Tag: Erik’s Bike Sponsor
Bike Pic April 22, two days until the 50th Minnesota Ironman
A Minnesota tradition join the fun, Sunday, April 24th for the Minnesota Ironman Bike Ride in Stillwater MN – No swimming or running required and bragging rights are guaranteed.
Bike Pic April 18, a Minnesota bike tradition 6-days and counting
Here on their tandem bike John Morast, Kathy Johnson and fido are looking forward to the 50th Minnesota Ironman this Sunday. Start your summer bicycle season riding the Ironman with no swimming, no running required. Just a fun bike ride with bragging rights guaranteed.
Bike Pic April 14, nine-days and counting for a fun MN tradition
Here are riders at the 2015 Minnesota Ironman Bike Ride. Start your summer bicycle riding season riding the 50th Ironman – no swimming, no running required – Just a fun bike ride with bragging rights guaranteed. Plus, sign up here before 5 p.m. today and save.
Bike Pic April 11, long range forecasts predicts sun for Ironman
Weather models show a high probability of sun in the forecast for the 50th Minnesota Ironman Bike Ride, on April 24th. Start your summer bicycle riding season with this anniversary event, no swimming, no running required – Just a fun bike ride with bragging rights guaranteed.
Bike Pic April 4, a Minnesota ride tradition 19-days and counting
Only 19-days until the 50th Annual Minnesota Ironman Bicycle Ride, Sunday April 24, are you ready to claim your bragging rights? In the photo here, riders from the 2015 ride are leaving from under the Red Bull banner as they roll out from the Washington County Fairgrounds.
Bike Pic March 30, bikers of all skill levels find MN Ironman fun
With 24-days remaining for the 50th Anniversary of the Minnesota Ironman Bike Ride it is always great to see bicyclists of all skill levels, fast or slow, join in on all of the fun regardless of the weather.