Tag: Minnesota’s Capital City
Last chance to register for the musical Saint Paul Classic fall bicycle ride
The 30th Annual Saint Paul Classic Bike Tour is a music-filled fall bicycle ride through the Capital City. It offers fun for all who participate. This year’s ride on Sunday, September 8, will again showcase the beauty of the east Twin Cities Metro Area. Riders will celebrate riding through historic neighborhoods along the 12.5-mile “Lollipop…
Bike Pic Sept 25, fun riding into the Monday morning sun, or rain?
Fun riding into the Monday morning sun, hopefully not rain?
Bike Pic Aug 08, on the MRT with Bike MN watching over
This Tuesday, consider a Minnesota section of the Mississippi River Trail
Bike Pic Sept 22, enjoy this first day of fall 2022
This Thursday, have fun on the first day of the fall!
Bike Pic Sept 17, another fun day riding into the Monday morning sun
These two biker chicks ride into the Monday morning sun.
Bike Pic Sept 08, have fun and enjoy all the ride events this weekend
Have fun this Saturday and enjoy all the weekend ride events