Tag Archives: MN Bike Guide

Are you registered for our second annual Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour? If not you won't want to miss out on this amazing 3-day weekend bike adventure, July 7th - 9th. We will be exploring what the Root River Trails have to offer!

Bike Pic Jan 12, Root River Trail Thursday, Register Today

Are you registered for our second annual Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour? If not, you won’t want to miss out on this amazing 3-day weekend bike adventure taking place July 7th – 9th. We will be exploring what the Root River Trails have to offer!

Planning your #NextBikeAdventure? View the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide.

Thanks for viewing Today’s Root River Trails Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at HaveFunBiking.com for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark HaveFunBiking.com and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

A new Minnesota Ironman Bike Ride Location Coming Soon.

Bike Pic Jan 9, Minnesota Ironman Bike Ride Location Announced Soon

It’s the second Monday of the New Year which means the second week to your New Year’s Resolutions and where will the 51st Minnesota Ironman event be held? We hope you decided to do more biking and join us for the first big bike event held on the last Sunday in April. As of today, the Ironman committee has narrowed the selection to three Minnesota communities and will be announcing the location on January 15th – Stay tuned.

While waiting, view the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide and remember to register for the Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour.

Thanks for viewing Today’s Minnesota Ironman Bike Ride Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at HaveFunBiking.com for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark HaveFunBiking.com and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

Miles of Smiles has a new day this year, Saturday's will now be known as Miles of Smiles Saturday. So send us your pics with that beautiful smile.

Bike Pic Jan 7, Miles of Saturday Smiles Out On The Trail

Miles of Smiles has a new day this year, Saturday’s will now be known as Miles of Smiles Saturday. So send us pics of your family, friends or a selfie of yourself with those beautiful smiles while having fun biking to: [email protected]. It may be featured as one of our pics of the day with you getting photo credit.

See all the places to explore in 2017 by downloading the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide and remember to register for the Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour.

Thanks for viewing Today’s Miles of Saturday Smiles Bike Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at HaveFunBiking.com for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark HaveFunBiking.com and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

Flashback Friday to our inaugural Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour this past July! It was so much fun, we had over 50 bikers join us.

Bike Pic Jan 6, Flashback To Inaugural Root River Bluff & Valley Bike Tour

Flashback Friday to our inaugural Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour this past July! It was so much fun and such a success that we are bringing it back again this year! Get registered today and invite your friends! You won’t want to miss out on this amazing 3-day weekend bike adventure, July 7th – 9th, in Southeast Minnesota’s Bluff Country!

Then, see all the other places to explore in 2017 by downloading the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide.

Thanks for viewing Today’s Flashback to Root River Bike Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at HaveFunBiking.com for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark HaveFunBiking.com and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

Have you stopped to think about how a healthy life could be considered a bike trail? The only difference is we can't map this trail ahead of time.

Bike Pic Jan 5, Spinning for a Healthy Life Along the Trail

Have you ever stopped to think about how a healthy life could be considered a bike trail? The only difference,  we can’t map this trail ahead of time, we just take it as it comes and map it after we’ve been there – in the form of memories. It’s always fun to set out on new adventures and life itself is the ultimate adventure.

See all the places to explore in 2017 by downloading the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide and remember to register for the Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour.

Thanks for viewing today’s Healthy Life Along the Trail

Bike Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at HaveFunBiking.com for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark HaveFunBiking.com and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

It's Wise Words Wednesday here at HaveFunBiking. This weeks quote comes from Miley Cyrus, "Life's A Climb, But The View Is Great".

Bike Pic Jan 4, Life’s A Climb, But The View Is Great

It’s Wise Words Wednesday here at HaveFunBiking. This weeks quote comes from Miley Cyrus, “Life’s A Climb, But The View Is Great”. So make plans when it warms up to climb all sorts of new heights this year! Photo was taken last year on the pump track at the Annual La Crosse Bicycle Festival held each year, in Wisconsin, over Labor Day Weekend.

And to further quote the song, “There’s always gonna be another mountain. I’m always gonna wanna make it move. Always gonna be an uphill battle. Sometimes I’m gonna have to lose. Ain’t about how fast I get there. Ain’t about what’s waitin’ on the other side. It’s the climb”

Then, see all the other places to explore in 2017 by downloading the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide and remember to register for the Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour.

Thanks for viewing Today’s Life is a Climb Bike Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at HaveFunBiking.com for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark HaveFunBiking.com and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

Miles of Sunday Smiles as this family enjoys their time last summer out biking, back when the weather was nice and warm here in Minnesota.

Bike Pic Dec 18, Miles of Sunday Smiles and Warm Family Memories

Miles of Sunday Smiles as this family enjoys their time last summer out biking, back when the weather was nice and warm here in Minnesota. The spring and sunshine will be back before you know it. So stay warm and start planning your #nextbikeadventure!

As you put a few more layers to enjoy all the winter activities, including fat biking, ice fishing, skiing, snowshoeing and other cold weather sports. See all the places to explore, throughout the year, in the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide

Thanks for viewing Today’s Miles of Sunday Smiles Bike Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at HaveFunBiking.com for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark HaveFunBiking.com and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

This Saturday, schedule some time to plan a family bike trip for this next summer before you go out and play in the snow.

Bike Pic Dec 17, Plan Your Next Family Trip Before Playing in the Snow

This Saturday, schedule some time to plan a summer family trip before you go out and play in the snow. Grab your MN Bike Guide or download a copy and pick a bike friendly destination the explore. We all get busy during the Holiday season but it’s never too early to start planning your next summer bike adventure. Photo is from this past Summer at a Minneapolis Open Streets events.

See all the places to explore with your family in the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide

Thanks for viewing Today’s Family Trip Planning Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at HaveFunBiking.com for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark HaveFunBiking.com and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!

As the snow keeps falling across most of Minnesota, take a break this Friday to enjoy some ice cream or even make your own Snow Cream?

Ice Cream Smiles Friday, Snow Cream Anyone?

As the snow starts falling across most of Minnesota, once again, take a break this Friday to enjoy some ice cream or maybe make your own Snow Cream?

This photo was supplied to us by the Hiawatha Bicycling Club, from a past December ride held up in the Twin Cities Gateway Area of Minnesota.

With the snow on the ground, we hope you get out on your fat bike, X-C skies, snowshoes, etc. and enjoy all the winter’s active outdoor possibilities. See many more bike friendly places to explore in the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide

Thanks for viewing the Ice Cream Smiles Pic of the Day. 

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While showcasing all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at HaveFunBiking.com for your next bike adventure. Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark HaveFunBiking.com and find your next adventure. And don’t forget to smile, while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next photos that we post daily.

Have a great day!

Whatever it may be for you, focus your energy in enjoying it, not in finishing it the quickest.

Bike Pic Dec16, Focus Friday Enjoy the Expeience of the Ride

“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it”- Greg Anderson. Bike racing for some is a stress reliever or hobby, while for others it is a way of life. Whatever it may be for you, focus your energy on the experience, not on finishing it the quickest. People lose their focus on a subject when they worry too much about it.

See all the places to focus your mind on the journey and not the destination in the new Minnesota Bike/Hike Guide

Thanks for viewing Today’s Focus Friday Bike Pic

Now rolling into our 10th year as a bike tourism media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike and have fun. While highlighting all the unforgettable places for you to ride. As we continue to showcase more place to have fun we hope the photos we shoot are worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy.

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post? If so, please send your picture(s) to: [email protected]. Include a brief caption (for each), of who is in the photo (if you know?) and where the picture was taken. Photo(s) should be a minimum of 1,000 pixels wide or larger to be considered. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continues to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at HaveFunBiking.com for your next bike adventure – Also, check out the MN Bike Guide, now mobile friendly, as we enter into our 8th year of producing the guide.

So bookmark HaveFunBiking.com and find your next adventure. Please share all our picks with your friends and don’t forget to smile. We may be around the next corner with one of our camera’s ready to document your next move while you are riding and having fun. We may capture you in one of our next Pic of the Day posts.

Have a great day!