As Black Friday excites many, off from school and work, too take advantage of all the pre-holiday specials, don't forget to take a break from your outdoor activities and shopping for some ice cream.

Ice Cream Smiles Friday, Taking a Break From Black Friday

As Black Friday excites many, off from school and work as they take advantage of all the pre-holiday specials and fun, don’t forget to take a break from your outdoor activities and shopping today for some ice cream.

As the first winter storm blows through, take a break and have some ice cream.

Ice Cream Smiles Friday, Enjoy a Treat as the Storm Blows Over

As the first winter storm blows through the upper Midwest, take a break and have some ice cream while reflecting on all the fun you had this last summer and what is ahead.

It's Ice Cream Smiles Friday and these ladies know a where to find a good rest stop after riding their bikes in the LaCross WI Area.

Ladies Know a Sweet Rest Stop on Ice Cream Smiles Friday

It’s Ice Cream Smiles Friday and these ladies know a where to find a rest stop with a cool treat this afternoon.

It's Ice Cream Smiles Friday and he earned his treat.

It’s Ice Cream Smiles Friday and He Earned His Cool Treat

It’s Ice Cream Smiles Friday and he earned his cool treat. Photo was taken last year at the National Bicycle Tourism Conference, in San Diego, CA.

It's Ice Cream Smiles Friday and all she wants is a lick. Especially because its National Chocolate Day.

Ice Cream Smiles Friday Celebrates National Chocolates Day

It’s Ice Cream Smiles Friday and all she wants is a lick. Especially because its National Chocolate Day and his cone is full of white chocolate and raspberry chunks.

Stopping at Doc's, in Spring Grove, for some ice cream before riding further on the the Root River Bluff & Valley Bike Tour.

Ice Cream Smiles Friday on the Root River Bluff & Valley Bike Tour

It’s Ice Cream Smiles Friday and today we found a picture from the Root River Bluff & Valley Bike Tour that happened this summer. Next year’s Bluff & Valley Tour will take place July 7, 8 & 9, starting in Peterson, MN.