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Join old and new friends on the Root River Bluff & Valley Bicycle Tour, July 7,8 & 9th.

Room for 20 More Riders On the 3-Day Weekend Root River Bike Tour

Do you and your friends have a desire to explore the Root River Valley in Minnesota’s Bluff Country? We have made room for 20 more cyclists to join the fun on this 3-day Bluff & Valley Bike Tour, July 7, 8 &  9. With warm summer temperatures, it’s a perfect time to pedal your way up and explore. There are weathered ravines on roadways that take you to the top of limestone bluffs. You’ll have a chance to visit a general store from the 1800’s that is still in operation today. There’s also a stop at the National Owl Center. Plus, you can also experience riding on the Amish Buggy Byway. These are just a few of the tour highlights of Bluff Country, as you ride in and out of the picturesque Root River Valley.

Register Today For A Spot On the Root River Bike Tour

Click on the Root River Bluff & Valley Bike Tour and use the code 9ECPL6L1CJ for the $245 extended 3-day tour rate. Please note: this price does not include the tour bike jersey. You can purchase a jersey separately and it will be mailed to you after the tour is complete.

The following are estimates of distance for each day as all routes are being reviewed by both county and state departments. Upcoming road construction may change the route and mileage. Currently, the distances are:

  • 58 miles for Day 1 [48 miles using RR Trail short cut]
  • 62 miles for Day 2 [48 miles using RR Trail short cut]
  • 56 miles for Day 3 [40 miles using RR Trail short cut]

Check out more photos from last year’s tour and highlights planned for this July: https://havefunbiking.com/bluff-weekend-bike-ride/.

Here is your chance to join and experience the scenery along the Root River Trail. Have fun riding with friends and exploring bluff country wonders. To add this bike tour to your schedule, click here: Bluff & Valley Bike Tour. All ride participants can discover the many mysteries of the driftless area on this tour.