Its Ice Cream Smiles Sunday and here a couple AAA staff members tip a cone after spending the day introducing their new Roadside Service program for bikes, in Iowa

Bike Pic Aug 6, Ice Cream Smile Sunday celebrates AAA’s Roadside Service

Its Ice Cream Smiles Sunday and here a couple AAA staff members tip a cone after spending the day introducing their new Roadside Service bike program, in Iowa

Its Ice Cream Smiles Sunday and here are a couple ladies celebrating RagBrai 2017 with Ice cream. So pump up the tires and plan your #NextBikeAdventure.

Bike Pic July 30, Ice Cream Smiles Sunday Adds Fun To The Weekend

Its Ice Cream Smiles Sunday and here we have a couple ladies celebrating RAGBRAI 2017 with Ice cream. So pump up the tires and plan your #NextBikeAdventure with a stop at your favorite ice cream shop.

Ice Cream Smiles Sunday in Peterson MN, a block of the Root River Trail.

Bike Pic May 7, Ice Cream Smiles Sunday in Peterson MN, Enjoying a Cool Treat

Ice Cream Smiles Sunday in Peterson MN, enjoying a cool treat a block of the Root River Trail, near the history museum full of Norwegian artifacts.

Ice Cream Sunday is back this week! Ice cream makes life better so head on down to your local ice cream parlor and order a scoop or two.

Bike Pic March 26, Ice Cream Sunday, Life Is Better With A Scoop, Or Two.

Ice Cream Sunday is back this week! Ice cream makes life better so head on down to your local ice cream parlor and order a scoop or two.

It's Sunday again which means, Ice Cream Smiles Sunday is back at it again this week!

Bike Pic Jan 22, Ice Cream Smiles Sunday Out On Our Root River Trail

It’s Sunday again which means, Ice Cream Smiles Sunday is back at it again this week!

As the snow keeps falling across most of Minnesota, take a break this Friday to enjoy some ice cream or even make your own Snow Cream?

Ice Cream Smiles Friday, Snow Cream Anyone?

As the snow keeps falling across most of Minnesota, take a break this Friday to enjoy some ice cream or even make your own Snow Cream?