Tag: headlight
Bike lights will help to keep you safe day and night!
No matter your level of bicycle riding skills, bike lights are essential to make sure you have a safe ride, day or night. Bike lights aren’t only needed when the sun goes down. In fact, lights are super helpful when riding in conditions where traffic may be present or there is limited visibility so you are…
With more darkness then daylight the zen and the art of night biking
Seasons change and eventually we are left with more night than day. This annual march to the darkest day of the year was the inspiration Frost needed to write Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening and on occasion my “Little Horse” asks if “there is some mistake”, but of course frost was talking about…
A first look at the revolutionary MagicShine Genie Helmet
Recently we reviewed a light from the wizards over at MagicShine, The MJ-900B. With that are package, they also included an amazing helmet, the Genie. The Genie is a revolutionary helmet that boasts a headlight and tail light as well as remote activated turn signals. Read on to see some more detail.