Riding the MRT on the 2012 Mississippi River Ride - photo HaveFunBiking

By Bike, Join MN’s Mississippi River Trail Celebration

Join Wahoo Adventures in August to see why Minnesota is the 2nd best bicycling state in the U.S. as they tour 470 miles of the Mississippi River Trail (MRT) system. Over eight days enjoy pedaling along the scenic and industrious river, from Itasca State Park to the Iowa Border. In this inaugural Headwaters to Hills Bicycle Tour you will enjoy many celebrations and adventures along the way.

Fat Bikes, A Fun Winter Activity

You’ve probably seen these in a bike shop, in a bike rack, or even hanging from the ceiling of a bar or restaurant and wondered what the heck?
Known as “fat bikes,” rather than “fat tire” bikes, which was an early nickname for all mountain bikes. These bikes sport oversized balloon tires specially designed to ride on packed snow and other surfaces that run at low air pressures. So what’s it like to ride one?

With e-Bikes More People Are Able To Ride More Often

From a recent survey of traditional bicyclists who recently purchased an e-Bike there usage rate just about doubled after making the switch. The study also found: they were not avoiding hills as before; were taking more direct or higher traffic routes and riding to new destinations on their pedal assist bikes, that they did not ride on a standard bike; and those who had not ridden a bike as an adult, before buying, were now riding their e-Bike daily or weekly.

Bike To Work Contest Will Award $5,000 For Best Story

In honor of upcoming BIKE TO WORK celebrations, Reliance Foundry is giving away up to $5,000 in new cycling gear to current or future cycling commuters! “Tell them how biking to work has changed your life, how you think it could change your life, or how you think cycling to work could change your co-workers lives” for a chance to win – You can enter up to May 14th!

Riding Tips

RIDING TIPS Say No To Bike Theft By Russ Lowthian How many precautions should one take to avoid the chance of losing a bike to theft is greatly determined by the bikes value and its curb appeal. If you just bought a high-end bike or tricked out your old one chances are, you are going […]

Gaiters may be an added bonus to winter riding warmth

Cold, snow, sleet, and ice are normal conditions for my winter bike commute to work here in Minnesota. With the elements being so unfriendly, I am excited to try commuting with a pair of gaiters for added warmth. With that direction in mind, I was excited to try the Hillsound Armadillo LT gaiters. For those who aren’t familiar with a pair of gaiters, they cover your shin and calf, below the knee, and above the ankle. Splash-proof protection works in combination with your winter boots to extend your leg. They are designed to keep snow, slush, and debris off your legs and dripping into your boot.