European e-bike promoter shares the latest with the KSTP-TV audience

It is exciting! As the e-bike continues to gain in popularity, the E-bike Challenge comes to Minneapolis this weekend—the first major electric bike show here in the United States. On the Twin City Live show, with Steve and Eydie, Theo Jorna, the show promoter from the Netherlands explained to the audience what will really take place this coming Saturday and Sunday.

See and hear ‘Sandy MoveS’ a heartwarming and motivational presentation of a young lady living with obstacles from MS, riding an electric assit bike.

Overcoming many of the obstacles of MS with an electric assist bike

This coming weekend, hear and see ‘Sandy MoveS’ with her adventures on an electric assist bike. A heartwarming and motivational presentation of a young lady from the Netherlands who has overcome many of the obstacles living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). On stage at the E-bike Challenge Minneapolis, this coming weekend, Sandy will share the key items that opened her thought process to regaining mobility.  Allowing her, with a pedal-assist bike, to ride a course of the Tour de France, peaking the summit of a tall mountain.