Category Archives: News

Bike Pic Feb. 24, loving his first time in the bluffs!

Here, Greg Swanson, from the Hiawatha Bike Club (HBC), enjoys his first time touring the scenic bluffs and Root River Trail Towns of Southeast Minnesota. HBC is a Twin City based cycling club that enjoys a full schedule of ride events throughout the year. For more SE Minnesota fun check out the Root River Bluffs & Valley Bicycle Ride, July 8 – 10, for more options.


Thanks for viewing the Bike Pic of the Day here at HaveFunBiking (HFB). 

Now, rolling into our 10th year as a bicycle tourism media our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike, while showcasing unforgettable places to ride. As HFB searches and present more fun bike related photos worth a grin, scroll through the information and stories we have posted to help you find your next adventure. Then, while out there if you see us along a paved or mountain biking trail, next to the route you regularly commute by bike on, or at an event you plan to attend with your bike, be prepared to smile. You never know where our camera’s will be and what we will post next!

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you know that you would like to see us publish? If so, please send it our way and we may use it. Send your picture(s) to [email protected] with a brief caption (of each), including who is in the photo (if you know?) and where it was taken. Photo(s) should be at least 620 pixels wide for us to cinsider using them. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and an acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As HaveFunBiking continues to encourage more people to ride, please reference our blog and the annual print and quarterly digital Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide to find your next adventure. We are proud of the updated – At-a-Glance information and maps we are known for at the HFB Destination section on our website and in the guide. Now, as the Bike/Hike Guide goes into its seventh year of production, we are adding a whole new dimension of bicycle tourism information available for mobile devices where you may see some additional bike pics – maybe of yourself.

So bookmark and find your next adventure – we may capture you in one of the next photos we post.

Have a great day!

A week long bike vacation to help those with MS

Brent Renneke, MS Society,
The Ride Across Minnesota (TRAM) is a week long bike vacation organized by the Upper Midwest Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to raise funds for those affected by multiple sclerosis. This year’s ride, July 20 – 24, starts in St. Joseph, MN,  Each year it tours a different region in Minnesota, offering cyclists an opportunity to uniquely experience the beauty of the state.

However for many on the five-day riders, it becomes more than a scenic ride through previously uncharted territories. It takes a bigger meaning, like it did almost immediately for Cottage Grove, Minnesota resident Dave Britz (in the photo above).

In 1993, Britz found himself reading a column by Pioneer Press journalist Norm Coleman, who was chronicling his own experience on TRAM. It was the motivation he needed to get back on a bike, so he could participate in the nearly 300-mile journey. Come 1995, Britz found himself on the starting line of TRAM, ready to embark across Central Minnesota, full of beautiful rivers and charming towns far off the beaten path.

TRAM riders will often team up for added support along the way and increase fundraising efforts.

TRAM bike riders will often team up for added support along the way and increase fundraising efforts.

In his 20 years of TRAM rides since, what Britz finds most memorable are the people he meets along the way, particularly those living with multiple sclerosis.

Going back to his first ride, he remembers an older lady slowly pedaling her Schwinn bike alongside the 1,500 TRAM participants while on her daily commute. Britz took the opportunity to slow down and strike up a conversation with her. In doing so, he finds out her name (Ellie) and also that Ellie lives with MS. It was all the motivation he needed in his first year.

“I told her, ‘Ellie, I am riding the whole week for you.’ From that point on, my tires were five feet off the ground because I was able to make that connection.”

Ellie was the first name of 278. Every year while riding TRAM and in his daily life, Britz keeps a running list of names of people he meets who live with MS. It serves as a reminder of why he has fundraised more than $173,000 over 20 years participating in TRAM and why he keeps coming back.

TRAM riders are warmly greeted at each city they stop at overnight during the journey.

TRAM bike riders are warmly greeted at each city they stop at overnight during the journey.

“It is a list that I carry with me wherever I go,” Britz said. “I’ve met these people at rest stops on the [TRAM] ride, they are in a wheelchair or sitting on a porch of a farm house. Making a difference for them is the incentive that really keeps me going.”

If you would like to participate in TRAM alongside Dave Britz in 2016, July 20-24, visit for additional information. Riders can choose between three- and five-day route options.

Bike Pic Feb. 22, MN Ironman – 49 years and counting

With 62 days until the 50th Anniversary on the Minnesota Ironman Bike Ride, here in the photo above, is a future Ironman participant waving as a group of cyclists go by. This is the upper Midwest’s first major organized bike ride of the season and is a great family fun event that requires no running or swimming – Just riding a bike on one of several scenic St. Croix River Valley routes, starting in Stillwater, MN.

Register today and save! #FindYourNextAdventure

Thanks for viewing the Bike Pic of the Day here at HaveFunBiking (HFB). 

Now, rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike, while showcasing unforgettable places to ride. As HFB searches and present more fun bike related photos worth a grin, scroll through the information and stories we have posted to help you find your next adventure. Then, while out there if you see us along a paved or mountain bike trail, next to the route you regularly commute by bike on, or at an event you plan to attend with your bike, be prepared to smile. You never know where our camera’s will be and what we will post next!

Do you have a fun bike related photo of yourself or someone you know that you would like to see us publish? If so, please send it our way and we may use it. Send your picture(s) to [email protected] with a brief caption (of each), including who is in the photo (if you know?) and where it was taken. Photo(s) should be at least 620 pixels wide for us to cinsider using them. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and an acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As HaveFunBiking continues to encourage more people to ride, please reference our blog and the annual print and quarterly digital Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide to find your next adventure. We are proud of the updated – At-a-Glance information and maps we are known for at the HFB Destination section on our website and in the guide. Now, as the Bike/Hike Guide goes into its seventh year of production, we are adding a whole new dimension of bicycle tourism information available for mobile devices where you may see some additional bike pics – maybe of yourself.

So bookmark and find your next adventure – we may capture you in one of the next photos we post.

Have a great day!

Bike Pic Feb. 21, biking San Diego’s Mission Bay Area

The photo above shows a cyclist riding her bike in San Diego, CA. enjoying the bike friendly streets and trails while sampling refreshments along the way in  San Diego’s Mission Bay Area 


Thanks for viewing the Bike Pic of the Day here at HaveFunBiking (HFB). 

Now, rolling into our 10th year as a bicycle media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike, while showcasing unforgettable places to ride. As we search and present more fun photos worth a grin, scroll through the information and stories we have posted to help you find your next adventure. Then, while out there if you see us along a paved or mountain bike trail, next to the route you regularly commute on, or at an event you plan to attend with your bike, be prepared to smile. You never know where our camera’s will be and what we will post next!

Do you have a fun photo of yourself or someone you know that you would like to see us publish? If so, please send it our way and we may use it. Send your picture(s) to [email protected] with a brief caption (of each), including who is in the photo (if you know?) and where it was taken. Photo(s) should be at least 620 pixels wide for us to use them. If we use your photo, you will receive photo credit and an acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As HaveFunBiking continues to encourage more people to ride, please reference our blog and the annual print and quarterly digital Bike/Hike Guide to find your next adventure. We are proud of the updated – At-a-Glance information and maps we are known for in the HFB Destination section on our website and in the guide. Now, as the Bike/Hike Guide goes into its seventh year of production, we are adding a whole new dimension of bicycle tourism information available for mobile devices where you may see some additional bike pics – maybe of yourself so.

Bookmark and find your next adventure – we may capture you in one of the next photos we post.

Have a great day!

‘Bikes vs. Cars’ documentry showing in Minneapolis

You may be interested in an upcoming bicycle related documentary that will be showing in Minneapolis in early March.  The documentary is titled ‘Bikes vs. Cars’, and is described by the film team as ‘an award-winning film that explores issues facing bicyclists, improving urban mobility, and implications for the world if we do not work together on proactive transportation measures‘.
The film will follow the individuals around the world that are fighting to create change. We meet Aline at Sao Paulo’s Ciclofaxia, the weekly Sunday ride where one lane of Paulista Avenue is opened for bikes only. Aline is an inspirational person in the city’s bicycle movement, who tries to focus on the positive aspects of being a cyclist. But that can be difficult in a city where one bicyclist is killed every four days. And in Toronto, where mayor Rob Ford strips away the city’s bike lanes in his battle to win the “war on cars,” we watch as members of the Urban Repair Squad infiltrate the streets at night, using spray paint and stencils to replace them.
Picture promotes the screening of 'Bikes vs. Cars' March 7-8, 2016 in Minneapolis, MN.

Picture promotes the screening of ‘Bikes vs. Cars’ March 7-8, 2016 in Minneapolis, MN.

According to the promoters website – Urban automobile congestion is a global problem. This compelling documentary that takes a close look at Los Angeles and São Paulo and the cyclists who are on the front lines of change. Inspiring, timely and a perfect means of seeing how Minneapolis and other cities might become an even better bike friendly city. Promotional support is provided by the Hiawatha Bicycling Club, and other Twin City bicycle activists.

You can see the movie trailer for ‘Bikes vs. Cars’ here at:

Where:  Trylon Microcinema,  3258 Minnehaha Av,  Minneapolis

When:  March 7th and 8th; 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM
Tickets are $8.00.  According to Trylon’s website, you can purchase in advance here, or at the door
I hope you consider attending one of these screenings.  It seems pertinent to our cycling passion.  Thanks.

Bike Pic Feb. 20, determined to have fun biking

Here is a young cyclist is riding his bike along the city streets of La Crosse WI. during the 2015 Labor Day Weekend Bicycle Festival, with Determined printed on his t-shirt.


Thanks for viewing the Bike Pic of the Day here at HaveFunBiking (HFB). 

Now, rolling into our 10th year as a bicycle media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike, while showcasing unforgettable places to ride. As we search and present more fun photos worth a grin, scroll through the information and stories we have posted to help you find your next adventure. Then, while out there if you see us along a paved or mountain bike trail, next to the route you regularly commute on, or at an event you plan to attend with your bike, be prepared to smile. You never know where our camera’s will be and what we will post next!

Do you have a fun photo of yourself or someone you know that you would like to see us publish? If so, please send it our way and we may use it. Send your picture(s) to [email protected] with a brief caption (of each), including who is in the photo (if you know?) and where it was taken. Photo(s) should be at least 620 pixels wide for us to use them. If we use your photo, you will receive photo credit and an acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As HaveFunBiking continues to encourage more people to ride, please reference our blog and the annual print and quarterly digital Bike/Hike Guide to find your next adventure. We are proud of the updated – At-a-Glance information and maps we are known for in the HFB Destination section on our website and in the guide. Now, as the Bike/Hike Guide goes into its seventh year of production, we are adding a whole new dimension of bicycle tourism information available for mobile devices where you may see some additional bike pics – maybe of yourself so.

Bookmark and find your next adventure – we may capture you in one of the next photos we post.

Have a great day!

Bike Pic Feb. 19, ice cream smiles Friday

After riding her bike several miles on the Sakatah Singing Hills State Trail, near Faribault, MN, this cyclist found the local ice cream shop downtown sinfully delicious. Find out more about visiting Faribault’s bike friendly roads & trails and orgasmic treats here.


Thanks for viewing the Bike Pic of th e Day here at HaveFunBiking (HFB). 

Now, rolling into our 10th year as a bicycle media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike, while showcasing unforgettable places to ride. As we search and present more fun photos worth a grin, scroll through the information and stories we have posted to help you find your next adventure. Then, while out there if you see us along a paved or mountain bike trail, next to the route you regularly commute on, or at an event you plan to attend with your bike, be prepared to smile. You never know where our camera’s will be and what we will post next!

Do you have a fun photo of yourself or someone you know that you would like to see us publish? If so, please send it our way and we may use it. Send your picture(s) to [email protected] with a brief caption (of each), including who is in the photo (if you know?) and where it was taken. Photo(s) should be at least 620 pixels wide for us to use them. If we use your photo, you will receive photo credit and an acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As HaveFunBiking continues to encourage more people to ride, please reference our blog and the annual print and quarterly digital Bike/Hike Guide to find your next adventure. We are proud of the updated – At-a-Glance information and maps we are known for in the HFB Destination section on our website and in the guide. Now, as the Bike/Hike Guide goes into its seventh year of production, we are adding a whole new dimension of bicycle tourism information available for mobile devices where you may see some additional bike pics – maybe of yourself so.

Bookmark and find your next adventure – we may capture you in one of the next photos we post.

Have a great day!

Bike Pic Feb. 18, high school off road opportunities

Riding his mountain bike in Lebanon Park, in Eagan, MN last fall this Highland Park student was out riding the trails preparing for a Minnesota High School Cycling League race that was coming up. For more information on this state wide youth mountain bike organization check out their website.


Thanks for viewing the Bike Pic of the Day here at HaveFunBiking (HFB). 

Now, rolling into our 10th year as a bicycle media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike, while showcasing unforgettable places to ride. As we search and present more fun photos worth a grin, scroll through the information and stories we have posted to help you find your next adventure. Then, while out there if you see us along a paved or mountain bike trail, next to the route you regularly commute on, or at an event you plan to attend with your bike, be prepared to smile. You never know where our camera’s will be and what we will post next!

Do you have a fun photo of yourself or someone you know that you would like to see us publish? If so, please send it our way and we may use it. Send your picture(s) to [email protected] with a brief caption (of each), including who is in the photo (if you know?) and where it was taken. Photo(s) should be at least 620 pixels wide for us to use them. If we use your photo, you will receive photo credit and an acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As HaveFunBiking continues to encourage more people to ride, please reference our blog and the annual print and quarterly digital Bike/Hike Guide to find your next adventure. We are proud of the updated – At-a-Glance information and maps we are known for in the HFB Destination section on our website and in the guide. Now, as the Bike/Hike Guide goes into its seventh year of production, we are adding a whole new dimension of bicycle tourism information available for mobile devices where you may see some additional bike pics – maybe of yourself so.

Bookmark and find your next adventure – we may capture you in one of the next photos we post.

Have a great day!

Bike Pic Feb. 16, happy commuting to work!

This bike rider is happy to go back to work after a long weekend pedaling around the Twin Cities Gateway Area and along the Mississippi River Trail (MRT) on his fat tired bike.


Thanks for viewing the Bike Pic of the Day here at HaveFunBiking (HFB). 

Now, rolling into our 10th year as a bicycle media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike, while showcasing unforgettable places to ride. As we search and present more fun photos worth a grin, scroll through the information and stories we have posted to help you find your next adventure. Then, while out there if you see us along a paved or mountain bike trail, next to the route you regularly commute on, or at an event you plan to attend with your bike, be prepared to smile. You never know where our camera’s will be and what we will post next!

Do you have a fun photo of yourself or someone you know that you would like to see us publish? If so, please send it our way and we may use it. Send your picture(s) to [email protected] with a brief caption (of each), including who is in the photo (if you know?) and where it was taken. Photo(s) should be at least 620 pixels wide for us to use them. If we use your photo, you will receive photo credit and an acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As HaveFunBiking continues to encourage more people to ride, please reference our blog and the annual print and quarterly digital Bike/Hike Guide to find your next adventure. We are proud of the updated – At-a-Glance information and maps we are known for in the HFB Destination section on our website and in the guide. Now, as the Bike/Hike Guide goes into its seventh year of production, we are adding a whole new dimension of bicycle tourism information available for mobile devices where you may see some additional bike pics – maybe of yourself so.

Bookmark and find your next adventure – we may capture you in one of the next photos we post.

Have a great day!

Bike Pic Feb. 15, in 76 days the Minnesota Ironman Ride

In 69-days, Ben Wilson and his friends will be riding bike enjoying the first ride of the season – the 50th Anniversary on the Minnesota Ironman Bicycle Ride. With no running or swimming required, this annual bike ride offers several scenic St. Croix River Valley routes starting in Stillwater, MN. Register today and save!


Thanks for viewing the Bike Pic of the Day here at HaveFunBiking (HFB). 

Now, rolling into our 10th year as a bicycle media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike, while showcasing unforgettable places to ride. As we search and present more fun photos worth a grin, scroll through the information and stories we have posted to help you find your next adventure. Then, while out there if you see us along a paved or mountain bike trail, next to the route you regularly commute on, or at an event you plan to attend with your bike, be prepared to smile. You never know where our camera’s will be and what we will post next!

Do you have a fun photo of yourself or someone you know that you would like to see us publish? If so, please send it our way and we may use it. Send your picture(s) to [email protected] with a brief caption (of each), including who is in the photo (if you know?) and where it was taken. Photo(s) should be at least 620 pixels wide for us to use them. If we use your photo, you will receive photo credit and an acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As HaveFunBiking continues to encourage more people to ride, please reference our blog and the annual print and quarterly digital Bike/Hike Guide to find your next adventure. We are proud of the updated – At-a-Glance information and maps we are known for in the HFB Destination section on our website and in the guide. Now, as the Bike/Hike Guide goes into its seventh year of production, we are adding a whole new dimension of bicycle tourism information available for mobile devices where you may see some additional bike pics – maybe of yourself so.

Bookmark and find your next adventure – we may capture you in one of the next photos we post.

Have a great day!