Category Archives: News


Swiss Cheese and Spotted Cows Bicycle Tour openings available

by, Sherri Larson

On day-three of last years Swiss Cheese and Spotted Cows Bicycle Tour, my friend Liz and I knew we were close to our destination. Our cue sheet indicated only ten or so miles remained of the 65-miles for the day. The sweet rolls and cookies from the Mennonite bakery at mile-17 were a distant memory and we were tired, hungry, hot and thirsty.

When he isn't biking this cyclist is eager for a new experience like milking a cow, which he did on the 2015 Swiss Cheese & Spotted Cow Bicycle Tour.

When he isn’t biking this cyclist is eager for a new experience like milking a cow, which he did on the 2015 Swiss Cheese & Spotted Cow Bicycle Tour.

It sometimes astounded us how long we could go without pedaling, which energized us all for the next climb.

Our cycling group of fifty adults was coordinated by tour leader Mary Derks and a small support staff. We began with a get-acquainted meal while spending the  night in Mineral Point, WI. The next morning, our group of all ages and experience levels pedaled a parade of bright colors along the nearly traffic-free Wisconsin roads. It’s a hilly area of Wisconsin, but each ascent was of course met by an exhilarating downhill.  It sometimes astounded us how long we could go without pedaling, which energized us all for the next climb. Our route would wind through the quiet farmlands and include hotel stays in New Glarus and Monroe, WI. and Galena, IL.

The New Glarus Brewery was the pinnacle experience of day one and it wasn’t just the beer. The small town nestled between rolling hills is called “Little Switzerland” for obvious reasons. We enjoyed an authentic Swiss meal and local entertainment.

A statute of a cow graces the front of a business in New Glarus, WI.

A statute of a cow gracing the front of a business in New Glarus, WI.

After a second day of riding, Monroe greeted us through the hospitable and generous Minhas Brewery tour and a meal at Turner Hall, where local musicians and historians entertained us. We added a stop at a local bar for a Limburger cheese sandwich, an undeniably distinct moment.

On our third day, as we neared Galena, Liz and I slowly ascended another of the many hills surrounding the town. Eager to explore the town, we hoped to visit the many unique shops, restaurants, wineries, and historic sites. We might tour the home of Ullysses S. Grant; or we might pretend to give a speech as Lincoln had, from the balcony of our hotel, the DeSoto?

Approaching, we shifted down into the “granniest” of gears, propelled with thoughts of how close we were to a shower, clean clothes and beer. These last ten miles were not a straight, flat stretch. This area is called the “driftless region,” which means it has hills–rolling and winding, long and steep, like asphalt ribbons between farm fields and meadows, and pastures.

Mary Dirks, tour director and Scott Larson on the 2015 Swiss Cheese & Spotted Cow Bicycle Tour.

Mary Dirks, tour director and Scott Larson on the 2015 Swiss Cheese & Spotted Cow Bicycle Tour.

We should not have been surprised at the challenge of this particular climb. We were approaching Council Hill Road, Illinois’ highest point of elevation. At one point, Liz claimed “a determined, scurrying daddy long legs spider passed her on the hill”. Laughing hysterically at what I hoped was an exaggeration, we surged forward with determination, intently…finally!

Breathless and reaching heart rate records, we witnessed a direct act of God at the top: a quaint church with a water spigot to refill our bottles. And just then, we also saw the support van. The sag vehicle drivers provided cold water, Gatorade, bananas and “chin-dripping peaches”–like manna from heaven!  We were encouraged that we had only one more climb before the long and swift downhill into town. As we clipped into our pedals, energized by this feast, I said, “I feel like we don’t even deserve this!” Liz commented wisely, “Maybe we do, Sherri. Maybe we do.”

Cyclists had come from all over the country for the Swiss Cheese and Spotted Cows tour. Some were experienced cyclists, accustomed to hilly terrain. Others, like Liz, hadn’t taken a trip like this before, but loved biking enough (maybe it was the promise of beer and cheese?) to go for it. This tour gave equal and perfect measures of challenge and reward. And we made it—every single one of us, all 250+ miles!

I credit our success to the many thoughtful details. We were provided excellent accommodations, meals, happy hours with cheese trays, sag support and luggage delivery, clearly marked routes and maps, local historians and entertainment. This tour was an invigorating, renewing, adventure–a memory-making, goal-reaching, friendship-fostering, challenging and rewarding ride, every mile. Join us this year –  Maybe you deserve it!

For more information and to register, go to


Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide dedicated to all fathers, next Sunday

Summer Minnesota bike guide is live!

Now available quarterly, the 2016 summer edition of the Minnesota Bike/Hike guide is now digitally available and dedicated to all those fathers, nexy Sunday!

Here is a shot of the e-version of the Summer Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide, now live.

Here is a shot of the e-version of the Summer Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide, now live – enjoy and have fun!.

In our 7th year of printing this handy pocket sized book full of bike travel ideas, (HFB) has now updated the printed version into a Minnesota e-edition, so check it out. With our new digital platform we are now able to update information on bike travel and tips regularly to help you find your next adventure. Plus, we will be adding additional maps of destinations you may want to explore in the future.

Please take a look at the most recent MN Bike/Hike Guide and bookmark it to your hand held devices for use when on the go. Formatted to fit your mobile phone and note pad the updated e-version offers bike events recently posted and more bike friendly maps, with links, then what is in our print edition. On each map you will find a QR code and link to the HFB Destination landing pages for easy At-A-Glance information when on the go.

From Mankato, over to Stillwater or up to Bemidji, we have highlighted many special landing pages offering you At-A-Glance information when on the go. All offering helpful links while visiting communities you are planning to ride that include: where to eat, where to sleep and other pertinent information that correlates with the maps to help you make your next adventure  fun.

After reviewing the latest edition please share the link of the 2016 MN Bike/Hike Guide with your friends. Give them a chance to find their next bike adventure too. Maybe you will ride together or share your escapades the next time you get together. Either way, the guide opens up many opportunities for bike travel and memories that will last a lifetime!

Bike Pic June 10, ice cream smiles Friday!

Along the Root River Bike Trail, in Peterson, MN, the local dairy princess from Rushford and her friend there enjoy a treat from the local ice cream shop.

Find many more bike friendly places to ride and explore in the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide.

Thanks for viewing the Bike Pic of the Day here at HaveFunBiking (HFB). 

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bicycle tourism media source, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike, while showcasing unforgettable places to ride. As HFB searches and presents more fun cycling related photos, worth a grin, scroll through the information and stories we have posted that may help you Find Your Next Adventure. Then, while out there if you see us along a paved or mountain bike trail, next to the route you regularly commute on, or at an event you plan to attend, be prepared to smile. You never know where our cameras will be and what we will post next!

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you know that you would like to see us post? If so, please send it our way and we may use it. Send your picture(s) to: [email protected] with a brief caption (of each), including who is in the photo (if you know?) and where it was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 800 pixels wide or larger for us to consider using them. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and an acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As HaveFunBiking continues to encourage more people to ride, please reference our blog and the annual print and quarterly digital Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide to Find Your Next Adventure. We are proud of the updated  At-a-Glance information and maps we are known for at the HFB Destination section on our website and in the guide. Now, as the Guide goes into its seventh year of production, we are adding a whole new dimension of information, now available for mobile devices.

So bookmark and find your next adventure – we may capture you in one of the next photos we post.

Have a great day!

Bike ‘Open Streets’ Minneapolis the energy was amazing

This last Sunday the weather was perfect to bike Lyndale Avenue in Minneapolis, at its first Open Streets (see further recap of Sundy’s event) of the season. Expanding its footprint from previous years this 2016 kickoff event stretched 20-blocks down Lyndale Avenue, which was closed to automobiles, only open to bicycles and pedestrians. At this first open Streets and each of the events scheduled throughout the summer you will find food and music along secured roadway while learning how easy it is to use other modes of transportation to get around. As several local residents and visitors alike mentioned, with a large gathering coming out and taking over the street, the energy was amazing!

Open Streets allowed people to bike through protected intersections on Lyndale Avenue in Minneapolis.

Here Open Streets allowed people to bike, roller blade or walk through protected intersections on Lyndale Avenue..

For the past several years, streets in Minneapolis have transformed to allow residents and visitors a chance to experience the city in a whole perspective — by bike, by skateboard, however they please. Called ‘Open Streets Minneapolis’ it has grown from one event in 2011 to eight events all across the city in 2016!

Open Streets allowed people to bike, stop and listen to music and other side show acts along the way.

Open Streets allowed people to bike, stop and listen to music and other side show acts along the way.

Open Streets Minneapolis is the perfect chance to promote healthy living, local businesses, sustainable transportation and civic pride in the Twin Cities. On multiple days throughout the year, the Minneapolis Bike Coalition creates miles of safe, car-free streets so that residents of all ages can walk, bike, shop, participate in spontaneous play activities, and get to know one another.

More Open Streets events in Minneapolis this summer

If you didn’t  make it to last Sunday’s Open Streets event check their summer schedule and come wander the next Open Streets, July 10th and have some fun. The next Open Streets is in Downtown Minneapolis, on Washington Avenue North, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.  And like all of them it’s free!

Bike Pic June 6, family fun on the bike trail

Families having fun on the bike trail in La Crosse, Wi. See more on riding along the bluff of the Mississippi River, in the Driftless Area.

Find many more bike friendly places to ride and explore in the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide.

Thanks for viewing the Bike Pic of the Day here at HaveFunBiking (HFB). 

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bicycle tourism media source, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike, while showcasing unforgettable places to ride. As HFB searches and presents more fun cycling related photos, worth a grin, scroll through the information and stories we have posted that may help you Find Your Next Adventure. Then, while out there if you see us along a paved or mountain bike trail, next to the route you regularly commute on, or at an event you plan to attend, be prepared to smile. You never know where our cameras will be and what we will post next!

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you know that you would like to see us post? If so, please send it our way and we may use it. Send your picture(s) to: [email protected] with a brief caption (of each), including who is in the photo (if you know?) and where it was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 800 pixels wide or larger for us to consider using them. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and an acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As HaveFunBiking continues to encourage more people to ride, please reference our blog and the annual print and quarterly digital Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide to Find Your Next Adventure. We are proud of the updated  At-a-Glance information and maps we are known for at the HFB Destination section on our website and in the guide. Now, as the Guide goes into its seventh year of production, we are adding a whole new dimension of information, now available for mobile devices.

So bookmark and find your next adventure – we may capture you in one of the next photos we post.

Have a great day!

Film inspires female mountain bike riders

Kristina Smith, Twelve One Productions

In the High Sierras above Lake Tahoe the film follows three powerful, graceful and fashionable high performance female downhill mountain bikers shredding the trails. The short documentary film, planned to debut in January 2016, just launched an exciting film trailer now available at

Film follows three powerful, graceful and fashionable high performance female downhill mountain bikers, Kat Sweet, McKenna Merten and Inga Beck, shredding the trails. Ernest Rodriguez Photography

Film follows three powerful, graceful and fashionable high performance female downhill mountain bikers, Kat Sweet, McKenna Merten and Inga Beck, shredding the trails – Ernest Rodriguez Photography

The mountain biking (MTB) film, called “Courage to Get There,” is the first episode of “THE LINE,” a series of short documentary films about the determination and courage of high performance female athletes who excel in adventure sports while shaping these sports for future generations.

“The film series allows female athletes to voice their stories and inspire other women while exploring action sports in depth,” said director and concept creator, Casey Kohlhoff.

An avid mountain biker himself, Kohlhoff chose MTB for the first installment of “THE LINE” because “during my research on female mountain bikers, I wasn’t finding many films which integrated the social, mental and physical components in an informative and inspirational narrative,” he said. Kohlhoff goes on to say that the international interest in the project, even in these early stages, is amazing and gratifying.

Kat Sweet, McKenna Merten and Inga Beck are the featured athletes in the MTB episode, filmed on the Tyrolean Downhill of the Tahoe Rim Trail. Watch these accomplished and unique MTB riders navigate the downhill track’s steep descents, high speeds, vertical drops and natural obstacles. Find out why they do it, what inspires them and how they progressed to high performance.

Featured rider and former downhill pro Kat Sweet said she was excited to be a part of this project and to shine some light on female athletes. “We want to see women riding and we don’t see enough of it and that has been frustrating over the years,” said Sweet. “Girls need more female role models who are kicking butt.” Sweet added that this documentary is a way to bring recognition and respect to the sport.

Middle school student McKenna Merten agrees. “We need to get more little girls riding and ripping it up,” she said. Competing since age six, Merten has many biking accomplishments in her young 13 years including 20 championships. Merten held her own and then some on the four-day documentary shoot. Excited to hang out and ride with more seasoned women riders during the filming, she exclaimed, “We are shred sisters!”

Shredding it up and creating a sisterhood of riders are favorite pastimes of amateur racer and MTB blogger Inga Beck. She was eager to participate in the documentary to “show the fun factor in this sport. You don’t have to be the best of the best to participate and be a part of something this cool.” She said that MTB is not a sport for the faint of heart and that you have to put a lot of heart and soul into it to become a good rider though the girliest girl can still shred.

“The Line” is produced by Twelve One Productions, based in Walnut Creek, CA. For more information, visit the company’s Web site at

The “Courage to Get There” film trailer is available at and the completed film will also be linked from that Web site, planned for the end of January in 2016.

Another chance to ride the Headwaters to Hills Bike Trip

Kerri Kolstad, Wahoo! Adventures

For the second year in a row, the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota (BikeMN) will host the Headwaters to Hills Bike Ride, July 10-17, 2016. As the name suggests, the ride will start at the origin of America’s great river, the Mississippi River’s Headwaters, in Itasca State Park. As last year the tour follows the Mississippi River Trail (MRT) downstream, enjoying endless bluffs and greenery until reaching the Iowa border. Over the seven days you will have a chance to bike almost 500 miles on beautiful roadways, paths and trails, passing through several Minnesota cities large and small and some diverse state parks.

Headwaters to Hills Bike Riders posing with Paul Bunyan and Babe on the 2015 tour.

Headwaters to Hills Bike Riders posing with Paul Bunyan and Babe on the 2015 tour.

As part of Minnesota’s State Park’s 125th anniversary, the Headwaters to Hills Bicycle Tour takes you through six state parks, traverses two state bicycle trails and overnight at two state park campgrounds. All riders on the tour will also earn the 125th Anniversary Bike, Boot, and Boat Challenge badge.

The Headwaters to Hills bike ride full of fun Minnesota history,

In Hastings you’ll learn about a Civil War Veteran at the LeDuc Mansion. In Little Falls, we visit the birthplace of aviator Charles A. Lindbergh. And of course we can’t leave out Paul Bunyan and Babe his Blue Ox in Bemidji, or the home of Red Wing Pottery and Red Wing Shoes, or the always-stunning National Eagle Center in Wabasha. Of course there’s quirky history as well: the birthplace of waterskiing in Lake City or the Eelpout Capital of Walker, and even the fishing bobber water tower in Pequot Lakes!

Bike riders on the 2015 Headwaters to Hills Ride celebrate their accomplishments as they get close to the end, in Bluff Country.

Bike riders on the 2015 Headwaters to Hills Ride celebrate their accomplishments as they get close to the end, in Bluff Country.

Whether you are a Minnesota history buff, a cyclist fascinated by the Mississippi River and want to add some state parks to your “bucket list”, or just want to say you pedaled across Minnesota, the Headwaters to Hills ride has you covered.

Sign up today and pedal the Mississippi River Trail through Minnesota July 10 – 17!

Summer Edition of the MN Bike Guide Available Soon

Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide Summer E-Edition Available June 1st

Now available quarterly, the 2016 summer edition of the Minnesota Bike/Hike guide will be live digitally, June 1st.  This is our eighth year of printing this handy pocket-sized book of bike travel ideas, and we’ve grown! (HFB) is now updating the printed version for quarterly e-issues. Now with our new digital platform we are able to update information on bike travel and tips regularly. Plus, we have added two other features. We have additional maps of destinations you may want to explore and bike events you may want to participate in.

Please take a look at the most recent MN Bike/Hike Guide. Then, bookmark it to your hand held devices for use when on the go. Formatted to fit your mobile phone and note pad, the updated e-version includes bike events recently posted and more bike friendly maps with links to the HFB Destination landing pages for easy At-A-Glance information when on the go. These special landing pages offers you information and links on where to ride, eat, sleep, and gives an explanation to other details on the map when in an area.

After your review, please share the 2016 MN Bike/Hike Guide link with your friends and give them a chance to find their #NextBikeAdventure. Maybe you will ride together or share your adventures the next time you get to hang out. Either way the guide opens many opportunities to stay active while having fun!



Try Mankato for your Next Bike Adventure

The allure of bringing your bike to Mankato offers a lot of possibilities. Here as the Minnesota River bends to the north to meet the Mississippi in St Paul,  the scenic valley here offers miles of biking memories for all levels of adventurists. Its a fun destination to consider for your next bike touring adventure.

Mountain bikers having fun at Mount Kato.

Mountain bikers having fun at Mount Kato.

History and an Overview of Mankato

The city was named for the English translation of mahkato – the Dakota word for the area’s greenish-blue, claylike soil of the area. Today as a bike friendly community, recognized by the League of American Bicyclists, Mankato is bicycling hub offering miles of paved trails that connect to the town’s designated on-street bike routes and mountain bike areas. See more information and maps at our At-A-Glance Mankato article at

Places to Stay

Once you have selected one of the bike friendly lodges in the area it is easy to park your car while visiting and commute by bike. If you need a rental, help shipping your bicycle in or making a few adjustments most of the local hotels work with the area bike shops to help accommodate your needs.


From a hotel that you have selected, you will find many picturesque routes to ride with family members or friends that take you to area attractions and fun place to eat. For the trail rider, enjoy over 50 miles of family-friendly paved trail in town, on the Red Jacket and the Sakatah Singing Hills State Trail. Road touring enthusiasts will find a network of suggested scenic routes with wide shoulders on low traffic roadways. And thanks to the work of a devoted group of local mountain bikers the area continues to grow as a premier off-road biking destination.

Fun Things to Do When Not Biking

When you are not biking, Mankato is also a hub for arts, entertainment, great food and nightlife. After exploring the Minnesota River Valley’s bicyclists will find a strong local food scene. Here restaurants in the area and nearby neighborhoods serve everything from delicious pizzas, creative burger creations, finger licking ribs, to ice cream treats and local craft beers.

Try Mankato for your Next Bike Adventure or see more opportunities in the Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide.

Bike Pic May 23, road riding fun in the St Croix River Valley

More super heroes riding the 2016 MN Ironman Bike Ride, at the 50th anniversary event in April, Stillwater, MN.

See many more bike friendly places to ride and explore in the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide.

Thanks for viewing the Bike Pic of the Day here at HaveFunBiking (HFB). 

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bicycle tourism media source, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike, while showcasing unforgettable places to ride. As HFB searches and presents more fun cycling related photos, worth a grin, scroll through the information and stories we have posted that may help you Find Your Next Adventure. Then, while out there if you see us along a paved or mountain bike trail, next to the route you regularly commute on, or at an event you plan to attend, be prepared to smile. You never know where our cameras will be and what we will post next!

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you know that you would like to see us post? If so, please send it our way and we may use it. Send your picture(s) to: [email protected] with a brief caption (of each), including who is in the photo (if you know?) and where it was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 800 pixels wide or larger for us to consider using them. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and an acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As HaveFunBiking continues to encourage more people to ride, please reference our blog and the annual print and quarterly digital Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide to Find Your Next Adventure. We are proud of the updated  At-a-Glance information and maps we are known for at the HFB Destination section on our website and in the guide. Now, as the Guide goes into its seventh year of production, we are adding a whole new dimension of information, now available for mobile devices.

So bookmark and find your next adventure – we may capture you in one of the next photos we post.

Have a great day!