Category: Uncategorized
Bike Pic April 17, miles of smiles Sunday on a tandem fatty
This ‘Miles of Smiles Sunday’ photo here shows a young couple on a tandem fat bike having fun riding the trails at Bootleg Canyon Mountain Bike Park, in Nevada.
Bike and birding Minnesota’s Parks and Trails
A morning bike ride along the trails and through the parks will offer a chorus of bird songs that will only intensify as the season progresses. Woodpeckers are the exception to the courting and territorial songs of most birds. Their “song” is a distinctive drumming on anything that will amplify the noise. Around the Three…
Family Bike Trip – First Time
My family and I had been on several short bike camping trips close to home, over the last few years. This past summer, we stepped it up a notch to spend a week on a family bike tour. It was the vacation of a lifetime. As we discovered a family bike that: inevitably involve some…
Cycling Central London’s superhighways
Following an announcement from London’s mayor Boris Johnson, yesterday, cycling in central London looks set to become significantly safer. Two new Cycling Superhighways are planned for the city, and – subject to final approval from Transport for London – work on building the routes will begin in March.
Local Bike Shops and Greg LeMond Sling Wrenches this Tuesday
If you have time come to Free Bikes 4 Kidz (FB4K’s) charity event for an evening of fun while volunteering to clean or wrench on some of the thousands of bikes donated, come check out the action. Twin City bike shops and race teams sling wrenches with Greg LeMond this coming Tuesday, November 11th, from…
Jail Trail Race Recap -MN High School Cycling League
In a series of five race, the MN High School Cycling League shares the highlights from Race #2, on the Jail Trail in St. Cloud. On September 21st, conditions were ideal for 450 high school student battling it out for points and race day trophies. Now its on to Race #3 this coming this Sunday,…
Mankato River Ramble, One More MN Bike Ride
With a recap of the Saint Paul Classic Bike Tour, on September 7th, recreational riders have another chance to ride with the Mankato River Ramble. As the bike events here in the upper Midwest winds down, come and find out why Mankato thinks its Minnesota’s best kept secret, as a bicycle destination.