Tag: Charity bike sale
Seventh Annual Bike Sale Benefits Local Youth Program
Cycling enthusiast Rick Anderson is ready for his seventh annual bike sale, benefiting the Kids ‘n Kinship mentoring program. The sale is this Saturday May 16, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at his Apple Valley, Minn. home. Throughout the year, Anderson along with other volunteers gather and tune up donated bikes and sell…
West Bend donates to Kids ‘n Kinship thanks to bike sale efforts
Rick Anderson and his wife, Lise were recently recognized for their mentoring and bike sale fundraiser by insurance carrier, West Bend. West Bend donated $10,000 to Kids ‘n Kinship, a cause Rick and Lise have been involved with for many years. Congratulations, Rick! (In the photo above from left, Lise and Rick Anderson and Jane…