The 30th Annual Saint Paul Classic Bike Tour is a music-filled fall bicycle ride through the Capital City. It offers fun for all who participate. This year’s ride on Sunday, September 8, will again showcase the beauty of the east Twin Cities Metro Area. Riders will celebrate riding through historic neighborhoods along the 12.5-mile “Lollipop Loop,” the 30-mile Saint Paul Grand Round, or add a lap around Lake Phalen for 33 miles. Registration for the event closes this Thursday, September 5th.
About this fall bicycle ride

The Saint Paul Classic Bike Tour is one of the most comfortable, family-friendly bike rides in Minnesota. Known throughout the area for its quality, all proceeds from this fall bicycle ride support the mission-driven work of the Friends of the Parks and Trails.
The Classic is an excellent experience for all ages and skill levels. In this relaxed environment, the tour winds through historic neighborhoods, beautiful parks and parkways, and the revitalized downtown riverfront. Join new and old friends for a non-competitive, go-at-your-own-pace- ride, with rest stops full of tasty treats. All you need to do is:
- Participate in an event that champions bicycling
- Choose a route distance you are comfortable with
- Enjoy mostly traffic-free cycling, with much of the tour closed to motorists
- Rest assured, medics, police, and SAG wagons are on hand for your safety and convenience
- Enjoy fresh, local produce and baked goods at each well-stocked rest stop
- Groove to the live music performed by local artists at each rest stop
- Have fun!
The Saint Paul Bike Classic registration.

About Friends of the Parks and Trails of St. Paul and Ramsey County
Friends of the Parks and Trails is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that promotes public support and appreciation of parks and trails in St. Paul and Ramsey County. For 39 years, they have worked tirelessly to Promote park-friendly policies, participate in parks and trail planning, protect the Mississippi River and the land around it, and preserve open spaces within the community. See more here.