Tag: Top Bike Commuting Cities
‘Bikes vs. Cars’ documentry showing in Minneapolis
You may be interested in an upcoming bicycle related documentary that will be showing in Minneapolis in early March. The documentary is titled ‘Bikes vs. Cars’, and is described by the film team as ‘an award-winning film that explores issues facing bicyclists, improving urban mobility, and implications for the world if we do not work…
Bike Pic Feb. 16, happy commuting to work!
This bike rider is happy to go back to work after a long weekend pedaling around the Twin Cities Gateway Area and along the Mississippi River Trail (MRT) on his fat tired cycle.
Best Cities for Biking to Work
In honor of National Bike Month TIME Magazine, in an article, rounded up the best nine U.S. cities for people who want to commute by bicycle. To find out which cities would make the cut for such a list, TIME asked three veteran bicycle policy advocates for their input. Many of the cycling-friendly cities selected have special…