Category Archives: News

Has the idea of using an electric bike piqued your interest? If so the e-bike Challenge is coming to Minneapolis March 23-24.

23-days to discover and test ride the latest in electric bike technology

Has the idea of using an electric bike, called an e-bike, piqued your interest? If so and you are looking to extend your range of bicycle travel, you are in luck. Coming to Minneapolis, the E-bike Challenge is March 23–24, 2019. Mark your calendar and plan to see and test the latest e-bike models on the shows indoor test track.

So what is a pedal-assist electric bike

Also called a “pedal-assist” bike, an e-bike has a battery and motor that allows a bicyclist to ride farther, with greater ease. Some cyclists, using an e-bike, can reach a distance of up to 70 miles on a charge. With a pedal-assist system, the rider must pedal to engage the motor to enable a more leisurely ride. see more in the shows: E-bike/Hike Guide to prepare the questions you will want to ask.

With more than 30 bicycle brands exhibiting at the show. Each brand will have several models, so choosing the right type of e-bike for your style of riding. Making it easy to find an electric bike for commuting, recreational riding or hauling cargo, Plus options for shuttling the family, e-trikes, e-fat-bikes, and many e-bike accessories.

A fun test track, many workshop presentations and more

Just imagine, after narrowing down your e-bike selection, taking the bike out for a spin on the indoor track set up around the at the E-bike Challenge. The event also features breakout sessions, a kids’ bike test track, an e-bike theater space, fun family activities, and more.

Breakout sessions at the event include, “Easy commuting by e-bike” and “The secret of ice fishing with a fat tire e-bike.” Another keynote presentation will feature, “How to build the future bicycling friendly city.”

Tickets for the E-bike Challenge are six dollars at the door. When purchased online, they are four dollars; and children up to 12-years with a parent or guardian are free.

For more information about the E-bike Challenge, including vendor information, visit For more information about the organizer, visit

Balance bikes are sweeping the world as the best way to teach children to ride bikes. What is a balance bike and how does it work? Balance bikes are designed to teach kids the most difficult portion of riding – Balance.

Balance bikes are a great way for kids to adapt to a life of riding

by John Brown,

Balance bikes are sweeping the world as the best way to teach children to ride bikes. What is a balance bike and how does it work? Balance bikes look a lot like a normal bike with two wheels, frame, seat, and handlebars. What you won’t see on a balance bike a crank, chain or pedals. Balance bikes are designed to teach kids the most difficult portion of riding – Balance.

Balance bikes for fitness and fun

The best way to get kids excited about their balance bike is to make sure it fits them and it’s fun. To adjust the fit, start by loosening the seat and dropping it all the way down. Next, have your child stand over the bike and lift the saddle until it makes contact with their backside. Tighten the seat at that height. Once the seat height is set, adjust the handlebars to a comfortable position for your child. They should be able to reach out normally and hold the grips. If they look as if their arms are too high (this will fatigue them prematurely) lower the bars. Inversely, if the child is reaching too far down, raise them.

balance bike sizing

So once the bike is fit right, be sure to make it fun! In short, make sure the bike is what the child wants it to be. Stickers, colored tape, bags, bells or horns work great to customize your child’s balance bike for them.


A balance bike is a bike and should be treated as such. This means you want to practice in a flat safe area free of traffic, wear a helmet and be careful of obstacles.

Start out fun

Starting out on the balance bike can be intimidating for your kids. Try to keep it fun. Kids love motorcycle sounds and wheelies. In my 15 years working in a bike shop, I never once ran into a kid who didn’t like getting pushed around on a bike while making motorcycle noises. If you can add a wheelie to the mix, all the better. Even if the first rides aren’t very long, be sure to stop as soon as it’s not fun. 5 to 10-minute rides may seem short but are totally acceptable.

Support the child not the bike

While helping your child with their balance bike, remember that the goal is for your children to understand how to balance WITH the bike. This is different from balancing ON TOP of the bike. A great way to help this is to support the children by the shoulders rather than holding the seat and handlebars. If you support the child, they will learn to use the bike to help them balance. If you hold the bike stable, the kids have more trouble feeling what real bicycle balance is.

Pedals aren’t all bad

All our talk about balance makes it sound like pedals at the young age are a bad thing, That’s not the case. Bikes with training wheels or tricycles have a great place in teaching kids how to pedal. The action of pedaling forward is not as difficult to learn as balance, but the frustration of not being able to do it can hamper a child’s move from balance bike to pedal bike.

What age

Balance bikes come in many different sizes. The smallest sizes can accommodate kids as young as 18 months. Before picking a balance bike, have the child stand over it. You want some clearance between the child and the bike, and a comfortable distance from the seat to handlebars. Most Balance bikes will top out sizes for kids around 6.

Transitioning to a full-size bike

In a few stories, you will hear about the kid who got off his balance bike, mounted his new pedal bike, and pedaled away. It’s a great story, but not too common. Transitioning to a pedal bike takes a little effort. Start in a similar fashion to the balance bike – Fit and Fun. Adjust the pedal bike’s seat and handlebar. Next step is to explain how the bikes brakes work. With a balance bike kids can become accustomed to stopping by dragging their feet, so it’s important to show them how the pedal bike stops. Next step is to let them ride while supporting them by the shoulders and let them pedal around. Once they feel comfortable pedaling, you can let go. You will find they have almost no issues riding and the transition from balance to a pedal bike will happen within a day.

Make your bike a balance bike

After all this, you’re probably asking yourself “Why can’t I just pull the pedals of my child’s bike and use that as the balance bike?” The truth is, you can do that.

Pulling the pedals off a bike will give you a lot of the same benefits as a balance bike. The shortcomings of doing that are pedal bikes are wider than balance bikes and make it more difficult for the child to push off. Pedal bikes are also heavier than balance bikes. Pushing around the extra weight of a pedal bike can be difficult for smaller riders.

However, you choose to teach your kids to balance, keep it fun.

If the the idea of a bicycle with an electric motor, called an e-bike, has piqued your interest, the E-bike Challenge will be in Minnesota in March.

E-bike Challenge Minneapolis may pique your interest with a test track

Has the idea of a bicycle with an electric motor, called an e-bike, caught or piqued your interest? If you are a commuter or recreational cyclist looking to extend your range of travel or you are dealing with a disability, you are in luck. Coming March 23–24, 2019 the E-bike Challenge will be in Minneapolis MN. The Challenge will showcase the latest e-bike models with an opportunity to try them out on the shows indoor test track.

If the the idea of a bicycle with an electric motor piques your curiosity the E-bike Challenge should be on your calendar March 22 -23.

If the idea of a bicycle with an electric motor piques your curiosity, the E-bike Challenge should be on your calendar.

The show is the first e-bike event in the United States of its kind. The E-bike Challenge Minneapolis is a place for consumers to compare and test e-bikes; at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Also called “pedal-assist” bikes, an e-bike has a battery that allows a bicyclist to ride farther—from 50–55 miles—and with greater ease. Some bicycles carry two batteries allowing a reach of up to 70 miles. The bicycle doesn’t do all the work—the rider must pedal for the “assist” to engage, enabling a more leisurely ride.

Compare all the latest e-bikes and accessories at the Challenge.

Compare all the latest e-bikes and accessories at the Challenge.

With at least 30 bicycle brands exhibiting, attendees of the Challenge will learn about—and be able to test ride—e-bikes and accessories from a variety of vendors: offering e-bikes for commuting and recreation to e-cargo bikes, e-family bikes, e-trikes. You will even find e-fat-bikes for winter or off-road riding, along with many e-bike accessories.

From Europe, the E-bike Challenge organizer

Hicle, Inc., is organizing the E-bike Challenge event. “Hicle” comes from Hi(ke and cy)cle and is dedicated to helping people “hike and cycle in the most comfortable, safe, and clean way possible.” In Europe, the Hicle organization is known for the most significant consumer fair in the world for bicycles and cycling tourism.

The show will combining both cycling tourism and cycling sports into the venue to give you all the facts.

The show will combine both cycling tourism and cycling sports into the venue to give you all the facts.

Theo Jorna, the owner of Hicle, has been active in bicycling since the early seventies. Crossing several continents and many countries, over the years, by bicycle to promote improvements in bicycling conditions. He started the Dutch equivalent of the Adventure Cyclist, as well as a magazine for traveling cyclists. Jorna organized his first Bicycling Tourism fair in 1995 and had also organized expos for cycling with children. He recently held an E-bike Challenge in the Netherlands. Combining both cycling tourism and cycling sports that event attracted more than 40,000 guests.

“We chose to host the first E-bike Challenge in the United States, in Minneapolis because the interest and the bicycling infrastructure is already in place here,” said Jorna. “There is great potential—increasing the use of e-bicycles as tools of transportation and mobility will greatly impact our daily lives as a community and society.”

Bicycling around Minneapolis

Minneapolis has 129-miles of on-street bikeways, with 97 miles of off-street bikeways. Local interest in cycling for recreation, as well as commuting, continues to rise. The E-bike Challenge will provide hands-on experience for attendees to try out and experience the many types of e-bikes and accessories.

“What if people could cycle farther or not have to put their bicycles away in the winter?” said Jorna. “A person in his or her seventies could pedal an e-bike as if they were forty again. Two or three generations could enjoy bicycling together.”

A fun test track, many workshop presentations and more

Attendees of the E-bike Challenge can try out e-bikes on an indoor track set up around the venue. The event also features breakout sessions, a kids’ bike test track, an e-bike theater space, fun family activities, and more.

E-bike industry reps will be on hand to answer all your questions.

E-bike industry reps will be on hand to answer all your questions.

Breakout sessions at the event include, “Easy commuting by e-bike” and “The secret of ice fishing with a fat tire e-bike.” A keynote presentation will feature, “How to build the future bicycling friendly city.”

Tickets for the E-bike Challenge are six dollars at the door. When purchased online, in advance, they are four dollars; and children up to 12-years are free.

For more information about the E-bike Challenge, including vendor information, visit For more information about the organizer, visit

See online, at, free maps for bike-friendly destinations in the upper Midwest.

My second Southeast Asian solo bike tour saw me again crossing the border to bicycle Cambodia. After my first trip to Vietnam and Cambodia in 2014, I promised myself a return for an extended tour. Fortune smiled upon me and I returned for a 16-day solo tour.

A promised return for a solo bike tour to Cambodia and Vietnam

by Chris Olson

My second Southeast Asian solo bike tour saw me again crossing the border to bicycle Cambodia. After my first trip to Vietnam and Cambodia in 2014, I promised myself a return for an extended tour. Fortune (and little savings) smiled upon me and I returned for a 16-day solo tour.

Setting up the Trucker

Setting up the Trucker

Solo bike tour preparations upon my arrival

On this trip, late in November, I enjoyed one day in Ho Chi Minh City. This allowed me a chance to overcome jet-lag and tweaking my Surly Trucker DeLuxe for the 16-days ahead. I landed in Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon. Many residents continue to use the city’s former name and that use is reflected in signs throughout town. I stayed outside the tourist area, in a neighborhood northwest of downtown.

Attempting to sync my body clock with the time change and 22-hour flight, I drank plenty of coffee and assembled my bike. My Surly frame splits into two separate pieces, equipped with S&S couplers, that makes it easy to pack into an S&S suitcase. With this set up the bike can be checked as regular airline luggage with no additional cost. I spent the remainder of my first day taking in the smells and scenery of the neighborhoods, eating and most importantly acclimating to the heat humidity.

A slow start to my solo bike tour and it was a holiday at home

The morning of November 23rd, Thanksgiving Day, I was on my bike early. It wasn’t long before the heat and humidity began partnering with the jet lag for a troublesome first day. On my previous visit to Vietnam, I had four days of heat and humidity acclimation and conquered my jet lag before I began that seven-day tour.

This trip I had only 18 waking hours before pedaling.  Shortly after I merged onto the busy street winding my way out of Saigon, I was joined by a young girl, about 16 years old, who rode up alongside me and wanted to practice her English. In her school uniform, with badminton racket sticking out of her backpack, we conversed for the next four miles while weaving through the morning rush hour traffic. After 36-miles of extreme heat, traffic congestion and many 30 to 60-minute rest, I realized I needed to stop for the day.

Ba Den mountain at a Mekong tributary

Ba Den mountain at a Mekong tributary

My first night

In the city of Go Dau, I found a guesthouse, registered and slept for 2 hours with the fan set on high. After I woke, the owner’s brother took me by car to his favorite pho restaurant. Virtually all restaurants are family run, this one no exception. I watched as the cook dipped the noodles, beef, and veggies in broth for the perfect amount of time before serving. I happened to be the only one currently eating in the tiny restaurant and all seven family members gathered around to watch me savor a unique Thanksgiving dinner.

Hello, Cambodia on my 16-day solo bike tour!

Trucker waiting outside the Cambodian customs

Trucker waiting outside the Cambodian customs

Today the air was thick with humidity from last evening’s torrential downpour. After a light breakfast, filling my water bottles and checking my map I was off for a full day in the saddle. Crossing the river and leaving out of town I suddenly braked when I saw waffles, my favorite treat from the last trip to Vietnam.

I brake for all roadside Asian waffle stands

I brake for all roadside Asian waffle stands

One of my favorite carbs

The young man making the waffles made me five and then invited me to join him at a “coffee klatch” down the hill. The two of us were the only men in a group of twelve, enjoying the famous Vietnamese drip coffee for a onetime price of 35 cents. With Google translate as our aid, we carried on for almost two hours before I was on the road again. I still had eight miles to ride to the Cambodia border.

Border crossing at Xa Mat Vietnam

The border crossing at Xa Mat Vietnam

The border crossing at Moc Bai, Vietnam and Bavet, Cambodia was not as busy as anticipated for the largest crossing between the two nations. Alerted to the various border scams by travel journals on “Crazy Guy on a Bike,” I ignored the money changers and visa “helpers.” The entire border process took only 30 minutes, leaving Vietnam and entering Cambodia.

Driving a bicycle in Vietnam vs. Cambodia

The traffic differences from Vietnam were immediately noticeable with many more SUV and large trucks on the road. The motto ruling Cambodian roads is “might makes right” and cycling in Cambodia is not for the fainthearted. I also witnessed a greater military presence than the last trip. This was prevalent throughout my trip due to political unrest building before the July 2018 Cambodia elections. The sky threatened rain for the last half of my ride and the clouds were welcome friends as they blocked the sun. Not knowing where I was exactly staying each night, I missed my destination town of Prasat. Continuing on I finished my 59-mile day ride in tiny Kampong Trabek.

Motorbike ramp leading to dirty rooms but good food

Motorbike ramp leading to dirty rooms but good food


Rats lurking near my room

Here, there were no clearly marked guesthouses, so by asking those in town, I found a small bar and restaurant with rooms in the back to rent. The room I checked into had not been cleaned from the last guests so I laid my hammock across the bed. The bedding was used to plug the large gap at the door bottom. I convinced myself, this would keep the rats I had seen earlier out of the room. The proprietors made me dinner and after visiting with them and their two daughters, I retired for the evening.

Onto Phnom Penh with fewer smiles

The next morning, waking to the faithful’s call to prayer, I began riding toward my goal of Phnom Penh. Searching for food and coffee I remembered Cambodia coffee is usually in small cans of Nescafe, thick with sugar and milk. So, Nescafe it was when I stopped at a bakery for breakfast. As I ate, I reserved a hotel in the heart of Phnom Penh, through Having clean bedding and air conditioning would be a welcome luxury.

35 K to my hotel

35 K to my hotel

The children along the way were always entertaining to watch

Pedaling through the countryside I stopped and watched as three young children herded a flock of goats across the busy highway. Further along, roadside vendors began selling interesting foods including bowls of chicken heads; piles of deep fried frogs; and beautiful fruits. Fruits we could only hope to see in grocery stores in the U.S. Sadly, the most noticeable difference as I came closer to Phnom Penh were fewer smiles, waves and “hellos” from people along the road.

Cambodian Family maneuvering the highway

Cambodian Family maneuvering the highway

Mid-afternoon with 55-miles pedaled I arrived at my hotel. In the luxury of air conditioning, I immediately researched the locations of the Cambodian Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields. These were my two must-see memorials of this trip. I discovered the museum was only a mile walk from my hotel and the Killing Fields about ten miles. After laying the groundwork for a Sunday in Phnom Penh, I ventured away from the hotel and took in many sights. Along the way I found a tiny coffee shop making lattes that I could enjoy while watching the activities in the neighborhood!

An to get some valuable travel advice

I had also arranged to meet a fellow Warmshowers host from New Zealand that evening. She has been living in Cambodia for four years while completing her Doctorate in pediatric dentistry. Her bicycling and travel advice was invaluable as was her insight of the current political unrest. Knowing tomorrow would be extremely difficult day emotionally, I returned to the hotel to organize my panniers and get to bed early.

Bearing witness to genocide and the need to stay an extra day

This Sunday morning I walked a mile to the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum. A former Phnom Penh High School, the campus was used to imprison, torture and kill those who were perceived as threats to the Khmer Rouge regime. Between 1975 and 1979, over 17,000 Cambodians passed through Tuol Sleng Prison, also known as Security Prison 21.

Approximately 525 non-Cambodians were also tortured and killed here, including two Americans victims, one born in Minnesota. Of the seven people known to have survived this prison, two were on site. Selling their autobiographies, recounting the few stories they wish to share with visitors and urging all to never let this happen again.

Vietnamese roadside cuisine

Cambodian roadside cuisine

Advice on renting a tuk-tuk

After spending over three hours at the museum, a solemn walk brought me to a small café for lunch. While dining, I met two European travelers visiting family. They advised me on the costs of renting a tuk-tuk, a motorbike pulling a small cart to transport people. This is the equivalent of an American taxi. Returning to the hotel, I rented a Tuk-tuk to take me to the Killing Fields, also known as Choeung Ek, southwest of Phnom Penh.

It was here the Khmer Rouge murdered 8,900 of their fellow Cambodians. This site is now home to a Buddhist Stupa containing over 5,000 of the victim’s skulls. Total, the Khmer Rouge was responsible for a genocide claiming the lives of one in four Cambodians, or 2.2 million between 1975 -79.

Stephan, Soporn and me at Vicious Cycle in Phenom Penh

Stephan, Soporn and me at Vicious Cycle in Phenom Penh


A needed one more day in Phnom Penh

As I headed back to the hotel I realized I needed one more day in Phnom Penh to uplift my spirits.  A day riding free of panniers and discovering the city. I returned to the hotel, then rode my bike and rode along the waterfront. Entering a vibrant market district, I discovered my destination – Vicious Cycle– a bike repair, rental and organized tour shop. Owner Stephen and head mechanic Soporn, both of Phnom Penh, welcomed me and insisted on a photo. They had not seen an S & S coupler before and thought the engineering was significant. From here I rode to the French Alley Cafe’ where I had agreed to meet the European couple for dinner.

Monday’s city ride and Tiny Toones

Inspirational mural at Tiny Toones

Inspirational mural at Tiny Toones

Planning for my boat ride up the river

My second day in Phnom Penh began hot, humid and sunny as usual. Strolling through the neighborhood I had to sample a few different lattes then back to the hotel where I arranged a Tuesday morning boat transport. This would be a full day, eight-hour speed boat ride, up the Tonle Sap River, then across the lake of the same name. With the passage for tomorrow’s journey reserved I grabbed my trusty steed and I decided to try to get good and lost for a couple hours. I saw a fair portion of the city this way. Then, with the help of Google maps, I was able to wind my way through the Phnom Penh traffic back to my hotel.

Classroom at Tiny Toones

Classroom at Tiny Toones

In the afternoon, I hired a tuk-tuk to bring me to Tiny Toones. This is a school for homeless and at-risk children in a “more difficult” area of the city. Yesterday, when I shared with the European couple where I planned on going, they advised caution. The tuk-tuk driver raised his eyebrows as I showed him on my map. The “roads” in this section of Phnom Penh were mere alleyways and it took over 40 minutes of searching, along with a phone call to the administrator of the school to finally pinpoint the entrance.

More on Tiny Toones

Shhort the school’s Administrator, along with K.K. the school’s founder met each other as kids in Kentucky. Their families resettled there after fleeing the Khmer Rouge. They returned to Cambodia to help the children in Cambodia who, most likely, we’re not going to be as fortunate as them. Tiny Toones uses dance, music and visual arts as the common learning thread throughout the school. In Cambodia, families pay for schooling and often cannot afford to send or bribe school administrations for much sought-after education.

Shhort and myself at Tiny Toones

Shhort and myself at Tiny Toones

Returning to the hotel, I picked up my fresh laundry and met the European couple at the rooftop restaurant of their hotel. Five hours of stories and contemplating the future of Cambodia found me arriving in bed late, with great anticipation for tomorrow.                                     –

A day on the Tonle Sap River

One slip and "tour over"

One slip and “tour over”

Leaving Phnom Penh, Tuesday morning, I aged a year watching the deckhand cautiously nudge my fully loaded bike along the edge of the boat. I took one photo of what I thought maybe the last time I see my Trucker. I then turned my back and knew if I heard a splash it was “tour over.” Settling in for a look back upon a unique city I may never see again, I breathed a sigh of relief as the boat (with my bike) left promptly, 20 minutes late.

Floating villages along the Tonle Sap River

We passed three floating villages along the way to Chong Knaes, our destination. These villages are populated by people who fish for a living or transport goods along the river and its tributaries. While occasionally getting fresh air, I did use the opportunity to catch some needed sleep and prepare for the days ahead. Arriving at Chong Knaes, I relived the anxiety of the morning as they successfully unloaded my bike.

Floating village on the Tonle Sap River

A Floating village on the Tonle Sap River

A low tire in a small town

As I wheeled up the boat landing I noticed the front tire was extremely low. Luckily, most Cambodian towns, no matter the size, (throughout Southeast Asia as well) have at least one motorbike repair shop.  The mechanics, boys no older than 12 years of age, filled my tire and sent me on my way after refusing an offer of payment. Chong Knaes is the gateway to Siem Reap and the Angkor Wat temple complex. The small village is located 16-miles south of Angkor Wat. I had reserved a room at a “boutique hotel” run by an Australian couple and their French Chef.

Cambodian school on stilts over the water

Here I repaired my flat and was directed to the non-tourist area of town where I found dinner, again beef and rice. Watching a soccer match between local schools proved to be the highlight of the evening. I then wound my way through the maze of streets to the hotel for conversation and advice on how to experience Siem Reap tomorrow.

Pedaling the world’s 7th wonder

7th wonder of the world

Main Temple and entrance to the Angkor Wat

I found my breakfast ready and in the fridge near the hotel desk. The chef had prepared it to take with me today as I planned to leave before dawn. Leaving the hotel I rode through the maze of dark alleyway streets to the main road through Siem Reap. Last evening’s advice included directions to the only building where $36 tickets are sold to enter the Angkor Wat complex.

A huge area with only six gated entrances

Imagine an area many miles square with only six gated entrances where tickets/passes are checked – I think you have a rough idea of the complex. The entire archeological area set aside by the Cambodian government encompasses 154 square miles that include forests and small villages. The area is home to both the famed Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom temples built in the 12th century by the Khmer King Suryyavarman.

Dieity  statue in Angkor Wat

The day was cloudy so hopes of a brilliant sunrise over the temples were not realized. The silver lining was arriving before the throngs of tourists to this seventh wonder of the world. These grand temples and stone carvings built with ancient engineering mesmerized me. There were many tourists on bikes; with bike rental shops in Siem Reap and no lack of bicycle racks at either complex.

Trees growing throughout the temples remains

I rode the “ring” roads around each complex entering at the main walkway at Angkor Wat while riding to different ruin access points in Angkor Thom. Thom looked much more ancient with its iconic trees growing through, around and over the remains of temples, walls, and walkways. The vendors here were more aggressive than other areas I encountered along this journey. Most bicycle tourers, I know, travel to meet people and experience cultures. Purchasing souvenirs can become problematic while touring. I did purchase a $1 coffee, the most expensive coffee of the entire trip.

A close shave

After lunch, I scouted the non-tourist area of Siem Reap for a barber shop. After making a shaving motion with my hands, a young lady kindly pointed to a shop down the alley. My beard was the longest ever and I had not shaved my head for almost two weeks. The young barber, under the tutelage of his father, produced a straight-razor in which he slid a new, long blade. Now I became nervous. The young man proceeded to give a fine shave and really got enjoyment from people crowded around him as he shaved the “barang.” I spent the final two hours of sunlight mailing postcards and meandering through the city markets tasting different foods.

Cambodian version of Danish Abelskiver

I came upon what some westerners would believe to be Danish Abelskiver. Not being able to pass on this tasty treat, made with rice and coconut milk, I bought four. To my surprise, each contained either a small piece of green onion or single kernel of corn.

Sweet taste treat - Cambodian abelskivers

A sweet tasty treat – Cambodian abelskivers

With approximately 30-miles on my tires, viewing the 7th architectural wonder of the world, receiving a fine shave and enjoying Cambodian taste treats, it was a fulfilling day!

Into the countryside with several coconut stops

Every morning on this trip I have woke to a rooster crowing, even in the hearts of Phnom Penh and Saigon. This Thursday was no exception, though I managed a little more sleep before my tires hit the pavement again. My goal was to be in Stoung, about 61-miles away, this evening. The earlier starts had an enormous impact on my daily riding. The cooler sometimes cloudy mornings allowed me to stay a step ahead of the humidity as it mixed with a high sun later in the day. I also could allow longer, shaded breaks to enjoy a full coconut.

I found, after drinking an entire coconut full of juice, heat and humidity had no effect on me for the next couple hours.

Coconut break at rural Cambodian market

Coconut break at rural countryside market

Another joy of bicycling through Southeast Asia is seeing uniformed children biking to and from school. This morning, I saw hundreds of children riding along the highway waving and shouting “hello!” Early on I attempted to be one of the friendliest tourers on the road, but I stopped waving. During my first three days of riding, I came upon the scenes of two fatal accidents that may have been avoided if those poor souls had paid more attention.

Playing it safe around the kids

The distraction of waving and the careless drivers, coupled with no enforcement of traffic laws brings danger to these children. The children are packed together in their own unique peloton, many giving rides to other siblings or friends.

I did not want to see children losing control and creating an accident with highway drivers who do not care. It was along this stretch of road I experienced an oncoming tour bus passing a semi-truck, which was passing another tour bus. I, of course, found myself far in the ditch as I saw this happening before my eyes.

Another coconut before finding breakfast

Out of town, I realized I had not eaten yet. The coconuts being very filling, I rode to the next town, Dam Daek where I stopped for breakfast. Though I could not communicate through words, the chef made me the most delicious and welcoming meal of the trip. Here the custom of cooks and restaurant owners serving you. Then sitting across from you and watching you eat is a little unnerving and takes some getting used to! Though the friendliness is enjoyable!

Beautiful presentation & delicious breakfast Cambodia style

Beautiful presentation & delicious breakfast Cambodia style

I stopped later on this leg of my journey to enjoy another coconut. Encouraged by two young children, with their waves and shouts I surprised them by my highway U-turn. They could not hide their excitement of this foreigner at their mother’s roadside stand. Though we could not communicate through words, when prompted by their mom, they began to sing the children’s song “Head, shoulders knees and toes!”  This “concert” was captured on my phone and continues to be one of the trip’s highlights.

Trying to avoid the trinkets

Riding into Stoung, I took the first guesthouse available. It was first and foremost a restaurant for Angkor Wat tour buses. Tourists could purchase items to remember their travels without the bicycle’s conditions of limited space or weight. At this inn, $15 got me a clean room with air conditioning and a fan, though the fan proved more effective. Stoung’s roadside vendors primarily sold dried fish hung on roadside racks.

Riding through the town, I found an unmemorable dinner, passed a group of young monks on their walk back to the Wat and stopped to get a bottled tea for my morning ride. The girl selling beverages from her cooler reminded me of a lemonade stand back home; as she opened the cooler to display her wares I saw a mix of bottled teas, pop, and beer. After purchasing a tea and a 10 ounce Black Panther stout from the 8-year-old, I made my way back to the guesthouse. After journaling my day, I slept well.

Cultural differences and travel warnings on my solo bike tour      

The guesthouse owner had opened the gate early since I had said I was leaving by 6 a.m. Riding through town, children were already on their bikes heading to school. I made 20-miles on one bottle of tea and a Cliff bar which propelled me to the town of San Kor. Here I ate breakfast at a communal table outside a busy market. Though I am open to trying most any food, the meat in this morning’s soup consisted entirely of intestines. I savored the noodles, veggies, and broth and managed to let the intestines fall from my chopsticks to the dirt under the table. Here the town dogs lounged waiting for a morning snack.

Dealing with dogs on my journey

As a cyclist, I noticed dogs along the roads in towns and cities posed no threat but dogs in the countryside would snarl and give chase in an instant. From other cycling travel journals, I knew to be cautious of the Cambodian canines. Travel warnings from the U.S. State Department make it clear. If a person is to travel in the countryside, remote areas or spending a large amount of time outside, getting the rabies vaccine before your trip is wise.

In 2017, Cambodia saw the largest increase in rabies cases ever and the vaccine can only be found in the three largest cities. It was also in San Kor where I witnessed a dog get hit by a truck and just left in the road. I did not witness anyone come to the dog’s aid and it continued to get hit by subsequent vehicles. I can understand a person not wanting to risk their lives in these dangerous roadways for an animal that may most likely die; there are different values and perceptions placed on animals in Cambodia, then in the U.S.

Smiling stone Buddhas at Ankgor WAt

Smiling stone Buddhas at Angkor Wat



 The luxury resort & spa that was eerie and virtually deserted

I managed to book a room at a resort four miles outside the town of Kampong Thnor, arriving about 1 o’clock with 60-miles ridden for the day. The pictures of the resort betrayed what truly laid in wait for me. I arrived at an almost vacant, eerie and vast lodge complex. The 200 plus hotel was more of an abandoned office building. I was one of the two rooms booked for the evening.

This building I was in was a half mile from the main office and restaurant. The immense concrete parking lot was covered with weeds and looked like it had not seen a vehicle in years. I told the manager I would not stay here and asked for an alternative. Costing $10 more I was reissued a small cabin that was much closer to the restaurant/office and had wi-fi. I showered away the daily dirt, napped then decided to get an early dinner. Being the only patron in this vast dining hall, the best part of my stay was the food. The feast included a fresh salad with beef and salted crab.

I planned to leave early again in the morning, so lights out at 8 p.m.

Dangerous roads and the bamboo bridge on this solo bike tour

Bamboo bridge from my 2014 bike tour

The bamboo bridge (photo from my 2014 bike tour)

This Saturday morning found me packed and leaving the most bizarre excuse for a resort/hotel ever imagined. I rode around the maze of empty cabins to the cavern of a restaurant. The door was open so I walked in, said “hello” a few times loudly and received no response. Setting the key on the reception desk, I left. A mile away, through the small village and almost to the main road, a motorbike pulled alongside. It was the young manager from the hotel accusing me of leaving without paying.

I really couldn’t get angry, he was probably fearful of having to cover the costs if I got away. Showing him the receipts from last evening’s dinner and the separately paid receipt for the stay, he was embarrassed. He urged me to return for the breakfast included with my stay. If last evenings dinner was any indication, I wouldn’t be back on the road until the afternoon so I passed.

LBN Hotel, Kampong Cham overlooking the Mekong River

LBN Hotel, Kampong Cham overlooking the Mekong River

The most dangerous ride of my life

On the return ride through the town of Kampong Thnor (or Thma; Thna depending on which map, website or sign was being read) I found a coffee shop for the earliest caffeine of the trip. Two cliff bars later I was out on Cambodian Provincial Highway 71 experiencing the most dangerous riding of my life. The roads had no shoulders and at least a foot of the road edge was crumbling enough to force me farther into the traffic lane. Here again, I witnessed a double pass, drivers having no concern for human life.

Though I love Cambodia, this day I knew if I ever returned, I would not tour by bike on this highway. I believe it needs to be said; if you are planning a trip to a destination where traffic/driving is heavy, research that area. The site has incredible firsthand knowledge of riding conditions the world over. From my research, I knew this stretch was dangerous. Though I am an experienced urban/highway shoulder rider I did not expect the callous disregard for human life on the roadways.

Cambodia’s 3rd largest city

There were two trips ‘firsts’ today: first a youngster who said “hi” instead of hello; and another wearing a bicycle helmet.  Wheeling through areas of logging and rubber plantations, I entered Kampong Cham, Cambodia’s 3rd largest city, from the west. While here three years ago, I never rode through the city, just along the waterfront.

Hitching a ride through the market

Hitching a ride through the market

The bamboo bridge

One of the most unique tourist attractions in Kampong Cham is the Kaoh Pen Bamboo Bridge from the city to the island of Kaoh Pen in the Mekong. In March of 2014, I rode the bridge to the island and relaxed at Kampong Cham beach. This tour, now early December, I saw the bridge in its annual rebuilding. During the Mekong region’s rainy season the bridge washes down the river each year and is rebuilt in a Sisyphus type scenario. Splurging on a room at the new LBN Hotel, five stars by Western standards, I spent $36 dollars. The room had a view overlooking the Mekong and its river walk, plus breakfast was included.

The Riverwalk in Kampong Cham was entertaining, with many dinner options

Saturday night on the Riverwalk offers many food vendors, organized calisthenics, live music, families playing games, strolling monks and only a handful of western tourists. I ate dinner at the Smile Restaurant on the Riverwalk. Smile is a project of the Buddhism for Social Development Action. They train disadvantaged youth in service and tourism industries giving them marketable skills and education.

At dinner, I was joined by a 74-year-old Australian of Sri Lankan descent. He assesses Cambodian projects being funded by German banks and reports if the investments are attaining the desired goals. Foreign investment in Cambodia is everywhere. Many corporations and countries are attempting to gain a toehold of influence in this poverty-stricken and increasingly graft run country.

Returning to my hotel, my locked bike had been brought inside by the 24-hour hotel guard. Most places I stayed allowed me to bring the Trucker inside for the evening though those that did not have a 24-hour guard watching customer’s motorbikes. It was there the Trucker was snuggled under the watchful eye of the guard on duty.

My last night in Cambodia on my solo bike tour

On my last Sunday in Cambodia, after a delicious omelet in the hotel and a final 40-minute ride through the city, I turned east and rode the Kizuna Bridge over the Mekong River. The Kizuna is one of many bridges funded by Japan. This evening’s destination was Kraek and today I encountered three Khmer weddings.

After inquiring, I understood these Khmer celebrations usually last three to four days with music and food throughout. The music was earsplitting, I could hear noise three miles away before reaching the party. The wedding rental business must be one of the busiest and profitable in Cambodia. The sad reality is the amount of trash generated, abandoned at the roadside with no infrastructure to collect it.

Still noticeable remnants of  the “American” War with Vietnam

The road continued in its narrow and crumbling state, though undulating rollers, which were welcome from the flat terrain so far on this trip. Finding tonight’s guesthouse I unpacked, reorganized and embarked on a ride through the town. This area of Cambodia saw years of conflict during the “American” War with Vietnam and the subsequent invasion and occupation by Vietnam in 1979 to overthrow the Khmer Rouge.

Returning to the hotel room I began noticing what looked to be dark cracks along the walls and floor. Upon closer inspection, it seemed every ant in Kampong Cham Province had found its way to my room lured by a stale piece of baked good I had placed in the wastebasket. Doing my best to secure my remaining food, I brought towels from the guesthouse desk to wipe up and rid the room of what ants I could.

This meal did NOT go to the dogs

This meal did NOT go to the dogs




Dinner with dogs

For dinner, I strolled along the highway to find the only open restaurant.  Inside large tables, with pots placed in the middle, were chunks of burning wood to cook your meal. I was supplied with gray marinated beef and numerous vegetables by the young couple running the place. I was soon joined by the town canines who were not interested in competing with me for the food at my table. They had their dinner from the remains on the table next to me.

It is really an experience to see a dog eating at a table next to you while the proprietors don’t make a move to get them off the table or out of the restaurant. I returned to the hotel by 8, journaled my day and fell asleep.

Crossing back into Vietnam on my solo bike tour

Waking Monday morning I was itching and covered with mosquito bites. I didn’t remember swatting the little buggers during the night but had the bumps to show for in the morning. The past few days I had noticed more mosquitoes, but this last evening was crazy. I am glad I took the malaria pills and Japanese encephalitis vaccine, before this trip.

Trucker waiting outside the Vietnamese customs

Trucker waiting outside the Vietnamese customs

I love riding in the early mornings here, children going to school, proprietors setting up shop and families sharing breakfasts at small roadside restaurants. My goal this morning was to arrive early at the border crossing as I entered back into Vietnam.

Passing through customs leaving Cambodia

Rolling up to the border I was able to rest the Trucker against a rail and walk to an open customs window. The Cambodian guards were having difficulty with their retina scanner. After 30 minutes of trying one, then another scanner, they finally found one that worked to their satisfaction. I refused to place “extra funds” in my passport receiving a cold stare as I handed it over. Locals lining up behind me had either U.S. dollars or Cambodian Riel peeking out from their passport as a way to ensure their border crossing.

Approaching the Vietnam customs, I locked my bike outside and walked through a huge building; more of symbolic puffed chest toward Cambodia than a practical government building. I took the long walk through this port of entry. Not seeing a soul, I passed the official passport check station and walked right up to the guards at the exit.

These guards panicked, alarmed that I had strolled right through to them, without being stopped by the customs official and having my passport stamped. As one guard escorted me back, the other was yelling for the person responsible for monitoring passports and missing me. Five minutes after handing over my passport, I was back at the exit station. The two guards there scrutinized my passport since they had nothing better to do.

Back in Vietnam

Returning to the front of the building, I grabbed the Trucker and rode the 100 odd yards to the exit where yet another customs official scrutinized my passport. All cleared and back in Vietnam, I tucked away my Cambodian Riel and American Dollars and returned the Vietnamese Dong currency to my wallet. Though it is illegal for the Vietnamese to accept dollars, when paying for larger ticket items like hotel rooms, they will quietly accept it.

It could have been a marriage with coconuts as the dowry?

Today’s 62-miles were uneventful; keeping an eye on the traffic while dodging puddles from last evening’s rain. I did stop twice for coconuts, I swear they have an ingredient that rejuvenates, like no other. The second stop was run by a mother and her two adult daughters. This mother was very serious about me returning to the states with one of her daughters and hope of an immediate wedding.

After emphatically stating “NO” three-times I was back on the Trucker and gone. Riding through the large city of Tay Ninh, gateway to Ba Den mountain, I pondered whether to stay for the night or keep riding. Ba Den Mountain was used as a signal post by American forces during the war and is now an amusement park complete with vendors, rides and a tram to the top of the mountain.

Setting my sights on a guesthouse I had stayed at 11 days prior

Tay Ninh is also home to the Cao Dai Temple.  This religion was founded here in 1926 and is formally known as “The Great Faith [for the] Third Universal Redemption”. The temple is adorned with paintings of the “Left Eye of God” the symbol of Caodaism. It was still before noon so I set my goal as Go Dau with hopes of staying at the same guesthouse I had 11 days prior.

When I arrived, the owner was very happy to see me and chatted again about his time in the U.S. He rode his bicycle with me to the restaurant.  It was then I learned his brother had taken me to his favorite pho restaurant, not the one having a business arrangement with the guesthouse owner. During my fantastic dinner of shrimp fried rice, we were hit with a sudden severe storm which knocked out power to most of the town. This must be a common occurrence since all along the street generators fired up and it became business as usual.

Returning to the guesthouse (in the dark, rain and without a shoulder against oncoming traffic on the divided highway) I was met by the owner’s brother in law and a friend from Cambodia.  They proceeded to tell me, as I quietly listened, all the problems with the American government today. After an hour of international insight, I called it an evening and retired to my room.

Shopping and breathing in Saigon on the last leg of my solo bike tour

Enjoying acclimation to the heat, humidity and exhaust day 14 was my last planned day to ride. As I repeated the tour’s first day of mileage and divided highway, I happened upon a grand opening. Here at the 7-mile mark a new combination coffee shop/ motorbike/car wash just opened. This idea makes great sense in Vietnam. Ready to pay for my latte, the woman behind the counter thanked me profusely for coming. She insisted my morning caffeine was free as long as I came back some time – I just might!

Vietnamese street vendor making savory omelettes

Vietnamese street vendor making savory omelets

Closing in on Saigon, I rode past the usual grouped retail shops. A stretch of landscape shops would give way to a mile of woodcarving artisans, then motorbike repair shops followed by pharmacies. No rhyme or reason that I could tell, though it seems to make it easy to negotiate and fix prices. The shops I hated to see were the ones selling caged wild birds sold as pets. It was along this group of shops I saw a man on a bike with a platform on the back selling beautiful birds of prey, each tethered to a board.

Bicyclist with cages mounted on back selling beautiful birds.

Bicyclist with cages mounted on back selling beautiful birds.

The air thickened as I rode into Saigon

Each mile closer to the city center saw the air thickened to the point of being able to grab it, a sickening exhaust-humidity cocktail. The buff across my face was worth its weight in gold.  After a fried rice breakfast in Cu Chi, I stopped for another coffee. It was here the young lady behind the counter brought me three large green teas as I chatted with the owner and drank my coffee. As I said goodbye to them both, she brought me another bagged tea to hang from the handlebars!

With every Vietnamese coffee comes a side of iced green tea

With every Vietnamese coffee comes a side of iced green tea

After checking into my hotel in the early afternoon, I immediately took all my dirty clothes over to the laundry. By the early evening, they would be cleaned and folded for $3.50. With time to relax, I walked to a fancy new restaurant serving Vietnamese and Cantonese dishes. The shiitake soup was wonderful and the entire staff was dressed in Santa or elf outfits for the approaching holiday.

Then I returned to Amy’s coffee a short walk from the hotel. The owner seemed surprised to see me again. He immediately brought an iced coffee without asking. Though I paid for it, my system could take no more caffeine today. Instead, I ordered apple juice and was very happy with that as my nightcap.

The last two days of my solo bike tour were spent walking Saigon

Leaving the Trucker behind, I put on over nine miles walking on Wednesday as I made my way to Ben Tanh Market and other sites around Saigon. I purchased a few items to bring home, ate well throughout the day and arrived back at the hotel during rush hour. To show others what the road was like at this hour, I donned my helmet and jumped on Trucker to record an 11-minute video. Here I am, with a Go Pro attached to my helmet, riding from the hotel, down the neighborhood street to the main road and around the huge roundabout at rush hour.

Later, I washed the evidence of Cambodia and Vietnam from the Trucker’s frame and let it drip dry overnight. Tomorrow I will take it apart to be packed for my flight back. If the stars align, I will see it in Chicago when I arrive.

Shopping for tea and packing

Thursday morning scouted for various teas to enjoy back home and was pleasantly surprised to find lotus flower tea. Soon after, the bike came apart and the components were smuggled past the front desk and into my room where I could pack without a crowd gathering to watch. Re-wrapping fragile components with bubble wrap and padding the corners of the cloth case with clothing proved again to be a tight fit. Then it happened!

The cloth along one side of the zipper on the top side of the case ripped the entire length. All I could do was finish packing and grab a roll of canary yellow duct tape (it’s in my DNA, I carry duct tape) and proceed to reinforce the case. Now the hope was airport security would not decide they need to open it?

I challenged myself, the rest of the day, to find different street vendors and sample their foods. One reason being, I may not return to Vietnam for a while and the other is to spend my remaining dong since it won’t go far in the states.

With gear loaded, 22 hours later I was back in the U.S.

With my new Deuter backpack, I purchased in Saigon, as my carry on, I went to bed early preparing for a 5:15 a.m. taxi to the airport. Checking in for the flight to Narita Japan, the counter agent did not weigh either my cased bike or my checked bag so no worries there. I also watched security through a propped door as they x-rayed my bag. I believe the protocol here was to wait until a passenger’s luggage was screened and if all was well you could proceed to the gate.

My bags passed and 22 hours later I landed at Chicago ‘s O’Hare for an evening with my daughter and son-in-law. Now for the last leg of my journey, a five-hour drive home, from Chicago to Minneapolis for the Holidays.

Practical details and tips for planning a Cambodian journey

Think I travel light? The joke with all my past travel companions is “where is he hiding the kitchen sink?” Being called a pack mule doesn’t begin to describe me; never a boy scout yet always prepared.  This trip I attempted to turn a new leaf by limiting the items I packed.  The following items were not necessarily used but carried with me.

But first let me start with:

The Trucker crank section nestled in the case

  • The Surly Long Haul Trucker; 26” wheels; outfitted with S & S couplers, Dynamo front hub and Sinewave converter for devices.
  • An S & S carrying case for the bike. So I can check it in as normal airline baggage -using: bubble wrap, pipe insulation, and tennis balls to slide over frame ends.
  • Surly Pannier racks; front, rear, and handlebar Ortlieb bags.
  • Coupler wrench & thread lube; 3 extra spokes; extra tubes; tire levers; patch kit; mini pump; extra brake and shifter cables; head/tail lights; helmet; bell (a must for answering the school children’s bells); bungee cords. Chain lube; extra chain links; adjustable wrench; spoke wrench; needle nose pliers; swiss army knife; and Allen wrench/screwdriver multi-tool.
  • Android Nexus 5; iPhone; Go Pro Hero and 64 GB SD cards; Charging cords/adapters
  • Keen sandals; pair of Crocs; pair wool ankle socks; 2 pairs padded shorts; pair no pads; underwear, 1 pair long pants (zip offs); 3 long sleeve shirts, 3 short sleeves; 1 wool beanie; 3 Buffs (can’t live without ‘em); 1 yellow windbreaker.
  • 6 epi-pens; malaria pills; z-pack, ibuprofen; Tylenol arthritis, Pepto Bismal, Neosporin ointment, toothpaste/brush/floss; liquid soap; hand sanitizer; deodorant; Misc. bandages/gauze pads/tape/Q tips; Katadyn Micropur tablets/ 2L Hydrapak container; washcloth/ towel; 50 SPF sunscreen; toilet paper
  • Small mirror; clothesline; spork; ENO hammock; Chimes ginger chews; Nuun electrolyte tablets. Clif bars; G.I. can opener (the same one used on my first tour at 12 years old), hardcover journal/pen; People for Bikes stickers ( given to children in lieu of candy); 5 Sea to Summit various sized dry bags and backpack; Ziploc bags; duct tape; sunglasses and bifocals
  • Passport w/ extra photos; medical information; decoy wallet; waistband pouch for money and passport; 9 million Vietnamese Dong (about $400); $400 U.S. cash

Reservations along the way

The only reservation I made before I left Minneapolis was for the Minh Chau Hotel in District 10 in Saigon. They had done a superb job 3 years prior and though the ownership had changed, the service was wonderful. Not a fancy hotel by any standards but a large room with a queen size bed and full bath cost $19 per night.

This was about 3 miles from downtown Ho Chi Minh City where the costs climb slightly but the rooms, beds, and baths shrink exponentially. The other plus was the Minh Chau was in the heart of a neighborhood; coffee shops, restaurants, 2 schools, laundries and morning markets made for an authentic, day-to-day vibe. The day after I arrived, I booked my final two nights here and they agreed to store my bike case and packing materials for my return.

Google Maps

I relied on Google maps as I looked ahead each day, searching for guesthouses or if the city was large enough hotels. In the larger cities, I would scan for the words “guesthouse” or “hotel” as I rode through town. Only once I saw no indication of places to stay on Google maps or Of course, this was also the small town that most people waved me away after my game of charades to find lodging.


Guesthouses and hotels outside the large cities of HCMC, Phnom Penh and the tourist city of Siem Reap are rented by the hour, 2 hours or night.  Most family living is multi-generational in a 2-3 room dwelling with extremely little privacy. These places offer an inexpensive getaway to couples looking to be alone. Sadly, this pricing and availability also enable sex traffickers and tourists to continue victimizing Southeast Asians.

In Phnom Penh

I spent 3 nights at the luxurious Mekong Dragon Boutique Hotel at $39 per night.  This reservation was made from the road 5 hours ahead of time; they had all my information and an iced mango juice (in a martini glass!) as I walked through the door. This hotel was close to the sites I was to visit the following day and enabled me to experience the true feel of Phnom Penh city life.

Approaching Siem Reap

I made reservations for a small hotel and received the confirmation number.  For $16 a night, I stayed 2 nights in the clean and friendly Angkor Beauty Boutique Hotel, 2 miles south of Siem Reap happily hidden in a maze of alleyways and roads.

The Samrith Hotel outside the small city of Kampong Thnor was questionable?

The booking site sorely misrepresented this location as a luxury resort & spa though it was eerie and virtually deserted. also allowed me to make a reservation for a hotel that closed six months earlier. They notified me two hours later to make different plans.

The luxury LBN Hotel to the Mekong hotel

Three years ago in Kampong Cham, the Mekong hotel was one of a handful of places to stay overlooking the Mekong River. I stayed here and marveled at the large construction project next door. Fast forward to this trip and that project is the luxury LBN Hotel, the tallest building in Kampong Cham. I stayed for one night at $36 with a delicious breakfast included.

If you decide to visit Vietnam or Cambodia, there are plenty of places to stay and sleuthing to discover them takes little effort. You may be surprised at their definition of “clean” but the hospitality more than counters most issues that may arise.

What do you do when it feels colder outside than a stare from your ex-girlfriend? I’m talking super cold, like dark side of the moon cold. Well here are our best tips for managing frostbite cold weather on you bike.

Tips and tricks for riding in the cold weather of zero degrees

by John Brown,

We at HaveFunBiking are nearly experts at riding in cold weather. Being from Minnesota, it’s a bit of a necessity to manage the cold. For most places in the country, cold means down near freezing, but what do you do when it feels colder than a stare from your ex-girlfriend? I’m talking super cold, like the dark side of the moon cold. Well here are our best tips for managing frostbite and cold weather on your bike.

Cold weather riding be realistic

Being realistic is the most important thing. When the temperature gets perilously cold, your ride can go from fun to life-threatening in a matter of minutes. Start by figuring out the route and a few bail-out points along the way if things go wrong. Next, make sure that your ride isn’t beyond your level of gear (more on that next). Finally, be sure that you know which direction the weather is going, cold weather is a way different thing to handle if it’s cold and windy, or cold and snowing.

Get the right gear for cold weather riding

Riding in temps approaching and dipping below zero requires very different equipment than riding in temps just below freezing. While you can often use the same jacket, pants, tights, and insulating layers, keeping extremities warm becomes a new challenge.


In temperatures below 5 degrees, your eyes will water, and those tears will freeze. Both dangerous and uncomfortable the best way to combat frozen eyes is ski goggles. I find ski goggles to work better than sunglasses because they are typically more resistant to fogging, cover a larger area, and seal around your eyes.


A balaclava (or ski mask) will cover everything on your head but your eyes. It can protect your nose, cheeks, neck, and ears from frigid winter temps. Additionally, they are usually relatively thin, so fitting them under a helmet is more comfortable. To find one that fits well, make sure it will cover your face quickly, but also be able to stretch open enough to expose your mouth and nose (see image below).

There are tons of exercises, drills and products to help you keep your fitness through the winter riding months.


Keeping your feet warm is paramount to keeping you warm, and nothing works better than winter boots. There are plenty of winter hiking boots that you can use with flat pedals and a few cycling specific winter boots that work clipped in. In both cases, be sure that the footwear is waterproof.

-gloves or pogies

Claw style gloves work best to keep your hands warm. They bundle your fingers together to conserve heat. I also like to get super thin wool glove liners and use them in conjunction with my winter claw gloves. This first layer can stay on your hands if you ever need to take the outer gloves off. If the gloves and liners aren’t cutting it, you can also look to pogies. A pogie is something that mounts to the bike around the handlebars and creates a warm little pocket.

Highland Claw

Details of the Highland Claw.

Pogies are awesome when things get frigid cold.

-hand and foot warmers

Another great accessory that helps keep your hands and feet warm is a chemical warmer. Readily available at most outdoor stores, these warmers react with the oxygen in the are to create heat. When using them, open them and leave them exposed to the air for a few minutes before shoving them in your glove for best results.

Start warm

I’ve talked in the past about starting a bit cold for winter riding. While this is good advice for the high freezing temperatures, your body will have serious issues creating enough warmth once the temps revolve near zero. Wear enough to be warm walking outside, and your ride will be pleasant. Also, store your clothes and gear in a warm place. Leaving your boots an gloves in a cold garage is a sure fire way to freeze yourself out.


Being dry is being warm at super cold temperatures. For this reason, waterproof clothing helps a ton. Waterproof gloves, boots, jackets, pants, and gaiters will keep the water out and warmth inside.

Having fun

Above almost all else, a positive attitude will keep things fun in the cold weather. That positive attitude also helps if you need to cut rides short. Be appreciative for the time you had to ride vs. the time you wanted to spend outdoors. You may only get 40 minutes, so enjoy it.

Finding a birding hotspot to check in Shoreview is easy with all the park and trails.

Bike/Birding hot spots in the Twin Cities Gateway to enjoy

With summer soon upon us, we wanted to share a bike/birding hotspot we discovered to add to your list of Minnesota places to explore. Checking out several bike trails in the north suburbs of the Twin Cities this summer. Ground truthing the maps in the MN Bike/Hike Guide our interests were piqued by the many birding haunts that we noticed in the community of Shoreview. An area once inhabited by Dakota and Ojibwe tribes, today this community has many parks along its lakes. These parks provide both residents and visitors places to enjoy bird watching. Why here? From these areas alone you are able to spot an impressive list of songbirds, hawks, and waterfowl. Looking for some new birding spots to explore? We’ve got you covered starting with a local apple orchard. From there, we have identified several additional birding hotspots in the Twin Cities Gateway that is worth checking out.

A Birding Hotspot – Victoria Valley Orchard

Another birding hotspot to see hawks is the victoia Valley Orchard, in Shoreview.

A birding hotspot to see hawks is at the Victoria Valley Orchard in Shoreview.

As September will soon be upon us, many of the nesting sites in the apple trees at the Victoria Valley Orchard have fulfilled their use. One task finished, they are now a good place to spot many seasonal birds and hawks. Like many of the groves around the country, the orchard here is a rich habitat for nesting birds as they forage nearby. Here are a few of the birds that have been observed here: the Baltimore Oriole, Blue-Winged Warbler, Chimney Swift, Osprey, Red-Shouldered Hawk, several species of sparrows, and the Scarlet Tanager.

Location: The Victoria Valley Orchard is located at 4304 North Victoria Street, in Shoreview, MN. You are welcome to wander the orchard throughout the year to spot the different birds that live or pass through here. Commercially they are only open from early September through mid-November if you would like to buy some of the 19 varieties of apples that they grow. For more information please visit their website at

A Birding Hotspot – Snail Lake

A birding hotspot can be found along most of the paved bike trails that meander through the parks in Shoreview.

A birding hotspot can be found along most of the paved bike trails that meander through the parks in Shoreview.

Another birding hotspot on our tour in Shoreview is the trail along Highway 96. This trail borders the north side of Snail Lake. One of two areas to observe the birding activity here is at the grassy area just off the trail. With a few potholes and a line of trees partially blocking the view of the lake, you may spot several varieties of warblers, if they haven’t left. Plus, if you’re lucky, you’ll catch a glimpse of the Red-Shouldered Hawks. A variety of other marsh birds that use this area can also be seen here.

Location: The trail location is on Highway 96 and across from the Shoreview Public Library. There is a public park at the south end of the lake for another viewing location.

Birding Hotspot – Sucker and Vadnais Lakes

Now heading further east along Highway 96, our tour of birding hotspots takes us first to Sucker Lake. Then, across County Road F, the trail takes you into Vadnais Lake’s park area. Both these lakes and the park areas are a part of the Vadnais-Snail Lakes Regional Park and are reservoirs for the St. Paul Regional Water Authority. These lakes are fairly deep and the wetlands are composed of extensive tamarack and shrub swamps with large marshy areas. The forest area here is mainly mature pine plantations with some oak woods for nesting Pine Warblers and Red-Shouldered Hawks. A variety of marsh birds use the shoreline here. Along with the fall migratory waterfowl activity of both lakes, this area is also good for migratory warblers and Red-Breasted Nuthatches.

Location: Just south of Highway 96, take the Rice St. exit from I-694 and go north. The north access and parking is east of Rice St. on Sucker Lake Road. The south entrance is east from Rice St. on County Road F, then north on Sucker Lake Road.

Another birding hotspot is in some of the open meadows that paved bike paths pass through the par

Another birding hotspot is in Grass Lake where paved bike paths pass through some of the open meadows.

Birding Hotspot – Grass Lake

Another birding hotspot in Shoreview is Grass Lake, which is also a part of the Vadnais-Snail Lakes Regional Park system. The main vegetation here is the deep water cattail marsh with floating mats. On both the east and west sides of the lake, Oak woodlands can be found. On the north side of the park, there is a mixture of swamp shrubs and grasslands that are prevalent. Here at Grass Lake is where Marsh Wrens, Osprey, and Red-Shouldered Hawks commonly nest. Common Loons are often seen in the spring and summer along with many sparrow species that stopover during their migration.

Location: Grass Lake is reached by turf and paved trails from the parking area off of Gramsie Road. The parking lot can be reached by taking the Victoria St. exit from I-694 and going north to Gramsie Rd., then east to the MacKubin Rd. intersection. Entrance is on your right.

For more information on these birding hotspots and others, contact Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department at (651) 748-2500 or for more information.

A 12.5-mile Bike Loop to Shoreview’s Birding Hotspots

For those interested in riding their bicycle to the above parks described, we have identified an easy path to take to have optimal bird watching capabilities. Please download the 12.5-mile Turn-by-Turn Route to begin your bird watching journey by bike to see some of Shoreview’s birding hotspots.

More map options can be found at the Ramsey County Maps.


Billed as the largest one-day bike shows in the Midwest, the Iowa Bike Expo offers free admission for those shopping for destinations, gear, bikes, and more. Mark your calendars for January 26, 2019

The 2019 Iowa Bike Expo is scheduled for January 26th

Billed as the largest one-day bike shows in the Midwest, the Iowa Bike Expo offers free admission for those shopping for destinations, gear, bikes, and more. Mark your calendars for January 26, 2019 (10:00 AM to 4:30 PM)  in Des Moines at the Iowa Events Center,  Hy Vee Hall, 833 5th Avenue Des Moines, IA 50309.

What you will see in the Iowa Bike Expo

If you are looking for bicycle equipment, destinations, events, and more this is the event you want to attend. You will find many Iowa trail systems, events, and equipment vendors exhibiting from all over the country there to show you the latest. There will also be educational seminars helping you get in touch with bike advocacy, find the latest consumer trends, and learn about new places to ride.

Expo Schedule

See the current schedule of workshops, entertainment, etc. here

Current 2019 Exhibitors

The list is growing, so check here for updates to the list.

Active Edge Sports Massage
Adaptive Sports Iowa
All Ability Cycles
Altoona Road Riders
Barr Bicycle
Big Bam
Big Cock Bike Shop
Bike Country
Bike Rags
Bike Sparta
Bike Tour Vacations
Bike World
Black Girls Do Bike: Des Moines
Black Hawk Bike Coalition
Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival
Borah Teamwear
Bourbon Country Burn
Capitol Row
Captain Roy’s
Cedar Falls Tourism
Central Iowa Charters
Charles City Whitewater
Chichaqua Valley Trail
Confluence Brewing Company
Connecticut Yankee Pedaler
Corridor MPO
Costco Wholesale
Crit Fit Army Cycling Apparel
Custom Tags
DaBluz Boutique
Des Moines Bicycle Collective
Des Moines Cycle Club
Direct Impulse Design
Dream Team
Ends of the Earth Cycling
Ergon USA
EVELO Electric Bicycles
Firetrucker Brewery
Gran Fondo Cedar Valley
Great Cycle Challenge
Iowa Craft Beer Tent
Iowa Games & Iowa Senior Games
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation
Iowa Ortho
Iowa Scholastic MTB Club
Jeff C Williams Bicycle Art
Kaddy Rack
Key Potential Chiropractic
Kyle’s Bikes
Lake Country Cyclists
Madrid Chamber of Commerce
Minnesota Trails Magazine
Moonlight Classic Bike Ride
Moxy Monitor
Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge
Old Man On A Bike Apparel
Omaura Skin
Optimum Chiropractic
Pedal Across Wisconsin
Pingora Outdoors
Quad Cities Bicycle Club
Raccoon River Valley Trail Association
Rails to Trails
Ridebiker Alliance
Rolling Prairie Trail
RS Welding Studio
Sauk Rail Trail
The Happy Mutant
Thrive Family Chiropractic
Tour De Brew QC
Tour de Nebraska
Tour of Minnesota
Urban Bicycle Food Ministry
Velocity USA
Velorosa Cycling
Vero Chiropractic
Wabash Trace Nature Trail
Whiterock Conservancy
Wilderness Voyageurs Bike Tours

For directions and more information on the announcement party

For Directions to the Expo Hall, Lodging and the RAGBRAI Announcement Party check here

Have Fun!

Enjoy paging through the 2019 Bike/Hike Winter Planning Guide for more fun rides and events. Working on the annual spring editions, coming in April, we uncovered many events for this winter e-guide. Enjoy exploring maps locations in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin!

The new 2019 e-guide is here for planning your next bike adventure

Enjoy paging through the 2019 Bike/Hike Winter Planning Guide for events and fun places to ride. Working on the annual spring editions, coming in April, we uncovered many fun facts for this planning e-guide. See many maps we have identified in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin for your #NextBikeAventure

Thanks for viewing our new 2019 bike planning e-guide

Now rolling into our 12th year as a bike media, our goal is to encourage more people to have fun. In this expanded e-guide issue, we have added more free bike maps to review for planning your next adventure.

As we continue to showcase more destinations you can explore, we are all about capturing fun photos to capture those memories. Hopefully, some worth a grin. As you scroll through the information and stories we have posted, enjoy!

Do you have a fun bicycle related photo of yourself or someone you may know that we should post at HaveFunBiking (HFB)? If so, please send your picture(s) to [email protected]. Please include a brief caption (for each), who is in the photo (if you know?) and where you shot the picture. Your photo submitted should be at a medium resolution or more, for consideration. If we do use your photo, you will receive photo credit at HaveFunBiking and acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As we continue to encourage more people to bike, please view our Destination section at for your next bike adventure. Here you will find all the information you will need when visiting one of our Community Map Partners, accessible on your mobile-friendly devices.

Watch for our spring print guides in April.

As 30-Days of Biking progresses in April, the spring 2019 Bike/Hike Guides will be available in both print and digital format. So bookmark and find your next adventure.

Please share all our pic’s with your friends and us on our Facebook and Instagram. Don’t forget to smile; we may be around the next corner with our HFB camera, ready to capture you for the next ‘Pic of the Day’ posts.

Have a great day and a memorable New Year!

The Strider Snow Cup has been dubbed the “Toddler Tour de France,” and will be held at Buck Hill, in Burnsville, MN on March 2nd.

More kids on bikes with the 2019 Strider Snow Cup at Buck Hill

by Leslie Prevish

The Strider Snow Cup has been dubbed the “Toddler Tour de France” by the Wall Street Journal, ESPN and others. A world leader in teaching young children to ride and rip on two wheels, Strider Bike has announced Buck Hill, in Burnsville, Minnesota, will host the Snow Cup on March 2nd. Toddlers ages five and under will shred the bunny slopes on their Strider 12 Bikes outfitted with the Strider Snow Ski accessory for a day of snow-filled fun. This family-friendly Snow Cup program is an extension to Striders events, offering a much different climate for two-wheeling toddlers to ride in.

Toddler Powder Takeover Set for 2019 Strider Snow Cup

After numerous successful Strider Snow Cup events held across the globe, including Russia, Japan, and the United Kingdom. This event at Buck Hill marks the first Strider Snow Cup in the United States since 2013.

Using Strider’s accessories the Strider 12 Balance Bike can be converted for use in the snow. This makes riding year-round fun and in any climate a reality.

Snow Cup attendees can expect an atmosphere of fun and encouragement. As toddlers put their Strider skills to the test, the atmosphere will make for unforgettable video and photos.

Pre-registration for the Strider Snow Cup is required. Each child that registers receives a Strider Snow Cup bib, Strider goodie bag valued at over $50, and a single-day use lift ticket to Buck Hill for their parent or guardian ($45 value). Registration is $36 and now open at

The Strider Snow Cup Series

This will be the first Strider Cup Race of 2019 in the United States, find more races scheduled below, as the snow melts:

  • May 4, 2019: LA Live, Los Angeles
  • June 15, 2019: Boulder Civic Area (Central Park), Boulder, Colorado
  • July 6, 2019: The Commons, Minneapolis
  • October 4-5, 2019: NASCAR Hall of Fame, Charlotte, North Carolina (Strider Cup World Championship).

 No qualification is necessary to participate in a Strider Cup or Strider Cup World Championship event. Registration for the May – October 2019 races will be available January 2019 at Dates and locations subject to change.

About Strider Sports International, Inc.

Strider creates and inspires future generations of riders by giving children as young as six months old the best first-bike experience. Strider Bikes revolutionized the bike’s design to develop a child’s balance first and pairs each balance bike with a proven learn-to-ride process. Children across the globe are starting out on a Strider Bike and becoming two-wheeling virtuosos – before they’re out of diapers.

Founded in 2007, in Rapid City, South Dakota, Strider has sold more than 2 million bikes and is distributed in more than 75 countries. Visit www.StriderBikes.comFacebook or Instagram.

This special day began last year and on December 1st, is a way to bring special attention to local bike shops when the cycling season has slowed down. Like other brick and mortar retail establishments, shops are seeing less and less foot traffic especially this time of the year.

Get to know the people who service your bicycle on Bike Shop Day

So what is Bike Shop Day, and what inspired it you ask?

This special day began last year on December 9th as a way to bring special attention to local bike shops when the cycling season has slowed down. Like other brick and mortar retail establishments, bike shops are seeing less and less foot traffic especially this time of the year. Looking for ways to get people into their shop, 718 Cyclery, in Brooklyn, NY, created Bike Shop Day as an open-source event to get people into bicycle oriented stores during a slow period before the holidays.

Bike Shop Day is a special day to bring special attention to local bike shops when the cycling season has slowed down.

Bike Shop Day is a special day to bring special attention to local bike shops when the cycling season has slowed down.

Taking the idea from the record industry and their national Record Store Day, 718 Cycle took the ideas, with many other bicycle stores around the country joined in. Like many other shops, across the U.S. in 2017, stores invited people in for an event with sales, demos, food and a party. The rest is history and with the success last year the date has changed to the first Saturday in December, this year.

Why you should visit your Bike Shop on December 1st

Some of the benefits of attending this special day, shops offer free classes on maintaining your bike, to tours around the neighborhood, etc. It is also a good time to visit and get to know the shop mechanic, so you know them on a first name basis for future reference. Plus, there are some special prizes for stopping in and saying hi. Plus, you might find that perfect Christmas gift.

Bike Shop Day serves to connect the independent bike shop with the community as a beacon of inclusiveness, a healthy lifestyle and sustainable local business practices. Like the 718 Cyclery, check out your favorite bike shop in your area to see what they are planning for December 1st.

For Bike Shops

For this year’s event, on December 1, 2018,  718 Cyclery is asking all participating shops and vendors to submit a proposal for an event that serves to welcome people who are underrepresented in the cycling industry. Go to there website at