In honor of National Bike Month TIME Magazine, in an article, rounded up the best nine U.S. cities for people who want to commute by bicycle. To find out which cities would make the cut for such a list, TIME asked three veteran bicycle policy advocates: Andy Clarke, president of the League of American Bicyclists; Jim Sayer, executive director of the Adventure Cycling Association; and Tim Blumenthal, president of PeopleForBikes, for their input. Many of the cycling-friendly cities selected have special bike lanes that are protected from traffic, bike-sharing systems, plenty of parking spots for bikes, and active bike lobbyist and city officials committed to enacting policies that make bicycling safer and easier.

Here is TIME’s List:
- Portland, OR
- Washington D.C.
- San Francisco, CA
- Minneapolis, MN
- Philadelphia, PA
- Davis, CA
- Boulder, CO
- Seattle, WA
- Chicago, IL
Source: TIME magazine