Tag: fun bike photo opportunities
Bike Pic Oct 28, bicycle trek along the MRT
Here in the photo four bicycle trekkers prepare to leave St Paul, MN on the first day of their 550 mile journey on the Mississippi River Trail (MRT).
Bike Pic – Oct. 8, Fix My Seat
This young lady is ready to take a tandem fat bike out for a test ride once her bike seat is adjusted and she finds a stoker.
Bike Pic – Oct. 7, Taste of the Trail Success
Cyclists photo, above, was captured on the Root River Trail as she was riding out of Peterson, MN. after enjoying the Taste of the Trail which concluded the last Saturday in September, on the Houston – Rushford section of the 68-mile paved trail system.
Bike Pic – Oct. 5, Find Your Next Adventure
The summer riding memories photo was captured at a festival in Minnesota this last summer. To help you find your next adventure, bookmark the Have Fun Bike Guide for all types of year-round bike events.
Bike Pic – Oct. 4, Fun-One Crossing To The Next
Mountain biker enjoys the trail loops in this park, from one crossing to the next. For more information on Minnesota’s Mountain Biking parks and events see MORC (Minnesota Off-Road Cyclists) website.
Bike Pic – October 2, Ice Cream Smiles Friday
Ice Cream Smiles Friday, above we found this cyclist enjoying a cone before finishing her ride.
Bike Pic – October 1, Mountain Bike Festival Fun
Dad I am ready, I have checked out the course for the Wild Ride Mountain Bike Festival, with Strider Bikes for Kids, at Lebanon Hills Regional Park, can we go? Dakota County Park’s is hosting this annual mountain bike event here at Lebanon Park for both beginner and experienced mountain bikers that come out -…
Bike Pic – Sept. 29, Confidence or independence?
Confidence or Independence? Photo demonstrates “how young kids need a courageous spirit to adjust to the surefire changes that come along with growing up”, according to Robin Westin from Parent Magazine.