Tag: BMX
Kid’s bikes are the gateway to a lifetime of fun.
Knowing the differences between kids’ bikes when it is time to get your child on a bicycle will make your job easier. Whether it’s the first bike or an upgrade to a bigger size. Here are some tips so you know what’s best for your young rider.
Bike Pic June 22, rain continues to summer plans
This Saturday, dress accordingly as more rain is in the forecast.
Bike Pic April 9, a little monkey fun on 30 Days of Biking
A fun time this Tuesday for some monkey business
Bike Pic April 27, another soggy day of 30 Days of Biking
This 30 Days of Biking Thursday, rain gear can make a ride fun
Need a Bike? Rick’s used bike sale benefits kids youth program
Are you looking for a gently used bike? If you are and you are in the south Twin City Metro on Saturday, June 18th, you may be in luck. For the fourteenth year, Rick’s annual used bike sale benefits a kid’s youth program and you can find a deal on a used bike. This year…
Bike Pic Aug 31, La Crosse Bicycle Festival, a Labor Day Weekend of Fun!
Here in this photo, at the Annual La Crosse Bicycle Festival over Labor Day weekend, people gather from all over the country to enjoy the ice cream tours and pump track fun