by Russ Lowthian,
The Classic 2.0 Garment Pannier may be the perfect travel bag for bicyclists. Especially when packing dressier clothes for the commute to work or touring. If your next trip requires posher duds for that special event or evening attire, Two Wheel Gear has you covered. This pannier is roomy, with a universal attachment system that fits any standard bike rack. When space is needed for a suit, this pannier works perfectly for the touring cyclist and the business professional. If dress attire is not a prerequisite, the space is flexible enough to keep all your gear neat and organized.

For me, the pannier works well when exploring a new destination to write about or biking to a power meeting. See the video on this multi-functional pannier. With this bag, there are fewer chances of the clothes wrinkling when secure in the pannier. I can safely pack my laptop, presentation boards, and promotional material for meetings with the Two Wheel Gear’s Classic. As the perfect all-in-one luggage bag, this pannier also meets airline carry-on requirements. Plus, in the satchel position with the shoulder strap, it’s easy to carry.

The key features of the Classic 2.0 Garment Pannier
For the daily commute or a multi-day bike trip, the Classic 2.0 Garment Pannier is a great addition to any cyclist’s gear inventory. With several compartments in the bag, organizing everything you need to shower and change for a productive day at the office or on a trip is a breeze.

The Two Wheel Gear universal mounting system
The universal mounting clips on the bottom side of the panniers make it a snap to clip the bag onto the rear rack. That is all that is required to mount the Classic Garment Pannier (see video) easily.

Waterproof, high visibility cover
In a clip-on pouch, the Classic’s cover will keep your gear dry in wet weather conditions. Using the neon green cover with reflective silver accents over the panniers also adds additional visibility to the bike. A helpful tip: If the pavement is wet and the bike lacks wheel fenders, consider using a sheet of plastic material over the bike rack before securing the bag. This will act as a guard helping to repel moisture away from the underside of the pannier.

Plus a padded sleeve for a laptop
Everything about this Two Wheel Gear bag is durable and high quality. Even the zippers to several compartments will help keep things organized. The bag also has a 15″ padded sleeve compartment designed for a laptop. This allows me the opportunity to leave my computer bag at home and use more of the Classic’s all-in-one features.