 e-bike contest at HaveFunBiking has a winner

Congratulations, Zamira Mendoza, from Redwing, MN, our E-bike contest winner!

Zamira, testing out her new e-bike.
Zamira, testing out her new e-bike.

We are happy to announce that Zamira’s e-mail was drawn from our pool of e-database of contest registrants. We enjoyed delivering the new Magnum Navigator X from our 2023 Bike/Hike Guide campaign. Seeing her enthusiasm and plans on how she will use the bike was refreshing. She is excited about having her new e-bike to commute to work. Her route will be easier with the many hilly streets and trails along the Mississippi River bluffs. Stay tuned for another e-bike contest in 2024,

About the e-bike contest bicycle.

The Magnum Navigator X is a beautifully designed electric bike, perfect for urban riding or commuting. With a step-thru frame, the e-bike makes it easy to mount and dismount. Add the powerful 500W 48V power system with a fully integrated battery and you have a fun mode of transportation. It is great to climb those hills and make most commutes sweat-free.

Everyone’s favorite bike media company is planning for 2024

HaveFunBiking (HFB), started in 2004, sharing news and information on outdoor activities. We are entering our fifteenth year of producing the print and digital Bike/Hike Guide. Check back regularly as we prepare the 2024 edition. You will find the guide full of fun places to ride, helpful tips, and our next e-bike giveaway. When buying an e-bike, check “Helpful tips to consider before buying an E-bike.”

This Bike Pic Thursday, we caught this biker dude out having fun in the Minnesota River bottoms near Bloomington, MN.

Fun fat biking ideas to stay fit once snow arrives

by Russ Lowthian, HaveFunBiking

Living in the upper Midwest with four unique seasons, fat biking can be a fun way to pass the time in the winter while getting a good cardio workout. Many studies state the benefits of staying active in cold weather, and riding a fat bike will do that. As an avid cross-country skier, times are changing. With climate change affecting us all, the fat bike is a great alternative to stay active throughout the winter when the ski trail turns into a bobsled run.

Don’t get me wrong; I have not nailed my skis to the wall as decoration. I still loved the thrill of kick-an-gliding through the rolling forests and open fields. But climate change is a growing concern making the trails icy and sometimes baron of snow for skiing. In the last several years, it seems we are seeing more freeze/thaw temperature swings making skiing hazardous. If you are like me and want to stay active when the trails are icy or sparse of snow, the fat bike is an option.

Options, with studded tires when conditions are not for gliding over the trail. Here are some places to ride the trail.

Fat biking trails are waiting for you in northern Minnesota

Please note: check before you head out. Not all federal, state, county, township, or city trails are open to fat biking, but the list is growing.

Here, north to south, are some Minnesota trails waiting for you as we enter the winter season:

This Bike Pic  Tuesday as the temps continue to drop, we caught this biker dude, with plenty of layers and a mask having fun in the Bold North, near Bloomington, MN.

With plenty of layers and a mask, this biker dude is having fun in the True North.

Split Rock State Park Trails, northeast of Two Harbors. Here on the shore of Lake Superior, ride 8.7 miles of groomed trails, perfect for fat biking and skate skiing. Currently, access is only allowed near Beaver Bay.

Giants Ridge Trail, east of Biwabic, is a resort on the edge of the towering Superior National Forest that offers several fat tire biking adventures. Ride their 37-mile -plus Nordic trail system or experience downhill fat biking via their high-speed chairlift!

Redhead Trails, at the Minnesota Discovery Center, in Chisholm. This new park offers all skill levels of fat bikers nearly 25 miles of hand-crafted mountain bike trails. Here you will find an oasis of fun riding through the diverse terrain around the old open mine pits.

Suomi Hills Trail in the Chippewa National Forest is north of Grand Rapids. Here you will find a 19-miles remote and stunning trail system in a semi-primitive non-motorized area. While in the area, you will also find several other primitive trails to explore in this National Forest.

Lester River Trail, in Duluth. Fat bikers will find this 12.5-mile trail one of the most beginner-friendly trails in the area (especially riding back down). Other trails in the Duluth area are rated intermediate to advance for the steady incline/descent and rocks/roots.

Winter fat bike fun is back in the upper Midwest as this biker takes a break for this photo opp.

Winter fun, as this fat biker takes a break for a photo op.

Jay Cooke State Park Trail in Carlton. Nestled along the St. Louis River, the state park groomed 5.4 miles of fat biking trails allows you to ride through and possibly spot white-tailed deer as they winter in this area. The trail here is intermediate, with uneven terrain and small hills.

Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area in Crosby/Ironton. A rugged park of old open mining pits, now lakes, with stockpiles of discarded quarried rocks scattered to create over 50 miles of groomed fat biking trails. Here you will find a few loops for beginners. Most trails here are designated for intermediate to advanced skill sets.

Detroit Mountain, in Detroit Lakes. The bike park here features approximately 4-miles of downhill flow trails that make the most of the natural landscape in the park. The trails mimic a rollercoaster, with a series of fast and flowing sections that take you up and down the mountainside.

Fat biking trails in the Twin Cities Its a perfect time of the year to jump on a fatty and hit the trail. This pic was taken last year at the Get Phat with Pat event in the Minnesota River Bottoms, in Bloomington, MN.

Come November; it’s a perfect time of the year to jump on a fatty.Anoka Nature Preserve, north of Anoka. The nature preserve here is nestled along the bank of the Rum River with over 5-miles of double-wide trails. The perfect trail system for the novice fat-tire biker looking to enjoy nature in the winter and preserves gently rolling terrain.

Elm Creek Trail, west of Chaplin, in the north metro of the Twin Cities, is a 4,900-acre park featuring amenities for many outdoor activities. Including trails for fat biking, built to accommodate all skill levels of riders. So grab your fatty for 10 miles of fast-flowing groomed trails of winter fun.

Here in today's bike pic this bold north biker dude commutes to work on his fatty, through the channel from Lake of the Isles to Lake Calhoun, into the Monday morning sun, in Minneapolis.

He was commuting to work on his fatty, along the frozen lake channels in Minneapolis.

Gateway State Trail, in North St. Paul. A favorite for a quick getaway from the city, this section of the popular trail offers almost 12 miles of riding for fat bikers in the winter. From Cayuga Street to Jamaica Avenue, the plowed trail is perfect for beginners taking you out to the open fields of Ramsey and Washington County.

Theodore Wirth Park Trail, in North Minneapolis. Winter fat bike enthusiasts flock to the woods of this north metro park for seven miles of tightly twisting singletrack and a skyline-view pump track.

Murphy-Hanrehan Park Reserve, in Salvage. This peaceful wilderness park in northeast Scott County has its wild side. Another challenging trail intertwined in glacial ridges, hilly terrain, and heavy forests. Riding a fat bike here in the winter is a fantastic off-road experience.

Minnesota River Valley Trail, in Bloomington. Affectionately known as the “River Bottoms,” the trails attract a variety of nature lovers, bird-watchers, hikers, and mountain bikers throughout the year. The River Bottoms here is a fat bike paradise perfect for the beginner, intermediate, and those looking to race in the winter.

This Bike Pic Saturday, in the bold north, the winter temps are finally dropping so dig out the layers and have some fun!

As winter temperatures drop, it’s time to dig out the layers and have some fun!

Fort Snelling State Park, in south Minneapolis. Located in the heart of the Twin Cities, where the Minnesota River meets the Mississippi River, this park offers 6-miles of groomed for fat biking. Most of this state park is on the Minnesota River’s floodplain. It is easy to ride the trail along the river’s braided channels and see white-tailed deer, foxes, and wild turkeys.

Lebanon Hills Reginal Park, in Eagan. With nearly 12 miles of a single-use, one-way trail system, winter fat bikers are discovering the park’s popularity as one of the go-to trails in the metro area. The trails feature riding for all skill levels and world-class facilities to enhance your riding experience.

South Minnesota fat bike trails are waiting

This Bike Pic Saturday, dig out your favorite Christmas sweater and take a fat bike out for a spin. It's a great way to bring in the holidays, even if there is not a lot of snow yet. 

Dig out your favorite Christmas sweater and take a fat bike for a spin.

Kaplan’s Woods Singletrack, in Owatonna. For the avid fat biker, you will find 5-miles of fun loops. With a tight singletrack trail system winding through the hardwood forest next to the Straight River, climbs are short and punchy to leave you breathless on each descent.

Bronk Unit Plowline Trail, a part of the Richard J. Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest, is north of Winona. The fat biking trails of varying difficulty consist of a south loop and a north loop for 6.5 miles. Both loops generally follow the woods’ edge, or the plow line, as they go around the ridge, rising and falling, giving them a “more difficult” rating.

Do you have a fun trail for fat biking that we missed?

If you have a fat bike trail that you want to see added to this list and published in the Holiday Edition of the Bike/Hike Guide, send us the location and link to [email protected] – Thanks!


Tips to clean your bike gloves as the summer season ends

by Sommer Adams, a HavefunBiking contributor

With cooler weather approaching, it’s time to clean and store away your summer bike gloves especially if you plan to reuse your gloves next year. Even if they look clean, they are not. How often have you wiped the sweat from your brow, or worse, as a tissue? Cool mornings and pollen make them disgusting bacteria collectors if not cleaned regularly or before storing. Here are the best ways to clean them, even if they are not machine washable.

A gentle washing with a little bacterial soap and /or white vinegar may clean and sanitize them.

Gentle washing with a little bacterial soap and/or white vinegar may clean and sanitize them

Preparing bike gloves for storage

Thankfully, like shorts, jerseys, and other articles for bicycling, most bike gloves are made from materials that can be machine-washed. Many gloves can easily be machine cleaned with a little care and hanging them up to air dry. So, before packing away your summer bike gloves, follow these steps for healthy and extended use – for both cloth and leather.

Supplies you may already have on hand for cleaning your cycling gloves:

  • Antibacterial hand soap
  • Detergent
  • Leather conditioner
  • White vinegar

Cloth Gloves (handwashing)

Step 1 – Close the Velcro or glove fasteners.

Step 2 – Wash the bicycle gloves using cool water and mild liquid soap in a sink. If the gloves are dirty/smelly, add 1/8 cup white vinegar to your wash water.

Step 3 – Rinse the gloves well and inspect them for soap suds. Rinse again if necessary.

Step 4 – Lay the gloves flat or hang them up to dry. It’s even better if you can hang the gloves out in the sun. The sun is a “natural sanitizer” that disinfects your clothes. Plus, if you dry your gloves under the sun, they will smell fresher.

Cloth Gloves (machine wash)

Step 1 – Close the Velcro, snap, or button on your gloves.

Step 2 – Put the gloves in your washing machine, set them on cold water, and add laundry detergent. Do not use bleach. You may wash other items with the gloves. If your gloves are particularly smelly, add 1/4 cup of white vinegar to the fabric softener slot of your washing machine.

Step 3 – Rinse the bike gloves by hand after the wash if any soap suds remain.

Step 4 – Then lay the gloves flat or hang them to dry, or you can hang them out in the sun to dry. The sun’s ultraviolet rays will help kill bacteria on your workout clothes. But they need to be completely dry in the sun to be disinfected.

Leather Gloves (handwash only)

Step 1 – Put on the bicycle gloves and run some cool water over your hands, applying mild soap, such as Castile or leather soap, into the dirtiest parts of the glove.

Step 2 – Rinse the gloves well, spending twice as long on the rinsing as you did washing to ensure all the soap is gone. Do not wring moisture in the gloves. Squeeze gently to remove the water.

Step 3 – Remove the gloves from your hand and place them between layers of a bath towel. Then press to remove excess water.

Step 4 – Put the gloves back on and flex your fingers a few times to mold the gloves back into shape. Then, remove and lay the gloves flat to dry without pressing them again.

Step 5 – If desired, massage your cycling gloves with a pea-sized amount of leather conditioner when almost dry – use less conditioner if only part of the glove is leather.

Other Helpful Tips

  • In between washes, if they become smelly and damp while you are riding. While wearing the gloves, lightly spritz and rub vinegar into the gloves and let them dry as you ride.
  • Leather and cloth gloves may be stiff once dry but soften with little use.
  • Wash leather gloves as infrequently as possible. If you are a dedicated long-distance rider, they may not last more than one season, regardless of how often you clean them.

Add visibility in fall’s limited light for a memorable ride.

by John Brown

With school in session and Fall in full swing, using passively bright gear is a critical component to being better seen while riding our bikes. The two primary forms of visibility we need to focus on are passive and active visibility. Things like reflectors and bright colors are forms of passive visibility. In contrast, lights and blinkers are great examples of operational visibility. Read on to see where each one is helpful and most efficient.

Using visibility passively

Most autumn rides start in the light and only devolve into darkness as the ride stretches. Most riders rely on passive visibility to get them home in these cases. If your ride is under street lamps or lights, that passive visibility will get you home safely. The most common form of passive visibility is a lowly reflector. The CPSC requires these plastic devices installed on all bicycles sold in the United States. You will find glasses in white (front and wheels) and Red (rear).

Additionally, many apparel companies install reflective materials on their products. Like the reflector on your bike, these reflective materials will take any light thrown at you and return it to the source of the morning. Passive reflectivity falls short when there is no light source to activate visibility.

This jacket offers excellent visibility through color and reflective materials.

Sealing makes some excellent winter gloves that are both visible and insulated.

Using visibility Actively

When the area lacks a light source, you must create that light to keep yourself safe as a rider. For cyclists, Lights and blinkers are the most common devices for light. The light and the blinker differ because blinkers are designed to be seen, while lights allow a rider to see and be seen.

Great lights are usually rechargeable and use an LED bulb. These lights are necessary for riders who spend much time off-road or on unlit paths. While most mount onto the bars or helmet, a few companies integrate lights into the bike or your helmet.

MagicShine Bike Helmet and remote (inset)

Several bike helmets offer lights with a remote (inset)

Blinkers are usually battery-operated and use an LED to flash intermittently. These blinkers can easily be mounted to your bicycle. Blinkers are sometimes incorporated into helmets, gloves, shoes, saddles, and handlebars.

The Omni Bike Helmet, with photo receptor covered and lights on.

The Omni Bike Helmet, with a photoreceptor, is covered and lights on.

What to use this Fall

Mount a pair of blinkers to the bike (one front and one back). Switch on the blinkers when riding in low light and high traffic. A front light makes things safer if your route will be unlit for any portion. Overall, think ahead before your next ride and pack to ensure you can see in the dark while others can see you.

About John Brown, the author

John operates Browns Bicycle in Richfield, MN as a lifelong cyclist and consummate tinkerer. It all started for him in grade school when the bike bug bit him, and that particular fever is still there. Now, and over the past thirty years, he has worked at every level in the bike industry. He was starting by sweeping the shop floor while learning anything he could about bikes. He eventually graduated as a service manager and then a store manager. Through the years, he has spent extensive time designing and sourcing bicycles and parts for some of the largest bike companies in the world. All the while focusing on helping as many people as possible enjoy the love of riding a bike. In that pursuit, he has taught classes (both scheduled and impromptu) on all things bikes. John also believes in helping every rider attain their optimal fit on the bike of their dreams. Please feel free to stop in any time and talk about bikes, fit, and parts or share your latest ride. You can also see more of John’s tricks and tips on the Brown Bicycle Facebook Page.
Reflectors are forms of passive visibility, while lights are great for active visibility. Read on to see where each one is helpful and most efficient.

Five Tips for a Memorable Fall Bike Ride

by Jess Leong,

Bike riding in the fall can come with many challenges and, at the same time, be very gratifying. For some, the bicycle season may be winding down. In contrast, many others wish to continue to explore the incredible autumn landscape on their favorite mode of transportation, the bike. Pedaling along the colorful autumn roads or trails is so breathtaking that I will admit that fall bike riding is one of my favorite times to ride. Not too hot, not too cold, and there are fewer insects once the first frost hits.

If you plan to ride and enjoy the colorful foliage this fall, check out these top tips before heading out.

Fall Bike Ride Tip 1: Layer It Up

For fall bike riding layering your clothing is key.

For fall bike riding, layering your clothing is critical.

The temperature fluctuation can be confusing when you want to get dressed and go biking. The thermometer in the morning can show temps like 47 or 48 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, by the afternoon, the temperature could be in the low to mid-70s! The best way to combat this is by wearing multiple layers you can easily remove and put back to find your comfort level of warmth. When layering, a good rule of thumb is whatever you decide to put on last will be the first thing you’d want to take off!

Pro Tip: Start while still slightly chilly. As you ride, you’ll warm up, and that chilliness will go away. However, bring an extra layer in case you stop along the way! You want to stay warm when you’re not riding.

Not sure what to do for layering? Check out our article about how to layer, why it’s beneficial, and what to wear.

Fall Bike Riding Tip 2: Beware of Wet Leaf Piles

The falling leaves are gorgeous, and leaf piles can be fun. However, a wet, crunchy leaf pile can be a hazard when riding your bike through it. Not only can water splash upwards onto your bike and legs, but the bike tires can slip on the leaves. When leaves are wet, they become slick or slippery. With a standard bike tire normally thinner, it has less coverage area for surface tension. A bike can slip out from under you if the leaves you are riding over slip away or get stuck in the tire.

Luckily, this is less of a problem if you have a fat bike or a mountain bike. The larger tires add more traction to the surface, making them less likely to slip. Even with the lesser likelihood of slipping, caution should still be used.

Fall Bike Riding Tip 3: Stay Visible

For fall bike riding high visible clothing and saddle bag gear are easier for motorists to see.

For fall bike riding, high-visible clothing and saddle bag gear are more accessible for motorists.

Dusk is coming earlier and earlier as the fall season continues. This means the evening intrudes on some great riding opportunities in the daylight. In contrast, some days will be saved temporarily when we fall backward an hour on Sunday, November 5th this year. The time change can still negatively affect cyclists.

Also, when times change, it can affect a person’s sleeping routine, leading to a lack of sleep. This sleep deprivation may make people less attentive while driving or riding a bike. You would think that people would sleep in, being the 5th is on a Sunday, decreasing the number of accidents. However, cyclists and other pedestrians should be aware and extra cautious for the next few days. Why? Because people need time to adjust to the time change. According to a study done in Sleep Medicine and The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, it has been found that there is a significant increase in fatal accidents following the changes in daylight savings time when it occurs on a Sunday or Monday.

This means that staying visible is even more critical than usual. This isn’t limited to the morning but throughout the day, whether on the road or trail.

You can do this in several ways, depending on what you are comfortable doing. Plus, the more you do, the more you increase your visibility.

Wear Light or Neon Colored Clothing

Wearing bright colors will make you stand out. If someone doesn’t see you begin with, the color will catch their attention, and they will find it easier to keep tabs on where you are. On the other hand, wearing dark colors isn’t recommended. Dark colors can blend into the dark and reduce your visibility. Natural dyes can also blend you into the background or sidelines, making you less visible.

Wear Reflective Clothing

Reflective clothing is a must when cycling in the early morning before there is much daylight or in the evening. This way, when the headlights on a car shine on you, you’re immediately recognized.

Add Lights to Your Bike

For fall bike riding add bike light front and back to be more noticeable.

Add bike light front and back for fall bike riding to be more noticeable.

Did you know it’s a law to have lights on your bike? You have to do it, but you should do it because you’re interested in protecting yourself and staying safe.

It’s important to note that lights aren’t required for daytime riding. However, since we never know when it might get dark out, and we can’t plan for all those times when we ride late at night, it’s essential to have a light handy. If it’s already attached to your bike, then it’s something you don’t have to worry about!

Unfortunately, there are no excuses if you get pulled over by a police officer for riding in dark conditions without one. Every state might have slightly different bike-light laws (with many similarities). For bike laws and more about lighting here in Minnesota, The Department of Transportation has a condensed document to review.

Fall Bike Riding Tip  4: Check Your Tire Pressure and Tires

As discussed earlier, leaves can hide different items that can puncture your tire. It’s not always avoidable, so you must check your tires occasionally. This shouldn’t be limited to the fall and winter but should be checked every time before you begin riding. Doing this allows you to catch any problems sooner rather than later.

Another thing to check is tire pressure. While fall isn’t as cold as winter, the cold can still alter the tire pressure. So, checking the tire pressure before each ride is best.

Fall Bike Riding Tip 5: The Usual Tools

Remember to bring the basic repair tools for your bike adventures! If anything happens, you will want to ensure you have all the necessary supplies to fix it. To know these, check out our article about the tools you should have for any ride.

With these tips, you’re sure to have a great and safe extended season as you continue to ride your bike through autumn.

Keep safe, have fun, and ride on!

With small town charm and sprawling countrysides trails the Willmar Lakes Area is the perfect place to visit with your bike for a weekend getaway.

Fall bike getaway options with birding in the Willmar Lakes Area

Buss Lowthian,

Head west of the Twin Cities, and before you know it, you will be greeted by small-town charm, and a sprawling countryside full of bike/birding opportunities in the Willmar Lakes Area. To the naked eye, it may not seem like much, but the area knows how to show guests a great time.

Now, with fall colors and waterfowl migration soon approaching, it’s a special place to visit. Allowing cyclists plenty of great outdoor memories on the trails and bike-friendly roads that will last a lifetime.

Biking opportunities in the Willmar Lakes Area

The Willmar Lakes Area is the perfect place to visit anytime of the year for a weekend bike getaway.

The Willmar Lakes Area is the perfect bike getaway to visit any time of the year.

Getting around on your bike in Willmar is more than encouraging. Awarded the Bike Friendly Bronze status by the League of American Cyclists, the community has redesigned its streets and inner city trails to make it easy to pedal around and explore the area’s attractions and points of interest.

While biking, this is also a great area for bird enthusiasts. Key locations in Kandiyohi County, include Sibley State Park, Robbins Island Regional Park, Bergquist Wildlife Area, and the Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center.

Sibley State Park is one of the most popular areas, so bring binoculars. While biking the trails around the park, you have a chance to see over 200 different species of birds that nest or migrated here. And with the Glacial Trail, it is easy to get out to the park, by bike, from your hotel room in the Willmar Lakes Area.

Glacial Lakes State Trail

Built on a former Burlington Northern railroad line, the trail is generally level and wheelchair accessible. The trail is paved for 22 miles between Willmar, Spicer, New London, Hawick, and the Kandiyohi/Stearns County line. This multi-use bike corridor offers many opportunities to look at wildflowers and wildlife along the way.

Bring the binoculars along, for some of the birds sittings along the trail you may see!

Bring the binoculars along, for some birds sittings along the trail you may see!

Getting to Sibley State Park from the Glacial Lakes State trailhead? From New London, take the county road west out of town on the paved bike lane, for approximately 4-miles, to the park.

Sibley State Park and Mount Tom

Once you get there riding your bike, hike to the top of Mount Tom. It’s one of my favorite high points in a 50-mile radius to view the patchwork of forest, farmland, prairie knolls, and lakes in the area. Through the summer season, visitors can enjoy swimming, boating, and fishing on Lake Andrew. With an interpretive program open year-round, birding is another activity I enjoy here.

In the park, you will find nearly two miles of paved trails that link Lakeview Campground and the Interpretive Center. With a slight elevation change, another favorite is the Pond View Trail loop. It offers another view perspective of the area.

Other parks and trails

Enjoy the miles of scenic paved trails in the prairie lands of the Willmar Lakes Area.

Enjoy the miles of scenic paved trails in the prairie lands of the Willmar Lakes Area.

Willmar and the surrounding area is easy for everyone to enjoy the outdoors. With several parks offering recreational activities, those who visit with their bike will find many trails to pedal through, including Bergquist Park, Ramblewood Park, Rau Park (Scott Park), Thompson Park, and Swansson Park. You can also take on the trails at Robbins Island Park and Green Lake County Park.


If birding isn’t your thing, Green Lake has its own BMX park. Part of USA BMX, the park includes an outdoor track where riders can practice every Tuesday at their own speed. The races are on Fridays.

Road biking opportunities

There is also plenty of bike-friendly roads in Kandiyohi County. See the county map here to help you navigate the area.

More about the bike-friendly Willmar Lakes Area

Willmar also has a Ride Share program where you can find different spots throughout town to rent a bike. Find out here how residents and visitors alike can take advantage of these bikes to access the many recreational destinations throughout the area.

When you are not riding, the trails and roads in Kandiyohi County the area offers plenty of indoor attractions when you want to relax and places to stay. Along with several museums covering different parts of the area’s Minnesota history, After your ride covering the birding haunts, enjoy a refreshing local beer or taste of local wine as you take a break from the outdoor activities in this scenic prairie lakes area.

On this Bike Pic Friday, yeah its Friday celebrating day-26 of 30-days of biking, while riding your bike on a daily commute or to run errands.

Tips and tricks to make riding to school fun, and safe

by John Brown

All around the country, bike paths are being built, and designated bike lanes are being established. So, riding to school can be an easy and safe option with all the colorful fall weather ahead. Many of these paths are routed from neighborhoods to nearby schools to get more kids energized by riding. To encourage your kids to ride their bikes to school safely. Please look at our helpful tips below, especially if your home is far from a connecting trail or a designated bike lane that leads to school.

Riding to school safely begins with a helmet

First and foremost, a well-fitting helmet reduces the risk of serious injury by half. As a result, helmets are the most critical piece of cycling gear for kids. Sadly, many bicyclists under 14 are not riding with a helmet that fits properly. For example, a well-fitting helmet will be snug on the rider’s head. When fitted correctly, the strap toggles should be about a ½ inch below the ear lobe, with the chin strap tight enough to hold the helmet on your head but not so tight it chokes you. Important to realize is that helmets lose effectiveness over time, so review their production date. Therefore, consult the manufacturers’ recommendations for when to replace your existing helmet.

Why is riding to school good?

There are tons of organizations that encourage children to exercise. Child obesity is a real issue in the US, and any activity goes a long way to help. Studies have shown that activity before school increases attention span, boosts mood, and improves fitness and BMI. And it only took one ride to start to see those results! Based on these results, Specialized Bicycles has invested substantial resources in developing programs for kids with ADHD to substitute exercise for medication with excellent results. Overall, the quick trips riding to school help kids kickstart their metabolism, gain focus, and learn valuable skills.

Bike Maintenance and safely

Be sure that your child is comfortable on their bicycle and that it is sized adequately. Bikes that are too small or too large are difficult for children to control. If you have concerns about the fit, visit your local bike shop to have the bike adjusted. The teach them the ABC’s of a bicycle. So they can verify that the brakes work, tires are inflated, and tight controls. Ensure your child can squeeze the brake levers easily and stop the bike.

Children’s bikes sold must have reflectors on the bars, seat posts, wheels, and pedals. Those reflectors should be considered the most basic level of visibility. Add to that visibility by having your kids wear brightly colored clothes and installing lights and a flag on the bike. However, young children should try to avoid riding at night or twilight.

Riding skills

Teaching basic skills can be fun and easy. Find a flat section of low grass (like a high school football field) and have them practice riding with one hand off the bar. Use the Board Trick to learn how to handle riding over obstacles. For many, the trail to school might be a short distance from your house, and your child may have to add a city street to the route. When riding a bicycle on a street, they must follow the Rules of the road as if they were driving a car. This link from the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota will help you teach your kids the basics of signaling turns and navigating on roads.

Riding to the right is the most basic ride rule on sidewalks and bike paths. More important than that rule is the courtesy of riding around others. Being courteous is the best way to make sure everyone has fun. It is tempting for kids to try and bring a phone or iPod on a ride with them. Those distractions are a detriment to your child’s safety. Keep your digital toys in a backpack or, better yet, at home.

 Figuring out the course

For your kids to be comfortable riding to school, they must be familiar and comfortable with the route. An easy way to practice the course is on the weekends. Weekends are free from school traffic and give plenty of time to explore alternate routes. Look for clear roads and intersections with lighted crosswalks. Even if the course is not the most direct, your child can feel comfortable if it is safe and clear. Also, try to avoid large hills (either up or down) so as not to exhaust your kids.

Locking the bike during class

With the route and skills covered, let’s talk about how to keep the bike safe during the school day. The easiest way to protect a bicycle is to lock it up properly. I recommend you lock the bicycle to a designated bike rack outside the school. In damp weather, periodically lubricating the lock mechanism will make it easy to use year-round.

Late in the fall, ensure the bike and lock are lubed to protect from rain or snow.

Putting it all together

After teaching your kids how to ride, equipping them, and working to create a safe course, continue reinforcing all those things throughout the school year. Evaluate their equipment frequently to ensure it’s working correctly. Additionally, ride with them to strengthen their signaling and to ride safely. Finally, be aware of traffic patterns as the year progresses. Above all else, make riding to school fun. Your kids will appreciate it.

About John Brown, the author

As a lifelong cyclist and consummate tinkerer, John operates Browns Bicycle in Richfield, MN. It all started for him in grade school when the bike bug bit him, and that particular fever is still there. Now, and over the past thirty years, he has worked at every level in the bike industry. He was starting by sweeping the shop floor while learning anything he could about bikes. He eventually graduated as a service manager and then a store manager. Through the years, he has spent extensive time designing and sourcing bicycles and parts for some of the largest bike companies in the world. All the while focusing on helping as many people as possible enjoy the love of riding a bike. In that pursuit, he has taught classes (both scheduled and impromptu) on all things bikes. John also believes in helping every rider attain their optimal fit on the bike of their dreams. Please feel free to stop in any time and talk about bikes, fit, and parts or share your latest ride. You can also see more of John’s tricks and tips on the Brown Bicycle Facebook Page.