Tag Archives: fun bike photo opp.

Pic of the Day – July 22, So. Minneapolis

An early lap of the Wells Fargo Women’s Cup, at the Southside Sprint, in Minneapolis this last Sunday. With hundreds of spectators and perfect weather even the kids had fun taking a lap around the course and each winning a medal.

Following the Women's Cup, in Minneapolis, the next event was the Family Dental Clinic Dash, which proved to be very popular.

Following the Women’s Cup, in Minneapolis, the next event was the Family Dental Clinic Dash, which proved to be very popular.

For more information about the Southside Sprint, usually on the 3rd Sunday in July each year, check out their website.


Pic of the Day – July 21, Mankato

A great day for a bike ride in Mankato, MN. See all the fun option for visiting and riding there in the HaveFunBiking At-A-Glance article.

Thanks for viewing the Bike Pic of the Day here at HaveFunBiking, hope you enjoy the photo?

Now, rolling into our 10th year as a bicycle media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike, while showcasing unforgettable places to ride. As we search and post more fun photos worth a grin, scroll through the information and stories we have posted to help you find your next adventure. Then, if you see us along a paved or mountain bike trail, next to the route you regularly commute, or at an event you plan to attend with your bike, be prepared to smile. You never know where camera will be and what we will posted next!

Do you have a fun photo of yourself or someone you know that you would like to see us publish? If so, please send it our way and we may use it. Send your picture(s) to [email protected] with a brief caption (of each), including who is in the photo (if you know) and where it was taken. Photo(s) should be at least 620 pixels wide for us to post. If we use your photo, you will receive photo credit and an acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As HaveFunBiking continues to encourage more people to ride, please reference our blog and the annual bike guide to find your next adventure. We are proud of the updated, at-a-glance information, and maps we are known for in the Destination section of our website. Now, as the Bike/Hike Guide goes into its seventh year of production, we are adding a whole new dimension of bicycle tourism information available for mobile device. Plus, beginning September 2015, this year’s e-version of the Guide will move to quarterly editions where you may see some additional bike pics posted.

 Bookmark HaveFunBiking.com and find your next adventure – we may capture you in a pic to post!

Pic of the Day – July 17th, St Cloud – MRT

photos Diane Zeiss

As you consider riding Minnesota’s MRT, here are several photos from the 2012 HaveFunBiking, Mississippi River Trail ride stopping at the Munsinger Garden and Clemens Garden, located on the banks of the Mississippi in bike friendly St. Cloud. A great place to ride and relax.

At the Munsinger Garden and Clemens Garden, find the grounds here relaxing before continuing your journey by bike or water. photo Diane Xeiss

At the Munsinger Garden and Clemens Garden find the grounds here relaxing before continuing your journey by bike or canoe. photo Diane Xeiss

A perfect place for a picnic lunch as you ride the Mississippi River Trail. photo Diane Ziess

A perfect place for a picnic lunch as you ride the Mississippi River Trail. photo Diane Zeiss

As you look out from the banks in the park you may see a Mallard resting from the heat of the day. photo

As you look out from the banks, in the park, you may see a Mallard resting from the heat of a warm summer day. photo Diane Xeiss

Pic of the Day – July 8th, Gilbert, MN

A staple of many bicyclist, ice cream!  Photo, captured near Gilbert, Minn. on the Mesabi Trail.

Thanks for viewing the Bike Pic of the Day here at HaveFunBiking, hope you enjoy the photo?

Now, rolling into our 10th year as a bicycle media, our goal is to continue to encourage more people to bike, while showcasing unforgettable places to ride. As we search and post more fun photos worth a grin, scroll through the information and stories we have posted to help you find your next adventure. Then, if you see us along a paved or mountain bike trail, next to the route you regularly commute, or at an event you plan to attend with your bike, be prepared to smile. You never know where camera will be and what we will posted next!

Do you have a fun photo of yourself or someone you know that you would like to see us publish? If so, please send it our way and we may use it. Send your picture(s) to [email protected] with a brief caption (of each), including who is in the photo (if you know) and where it was taken. Photo(s) should be at least 620 pixels wide for us to post. If we use your photo, you will receive photo credit and an acknowledgment on Facebook and Instagram.

As HaveFunBiking continues to encourage more people to ride, please reference our blog and the annual bike guide to find your next adventure. We are proud of the updated, at-a-glance information, and maps we are known for in the Destination section of our website. Now, as the Bike/Hike Guide goes into its seventh year of production, we are adding a whole new dimension of bicycle tourism information available for mobile device. Plus, beginning September 2015, this year’s e-version of the Guide will move to quarterly editions where you may see some additional bike pics posted.

 Bookmark HaveFunBiking.com and find your next adventure – we may capture you in a pic to post!