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Bike to Minnesota’s Salt Lake Birding Festival

With temperature predicted to return into the 60’s, you will find the 46th Annual Salt Lake Birding Weekend on April 27th. Located in Western Minnesota, you will find this event is bike-friendly, and the perfect way to explore the bird haunts. Consider packing up the bikes and family for a spring birding weekend in the Prairie Waters Region area for fun activities. With many birding haunts on local gravel roads, both fat and gravel-tire bikes work well to quietly approach and view the many species of birds returning to the area.

Bird watchers, looking out at several species of waterfall, on Salt Lake.
Bird watchers, looking out at several species of waterfowl on Salt Lake.

More on the Salt Lake Birding weekend

Volunteers are available to guide birders around Lac qui Parle and southern Big Stone counties over the weekend. Perfect bird viewing spots are around Salt Lake, in Big Stone Refuge, and many other lakes, wetlands, and native prairie areas. The event is free and open to all interested people – plus, no pre-registration is needed.

Each year birders will see many species of waterfowl, including Common Goldeneye and American Black Ducks. Also been spotted in past years. were Snowy and Cattle Egrets and White-faced Ibis. A number of birders located Bald Eagles and Great-horned Owls on nests in the area. Plus, birds usually found later in the year, including Black Tern, Least Flycatcher, and Black and White Warbler. The most unusual find was a Say’s Phoebe, the first time it’s been found by Salt Lake Birders here in Minnesota. Last year, over 90 birders found 143 different species of birds over the weekend. Check out this photo gallery of some of the birds you may see.

A number of species of waterfowl out in front of the viewing. deck, feeding.
A number of species of waterfowl are out in front of the viewing platform, feeding.

It all happens on  Saturday, April 29, with breakfast, at 7 a.m. at the Marietta American Legion. Located one block west of the intersection of County Road 7 and State Highway 40 (11 miles west of Madison).

See the HaveFunBiking.com  Prairie Waters Destination Page