Search results for: “wind”
Wind-Blox Reduces Wind Noise For Rider Safety
Wind noise has long been an annoyance when riding a bike and can also be a safety issue when it comes to hearing approaching automobiles. Now there is a new product called Wind Blox, designed to help reduce wind noise, allowing a cyclist to hear better while riding. After a successful Kickstarter campaign in the…
Fun ideas to stay fit once snow arrives
Living in the upper Midwest with four unique seasons, fat biking can be a fun way to pass the time in the winter while getting a good cardio workout. Many studies state the benefits of staying active in cold weather, and riding a fat bike will do that. As an avid cross-country skier, with climate…
Preparing your bike for storage, a check list help protect your gear
Having enjoyed another summer season of cycling with many great memories, it’s time to think about preparing your bike for winter storage. Unless you plan to pedal your two-wheel steed throughout the winter, wouldn’t it be nice when the temperature warms next spring if you are ready to ride?
What to wear for fall bike riding
Rather than putting a bike in storage early due to the fluctuation in weather, here’s the answer you’re looking for. To conquer this fall problem, wear layers. While this might seem obvious, the key lies in correctly layering appropriate clothing. If correctly done, it can optimize comfort for the rider. Not only that, but it…
Have you seen the giant trolls in Detroit Lakes?
If you are a gamer, outdoor enthusiast, or fan of fairy tales, you will appreciate visiting the giant trolls in Detroit Lakes (DL). The storyline here is a slight twist to a version of Alice in Wonderland. Thomas Dambo, the curator, spins a folk tale about one of the giant trolls, Alexa Elixer. Who breaks a curse…
Last chance to register for the musical Saint Paul Classic fall bicycle ride
The 30th Annual Saint Paul Classic Bike Tour is a music-filled fall bicycle ride through the Capital City. It offers fun for all who participate. This year’s ride on Sunday, September 8, will again showcase the beauty of the east Twin Cities Metro Area. Riders will celebrate riding through historic neighborhoods along the 12.5-mile “Lollipop…