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West Bend donates to Kids ‘n Kinship thanks to bike sale efforts

Rick Anderson and his wife, Lise were recently recognized for their bike sale fundraising and mentoring by insurance carrier, West Bend. West Bend donated $10,000 to Kids ‘n Kinship, a cause Rick and Lise have been involved with for many years.  Congratulations!

Ricks Sale
Rick, in his garage, preparing bikes for his sale last year

Over the past six year’s securing bike donations that he can fix up and sell, Rick Anderson, of Apple Valley, Minn. have raised $48,584 for Kids ‘n Kinship. Last year he refurbished, sold and donated the proceeds from 163 bikes and is looking for even more for his next sale, which will be held again in May.

If that old kiddie bike, cruiser, mountain bike or road bike is collecting dust in the corner of the garage, consider donating it to a great cause.  Rick Anderson is seeking bike donations for his 7th annual bike sale. Proceeds benefit Kids ‘n Kinship, a local non-profit mentoring program in Dakota County.

Rick is now taking bike donations until he has more than he can handle!  Rick can be reached  ricka@pcgagencies.com or 952-322-4729 to setup a pickup or drop off time.

As the sale continues to get bigger each year, Rick is seeking additional help from the community.  Much of the bike refurbishing is simply cleaning the donated bikes, however if you have some bike maintenance experience Rick would greatly appreciate your help.  Rick is extremely flexible and would be happy to teach you a few things about bike tune-ups as well.

For more information on Kids ‘n Kinship visit their website www.kidsnkinship.org. Details on the 2015 sale will be released at a later date.  Thank you for your support.