We are now a little over a week away from candies, flowers, and Valentines cards. We are also just a few more weeks away from some prime riding weather. Therefore, we need to turn our collective eyes toward the future and continue our plans for making this year the best riding year ever!

Getting ready for your best riding year ever! Part 2

We are now a little over a week away from candies, flowers, and Valentines cards. We are also just a few more weeks away from some prime riding weather. Therefore, we need to turn our collective eyes toward the future and continue our plans for making this year the best riding year ever!

Winter’s icy grip can be an unforgivable time for bicyclists riding without studded tires. We enjoy the solitude of winter riding and the added fitness it offers, but as rain or snow turns to ice real dangers abound.

Studded tires extend your season with safety and traction

Winter’s icy grip can be an unforgivable time for bicyclists riding without studded tires. We enjoy the solitude of winter riding and the added fitness it offers, but as rain or snow turns to ice real dangers abound.

In this Bike Pic, a student from Washburn High School tests his mountain bike skills on the Jail Trail, near St Cloud last year, on a Minnesota High School Cycling League competition.

Theodore Wirth Park, a gift five minutes from downtown Minneapolis

In the western part of the Twin Cities, nestled between Golden Valley and Minneapolis is Theodore Wirth Park.  A space almost as large as New York City’s Central park. With in Wirth (as it’s known to the locals) you will find several scenic, natural areas around Birch pond and Wirth Lake, plus two golf courses and a fabulous mountain bike trail system.

Join the Fun May 6th, the Twin Cities Fulton Gran Fondo

Join the fun at the 4th annual Fulton Gran Fondo for bikes, bands, and beer. The ride departs in the morning on Saturday, May 6th, from the Fulton Production Brewery, in northeast Minneapolis. This year, both the 100 mile “Gran” and the shorter 45-50 mile “Medio” Fondo will be offered.

Bicycle helmets provide excellent protection even with different standards

We’ve nearly all had an experience, whether at five years old or 55, knowing that wearing a bike helmet can play an important role in preventing minor to severe head injuries when riding. No matter what the circumstances, it is a comforting thought to know that if a crash accurse you had the correct helmet on. In this article the author will review the different safety standards and types of helmets so you can choose the correct helmet for the riding of your choice.

Xeccom Lights Makes Biking After Dark Safer

Now, with the day growing shorter having a powerful bicycle headlamp can be a very important safety feature to maximize your cycling activities. Here at HaveFunBiking is a review of the Spiker 1210 and Geinea II bike lights from Xeccom. We found both light were worth checking out for anyone serious about riding safely at night.

Wind-Blox Reduces Wind Noise For Rider Safety

Wind noise has long been an annoyance when riding a bike and can also be a safety issue when it comes to hearing approaching automobiles. Now there is a new product called Wind Blox, designed to help reduce wind noise, allowing a cyclist to hear better while riding. After a successful Kickstarter campaign in the Fall of 2013, this product is now available to everyone. Check it out!