If you are a gamer, outdoor enthusiast, or fan of fairy tales, you will appreciate visiting the giant trolls in Detroit Lakes (DL). The storyline here is a slight twist to a version of Alice in Wonderland. Thomas Dambo, the curator, spins a folk tale about one of the giant trolls, Alexa Elixer. Who breaks a curse that binds humans. Hearing the story of the five trolls and the golden rabbit, all made from recycled materials, piqued my curiosity to revisit DL. Marcy joined me on the trip and was primarily excited about the area’s bike, hike, and paddling opportunities. But after seeing the first troll, Alexa’s story grabbed her attention, and she was hooked. We both found these magnificent troll creatures in a land of 412 lakes inspiring. Especially after seeing the Golden Rabbit, it was like a shot of happiness straight to the brain. Enjoy the adventure!