Search results for: “bike tune up”
E-bike-maintenance, and what if it needs a repair?
Just like a regular bicycle, doing an ABC (Air, Brake & Chain) check regularly can help you avoid any unnecessary repairs and maximize your e-bike investment. E-bikes aren’t a one-and-done kind of purchase. You’ll need to consider the maintenance costs or have a good warranty because repairs can a shocker.
It’s bike month in Winona and fun anytime of the year to visit!
Celebrating communities coast to coast with National Bike Month, we wanted to share what residence of Winona, MN are saying. A Bronze Bike Friendly Community, this area offers many bike-related activities for you to enjoy any time of the year while visiting.
A promised return for a solo bike tour to Cambodia and Vietnam
My second Southeast Asian bike tour saw me again crossing the border to bicycle through Cambodia. After my first trip to Vietnam and Cambodia in 2014, I promised myself a return extended tour. Fortune smiled upon me and I returned for a 16-day solo tour that I will share with you – enjoy.
Bike Pic 30, fond summer memories on the cycle cross course
Reflecting back, there were a lot of fond summer memories this last year. Is your bike ready for that #nextbikeadventure ahead in 2018?
Bike Pic 13, fond summer memories on the cycle cross course
Reflecting back, there were a lot of fond summer memories this last year. Is your bike ready for that #nextbikeadventure that lays ahead in 2018?
Bike Pic 11, fond summer memories, prep your bike for 2018
Reflecting back, there were a lot of fond summer memories this last year. Is your bike ready for that #nextbikeadventure that lays ahead in 2018?
The Frog 62 shows off a new approach in kid’s bike design
It almost feels like Christmas here at Why such a great day?…..Because we have a new bike to review! The Frog 62 is special because, for the first time this writer won’t be the one reviewing it – more about that in a bit.
Strider’s 14x is a new breed of balance bikes and out of the box
We’ve talked a lot about balance bikes in the past, and with good reason. Balance bikes teach children the most difficult aspect of riding in a fun and easy way. By doing away with the pedals, a balance bike allows kids to scoot along sidewalks and paths with relative ease while learning how to balance…
Lupine SL-A7 Road Light, out of the box and amazing first impression
I really didn’t know what to expect when I heard we were going to be reviewing Lupine’s new SL A7 light. This is by far the clearest and brightest 900 lumen light I have ever seen. My first experience with their product reinforced everything I have heard and more. Read on to learn more.
First Impressions of Sealskinz’ Super-visible Halo Overshoe
The pond in my back yard is frozen, the leaves are off the trees and the snow blower is ready. These are all signs that Minnesota is firmly in the act of becoming the ice planet Hoth, as history suggests. Happily, my transition into winter has been cushioned. I have some fine products to test,…