Category Archives: News

Giving back to the trails, paths, roads and events you enjoy is a great way to stockpile some good karma and it’s fun! There are countless ways to give back.

Bike Maintenance: Best Time to Bring in Your Bike to the Shop


by John Brown,

As the mercury hovers below freezing this is the perfect time for bike maintenance to prepare your bicycle for sunnier days. There are many benefits to bringing your bike into the shop during the ‘down’ winter months rather than waiting for the spring season to come around.

Here in the photo above these bike maintenance shop mechanic’s at Penn Cycle are waiting for your bike. While waiting they are putting bicycles together for Free Bikes 4 Kidz,

1. Bike Maintenance at the Shop 

Most shops operate on a “first in / first out” repair schedule. This means during the busy months there may be weeks of bicycles ahead of yours in line to be repaired. Bring your bicycle in during the winter to be repaired. The repair time will be the same, but the waiting list will be shorter.

2. Discounts, Deals, and More!

The fall and winter weather may discourage riders from going out, but bike shops still need to do business. In order to draw customers, bike shops sometimes offer special pricing on different services, bikes, or parts. Additionally, lots of shops offer free clinics, demos, and presentations as well!

3. Employees can Offer their Expertise and Undivided Attention

It’s no secret that winter in a bike shop is slow. What better time to talk with sales people and mechanics? Need to know what bike type might work best for you? Is a fat bike right for you? Is that biking glove really better than the one you already have? If it’s a question about the service or adjustments to your bike, they are likely to spend more time with you and not be rushed.

The spring and summer packs the mechanics’ schedules, and their focus needs to be on completing repairs. During the winter they have much more time to spend with customers, educating them on how their bike functions.

Spring and summer for the sales staff is similar. They tend to be busy trying to attend to every customer in the shop. But in the fall and winter less people come in, so they can focus on one thing – you.

John Brown is a writer for

Rumor has it there has been some Ironman chatter about where this years city will be. What are your last minute guesses? Announcement coming tomorrow!

Bike Pic Jan 14, There’s A Lot Of Ironman Chatter Going On

The last bit of Ironman chatter we’ve heard: it could be in Carver County? Rumor has it there will be an announcement Monday, Jan 16 on where this year’s Minnesota Ironman Bicycle Event will be held. Let’s hear those last minute guesses!

Always on the Last Sunday in April, here in the Pic of the Day are members of the Major Taylor Bicycle  Club of Minnesota getting ready for the 50th Ironman, last spring.

Planning your #NextBikeAdventure? View the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide and remember to register for the Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour.

Thanks for viewing Today’s Ironman Chatter Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

Are you registered for our second annual Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour? If not you won't want to miss out on this amazing 3-day weekend bike adventure, July 7th - 9th. We will be exploring what the Root River Trails have to offer!

Bike Pic Jan 12, Root River Trail Thursday, Register Today

Are you registered for our second annual Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour? If not, you won’t want to miss out on this amazing 3-day weekend bike adventure taking place July 7th – 9th. We will be exploring what the Root River Trails have to offer!

Planning your #NextBikeAdventure? View the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide.

Thanks for viewing Today’s Root River Trails Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

While touring the Root River on the Bluff & Valley Ride visiting the museum in Fountain MN was one of the highlights to the trip.

Root River Bicycle Tour Pedals through Minnesota History

by Andrew Ellis, HaveFunBiking

The inaugural Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour, last July, explored the small towns along the trail system in Southeast Minnesota. Riding the scenic roads and the popular trail was an experience Twin Cities-based biker Mike Rogers won’t soon forget. He had spent the past few years pedaling around trails tucked away in his Minneapolis neighborhood. Now, he wanted to get away from all the noise and inconveniences city bikers have to deal with.

Passing the old rail road crossing sign with mile markers was helpful when the tour occasionally used the Root Rive Trail.

Passing the old rail road crossing sign with mile markers was helpful when the tour occasionally used the Root River Trail.

Pedaling the Root River Bluff & Valley Tour was a Moving Experience

Scouring the Internet for something outside the city limits, he came across the Root River Trail website in southeast Minnesota. It was far away from the busy big city streets so he could focus on biking and enjoying the surroundings. He was only nervous about hitting the new trails on his own, because none of his friends ride. Then he stumbled across the perfect solution.

He found the perfect three-day weekend solution. A bicycle tour that took place right after the fourth of July, and where a bunch of people get together for a three-day trek. With this organized ride, not only would he not have to fear getting lost, he would meet some new friends. “It seemed like a win-win,” he said.

The Inaugural Bicycle Tour Took Place in Bluff Country

The tour he found was the inaugural Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour that took place in Bluff Country. In 2016, the ride started in Whalan, about two hours south of the Twin Cities in Southeastern part of Minnesota. Each day covered between 50 to 68 miles on paved roads and trails offering participants a few endurance-testing hills.

Some of the new friends John met on the Root River Bluff & Valley Tour

Some of the new friends John met on the Root River Bluff & Valley Tour

“There were definitely a few hills that made me question how I was going to make it,” he says. “But those challenges made me a better biker as a result.”

Bike tours like the Bluff & Valley Tour aren’t just about pedaling to the next destination; it’s what you see along the way. Visiting several historic attractions as the route meandered to its next overnight destination was one of the trip’s highlights. One of those high points was stopping at the Fremont General Store. This historic location was built in 1856 and is still in operation. The tour also experienced the milling culture of Rushford and the Amish farmlands, still cultivated by horses as you make your way to Harmony. The tour allowed Mike a chance to experience a part of Minnesota that he knew nothing about.

The Bluff & Valley Ride Was The Perfect Bicycle Tour

Mike also discovered many of the small towns along the Root River trail system are largely unchanged from when they were officially founded. So that friendly small town hospitality vibe is still going strong today. With the absence of big chain stores, longtime locally-owned businesses heighten each town’s unique vibe.

Here while touring on the Bluff & Valley Ride these riders discovered one of the many unique Root River Trail Town hot spots available.

Here while touring on the Bluff & Valley Ride these riders discovered one of the many unique Root River Trail Town hot spots available.

Mike said, “There was so much history on this tour. As I pedaled along, I would occasionally reflect  back to other towns I’ve visited. Many of them were so unique that I might want to go back and spend some more time revisiting those areas. One in particular was in Fountain where the Fillmore County History Center Museum and Genealogy Library are located.”

Then there’s the bicyclists he rode and shared all those experiences with. While the Bluff & Valley ride was only three days the group he rode with struck up a close connection. It wasn’t that hard as mostly everyone camped or lodged at the same places overnight and ate together.

“People from Washington State, Iowa, Winnipeg, Kansas, Minnesota, and Wisconsin were on this tour so you got to meet a lot of interesting people, and hear their stories,” he says.

Most riders camped out but there were a few hotel options for those who preferred making their own lodging reservations. The makeshift campsites were in local parks and schools, and Rogers says he loved camping outside under the stars, just like the pioneers.

Here while touring on the Bluff & Valley Ride this rider had a chance to try out another set of wheels.

Here while touring on the Bluff & Valley Ride this rider had a chance to try out another set of wheels.

“There something so calm about sitting under the stars at night, it was a great way to settle down after a long day of pedaling,” he says. “It actually made me make a point to find more tours like this.”

2017 Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour Registration is Open

He’s actually kept in touch with a few of the bikers he befriended during the tour. They’ve ridden together a couple times on the weekends, and have already registered for next year’s Bluff & Valley Bike Tour. And for those who may scoff at the $295 price tag he say it’s well worth it.

“I don’t believe I thought about the price the entire time I was there, because I was too busy having a great experience with great people,” he says.

Not only did Mike sign for the 2017 Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour, but he was able to get some friends to join him. “I can’t wait for round two in Bluff Country, I know we’ll have a blast,” he says.

For more information and to sign up for the 2017 Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour, click here.

Spring Biking Fun in Cedar Falls Iowa

Bike Pic Jan 10, Spring Biking Fun in Cedar Falls Iowa.

Here In this Spring Biking Fun photo the Hiawatha Bicycling Club, of Minnesota, visits the Cedar Valley Bicycling Club and tours the cement paved trails and scenic country roads around Cedar Falls, IA.

Back in Minnesota, planning your #NextBikeAdventure, view the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide and remember to register for the Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour.

Thanks for viewing Today’s Spring Biking Fun Bike Ride Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

A new Minnesota Ironman Bike Ride Location Coming Soon.

Bike Pic Jan 9, Minnesota Ironman Bike Ride Location Announced Soon

It’s the second Monday of the New Year which means the second week to your New Year’s Resolutions and where will the 51st Minnesota Ironman event be held? We hope you decided to do more biking and join us for the first big bike event held on the last Sunday in April. As of today, the Ironman committee has narrowed the selection to three Minnesota communities and will be announcing the location on January 15th – Stay tuned.

While waiting, view the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide and remember to register for the Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour.

Thanks for viewing Today’s Minnesota Ironman Bike Ride Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

Miles of Smiles has a new day this year, Saturday's will now be known as Miles of Smiles Saturday. So send us your pics with that beautiful smile.

Bike Pic Jan 7, Miles of Saturday Smiles Out On The Trail

Miles of Smiles has a new day this year, Saturday’s will now be known as Miles of Smiles Saturday. So send us pics of your family, friends or a selfie of yourself with those beautiful smiles while having fun biking to: [email protected]. It may be featured as one of our pics of the day with you getting photo credit.

See all the places to explore in 2017 by downloading the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide and remember to register for the Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour.

Thanks for viewing Today’s Miles of Saturday Smiles Bike Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

Flashback Friday to our inaugural Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour this past July! It was so much fun, we had over 50 bikers join us.

Bike Pic Jan 6, Flashback To Inaugural Root River Bluff & Valley Bike Tour

Flashback Friday to our inaugural Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour this past July! It was so much fun and such a success that we are bringing it back again this year! Get registered today and invite your friends! You won’t want to miss out on this amazing 3-day weekend bike adventure, July 7th – 9th, in Southeast Minnesota’s Bluff Country!

Then, see all the other places to explore in 2017 by downloading the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide.

Thanks for viewing Today’s Flashback to Root River Bike Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

Have you stopped to think about how a healthy life could be considered a bike trail? The only difference is we can't map this trail ahead of time.

Bike Pic Jan 5, Spinning for a Healthy Life Along the Trail

Have you ever stopped to think about how a healthy life could be considered a bike trail? The only difference,  we can’t map this trail ahead of time, we just take it as it comes and map it after we’ve been there – in the form of memories. It’s always fun to set out on new adventures and life itself is the ultimate adventure.

See all the places to explore in 2017 by downloading the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide and remember to register for the Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour.

Thanks for viewing today’s Healthy Life Along the Trail

Bike Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

It's Wise Words Wednesday here at HaveFunBiking. This weeks quote comes from Miley Cyrus, "Life's A Climb, But The View Is Great".

Bike Pic Jan 4, Life’s A Climb, But The View Is Great

It’s Wise Words Wednesday here at HaveFunBiking. This weeks quote comes from Miley Cyrus, “Life’s A Climb, But The View Is Great”. So make plans when it warms up to climb all sorts of new heights this year! Photo was taken last year on the pump track at the Annual La Crosse Bicycle Festival held each year, in Wisconsin, over Labor Day Weekend.

And to further quote the song, “There’s always gonna be another mountain. I’m always gonna wanna make it move. Always gonna be an uphill battle. Sometimes I’m gonna have to lose. Ain’t about how fast I get there. Ain’t about what’s waitin’ on the other side. It’s the climb”

Then, see all the other places to explore in 2017 by downloading the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide and remember to register for the Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour.

Thanks for viewing Today’s Life is a Climb Bike Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!